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Research Links : about 11-16 year old school pupils

19-01 The role of normative beliefs in the mediation of a school-based drug prevention program
19-01 Impacts of Medical Marijuana Laws on Young Americans Across the Developmental Spectrum
18-12 Age of tobacco use initiation and association with current use and nicotine dependence among US middle and high school students, 2014–2016
18-12 Age of first use, current marijuana use and driving after use among Canadian high school students
18-11 A qualitative exploration of school-based staff’s experiences of delivering an alcohol screening and brief intervention in the high school setting
18-11 Clusters of alcohol and drug use and other health-risk behaviors among Thai secondary school students
18-11 Tobacco and Alcohol on Television: A Content Analysis of Male Adolescents’ Favorite Shows
18-11 E-cigarette use is associated with other tobacco use among US adolescents
18-11 Effects of the social norms intervention The GOOD Life on norm perceptions, binge drinking and alcohol-related harms
18-11 Substance use and internalizing symptoms among high school students and access to health care services
18-11 Alcohol, tobacco, and marijuana expectancies as predictors of substance use initiation in adolescence
18-11 Impact of nearby smoking on adolescent smoking behavior in Korea
18-10 Trends in cannabis use over time among Canadian youth: 2004–2014
18-10 Binge drinking and frequent or heavy drinking among adolescents: prevalence and associated factors
18-10 Longitudinal association between tobacco use and the onset of depressive symptoms among Swedish adolescents: the Kupol cohort study
18-10 Alcohol audio-visual content in formula 1 television broadcasting
18-10 The magnitude and impact of tobacco marketing exposure in adolescents' day-to-day lives: An ecological momentary assessment (EMA) study
18-09 Adolescents, parents and teachers’ perceptions of risk and protective factors of substance use in Moroccan adolescents
18-09 Nicotine dependence among adolescents in the European Union: How many and who are affected?
18-09 Alcohol expectancy profile in late childhood with alcohol drinking and purchasing behaviors in adolescence
18-09 Elementary and middle school predictors of high school drinking problems and maladaptive coping
18-09 Exposure to drinking mediates the association between parental alcohol use and preteen alcohol use
18-09 Relative influence of perceived peer and family substance use on adolescent alcohol, cigarette, and marijuana use across middle and high school
18-09 The magnitude and impact of tobacco marketing exposure in adolescents' day-to-day lives
18-08 Early vascular damage from smoking and alcohol in teenage years: the ALSPAC study
18-08 Double hazard of smoking and alcohol on vascular function in adolescents
18-08 Attitudes toward Tobacco, Alcohol, and Non-Alcoholic Beverage Advertisement Themes among Adolescent Boys.
18-08 Association of BMI Changes Between Adolescence and Young Adulthood With Smoking Cessation
18-08 Patterns in first and daily cigarette initiation among youth and young adults from 2002 to 2015
18-07 Age of onset of cannabis use and decision making under uncertainty
18-07 Orbitofrontal connectivity is associated with depression and anxiety in marijuana-using adolescents
18-07 The Impact of Serious Educational Gameplay on Adolescent Binge Drinking Intentions
18-06 Drug utilisation among Dutch adolescents: a pharmacy prescription records study
18-06 Patterns of smoking initiation during adolescence and young adulthood in South-West China
18-06 Different Kinds of Lonely: Dimensions of Isolation and Substance Use in Adolescence
18-06 The Belfast Youth Development Study (BYDS): A prospective cohort study of the initiation, persistence and desistance of substance use from adolescence to adulthood in Northern Ireland
18-05 Drinking behaviours among children in England
18-04 The effectiveness of a theory-based drama intervention in preventing illegal drug use among students aged 14–15 years in Taiwan
18-04 Trends and Substance Use Associations With E-Cigarette Use in US Adolescents
18-04 15-year-old tobacco and alcohol abstainers in a drier generation: Characteristics and lifestyle factors in a Norwegian cross-sectional sample
18-04 Neighborhood conditions and trajectories of alcohol use and misuse across the early life course
18-04 Adolescent and young adult substance use in Australian Indigenous communities: a systematic review of demand control program outcomes
18-04 Ethnic and sex differences in E-cigarette use and relation to alcohol use in California adolescents
18-04 Impact of Marijuana Legalization in Colorado on Adolescent Emergency and Urgent Care Visits
18-04 Developmental sensitivity to cannabis use patterns and risk for major depressive disorder in mid-life: findings from 40 years of follow-up
18-04 Young Urban Adolescents' Activity Spaces, Close Peers, and the Risk of Cannabis Use:
18-04 Does exposure to parental substance use disorders increase offspring risk for a substance use disorder?
18-04 Disparities in tobacco use by adolescents in southeast, Nigeria using Global Youth Tobacco Survey (GYTS) approach
18-04 Drug use prevention: factors associated with program implementation in Brazilian urban schools
18-04 Tobacco outlet density and adolescents’ cigarette smoking: a meta-analysis

Sibling cigarette smoking and peer network influences on substance use potential among adolescent: a population based study


Marijuana use among youths in Mississippi, United States


E-cigarette advertising exposure in e-cigarette naïve adolescents and subsequent e-cigarette use


E-cigarette marketing exposure and combustible tobacco use among adolescents in the United States


Concurrent and Prospective Associations Between Substance-Specific Parenting Practices and Child Cigarette, Alcohol, and Marijuana Use


Associations between coping and marijuana use in a nationally representative sample of adolescents in the United States


Relations between Positive Temperament, Substance Use, and Internalizing Problems among Adolescents and Young Adults with and without Medical Conditions


Attitudes toward Tobacco, Alcohol, and Non-Alcoholic Beverage Advertisement Themes among Adolescent Boys


Association of parental supply of alcohol with adolescent drinking, alcohol-related harms, and alcohol use disorder symptoms


Alcohol distribution reforms and school proximity to liquor sales outlets in New Brunswick


Slim cigarette smoking prevalence among Canadian youth smokers: Implications for federal standardized packaging legislation


Addictive behaviors, social and psychosocial factors, and electronic cigarette use among adolescents: a population-based study


Association of Combined Patterns of Tobacco and Cannabis Use in Adolescence With Psychotic Experiences


Abstention from Drug Use and Delinquency Increasing Among Youth in the United States, 2002–2014


Trajectories of E-Cigarette and Conventional Cigarette Use Among Youth


Parents Who Allow Early Adolescents to Drink


Exposure to tobacco websites: Associations with cigarette and e-cigarette use and susceptibility among adolescents


Identifying patterns of tobacco use among US middle and high school students


E-Cigarette Susceptibility as a Predictor of Youth Initiation of E-Cigarettes


Effects of Varying Color, Imagery, and Text of Cigarette Package Warning Labels among Socioeconomically Disadvantaged Middle School Youth and Adult Smokers


Inappropriate self-medication among adolescents and its association with lower medication literacy and substance use


Cost-effectiveness of tobacco control policies and programmes targeting adolescents


The Effects of Gender- and Sexuality-Based Harassment on Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Substance Use Disparities


Ethnic Differences in Cigarette Use Trajectories and Health, Psychosocial, and Academic Outcomes


Should the Legal Age for Tobacco Be Raised? Results From a National Sample of Adolescents.


Does Shyness Interact With Peer Group Affiliation in Predicting Substance Use in Adolescence?


Age of Alcohol Initiation and Progression to Binge Drinking in Adolescence: A Prospective Cohort Study.


Socioeconomic status is associated with the prevalence and co-occurrence of risk factors for cigarette smoking initiation during adolescence.


Using Facebook to Recruit Parents to Participate in a Family Program to Prevent Teen Drug Use.


Weight Status and Cigarette and Electronic Cigarette Use in Adolescents.


Alcohol Initiation and Progression to Use, Heavy Episodic Use, and Alcohol Use Disorder Among Young Adolescents Ages 12–14 Living in U.S. Households


Evaluation of a novel intervention providing insight into the tobacco industry to prevent the uptake of smoking in school-aged children


Prevalence and Attitudes Regarding Marijuana Use Among Adolescents Over the Past Decade


Understanding the Highs and Lows of Adolescent Marijuana Use


Longitudinal Associations Between Marijuana-Related Cognitions and Marijuana Use in African-American and European-American Girls From Early to Late Adolescence


The impact of flavour, device type and warning messages on youth preferences for electronic nicotine delivery systems


Smoking, Drinking and Drug Use among Young People in England 2016


Trends in adolescent alcohol use in the Netherlands, 1992-2015: Differences across sociodemographic groups and links with strict parental rule-setting


Effectiveness of Fresh Start: A Randomized Study of a School-Based Program to Retain a Negative Attitude Toward Substance Use in Secondary School Freshmen


Associations of perceived interparental relationship, family harmony and family happiness with smoking intention in never-smoking Chinese children and adolescents


Parent participation in alcohol prevention


Asking youth about drug use in a survey did not increase the rates of self-reported drug use measured 1 year later.


A Survey on Caffeine Consumption and Risky Behaviors Among a Sample of Secondary School Students in Nigeria


Binge drinking and illicit drug use among adolescent students


Changing social norms: The impact of normative feedback included in motivational enhancement therapy on cannabis outcomes among heavy-using adolescents


Parental monitoring protects against the effects of parent and adolescent depressed mood on adolescent drinking


Early alcohol use with parental permission: Psychosocial characteristics and drinking in late adolescence


Are perceptions of social norms regarding peer alcohol and other drug use associated with personal use in Danish adolescents?


Trajectories of Cannabis Use Beginning in Adolescence Associated with Symptoms of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder in the Mid Thirties


Tobacco Use and Effects of Professional Advice on Smoking Cessation among Youth in India


New Zealand adolescents’ discouragement of smoking among their peers


Adolescent alcohol and cannabis use in Iceland


A Longitudinal Study Predicting Adolescent Tobacco, Alcohol, and Cannabis Use by Behavioral Characteristics of Close Friends


The Association Between Nonmedical Use of Prescription Drugs and Extreme Weight Control Behavior Among Adolescents


Intervention Effects on Stage Transitions for Adolescent Smoking and Alcohol Use Acquisition


The Prospective Relationship Between Distress Tolerance and Cigarette Smoking Expectancies in Adolescence


“Shoes on your hands”: perceptions of alcohol among young adolescents in Norway


Children's exposure to alcohol marketing within supermarkets


School, Friends, and Substance Use: Gender Differences on the Influence of Attitudes Toward School and Close Friend Networks on Cannabis Involvement


Designing a Health-Game Intervention Supporting Health Literacy and a Tobacco-Free Life in Early Adolescence


Cascades of emotional support in friendship networks and adolescent smoking


The association between personal income and smoking among adolescents: a study in six European cities


Prevalence of substance use among middle school-aged e-cigarette users compared with cigarette smokers, non-users and dual users: Implications for primary prevention


Associations between anhedonia and marijuana use escalation across mid-adolescence.


Trends in alcohol-related injury admissions in adolescents in Western Australia and England


Frequent Binge Drinking Among US Adolescents, 1991 to 2015


What could keep young people away from alcohol and cigarettes? Findings from the UK Household Longitudinal Study


Cognitive Appraisals of Alcohol Use in Early Adolescence: Psychosocial Predictors and Reciprocal Associations With Alcohol Use


Trends in characteristics and multi-product use among adolescents who use electronic cigarettes, United States 2011-2015


Parental Monitoring Moderates the Relation Between Radio Exposure and Adolescent Alcohol and Tobacco Use


Youth Problem Drinking: The Role of Parental and Familial Relationships


Predictors of smoking among primary and secondary school students in Botswana


Early maturation and substance use across adolescence and young adulthood: A longitudinal study of Finnish twins


Parental monitoring, adolescent dishonesty and underage drinking


Neural mechanisms of risky decision making in adolescents reporting frequent alcohol and/or marijuana use


Underage drinking, group identity and access to alcohol: a qualitative study of Chinese youths


Delivery of alcohol brief interventions in community-based youth work settings: exploring feasibility and acceptability in a qualitative study


Risk factors associated with tobacco, alcohol and drug use among adolescents attending secondary school in three cities from Argentina


Social Goals Impact Adolescent Substance Use through Influencing Adolescents


Social Mediation of Persuasive Media in Adolescent Substance Prevention.


Factors associated with younger adolescents


Counteracting the Influence of Peer Smoking on YouTube.


Electronic Cigarette Use by Youth: Prevalence, Correlates, and Use Trajectories From Middle to High School


Recommendations on behavioural interventions for the prevention and treatment of cigarette smoking among school-aged children and youth


Chinese male adolescents resisting cigarettes from peers: qualitative research on tactics, perceptions and contextual characteristics


Alcohol prevention for school students: Results from a 1-year follow up of a cluster-randomised controlled trial of harm minimisation school drug education


The association between alcohol use trajectories from adolescence to adulthood and cannabis use disorder in adulthood: a 22-year longitudinal study


Reducing the unacceptably high levels of alcohol marketing that Scottish children and young people are exposed to


Distinctive role of opinion leaders in the social networks of school adolescents: an investigation of e-cigarette use


Waterpipe tobacco smoking prevalence and illegal underage use in waterpipe-serving premises: a cross-sectional analysis among schoolchildren in Stoke-on-Trent


Which young people in England are most at risk of an alcohol-related revolving-door readmission career?


Beyond experimentation: Five trajectories of cigarette smoking in a longitudinal sample of youth


Cross-sectional study examining the prevalence, correlates and sequencing of electronic cigarette and tobacco use among 11–16-year olds in schools in Wales


E-cigarettes attract low risk adolescents to smoking, say researchers


Cohort study investigating the effects of first stage of the English tobacco point-of-sale display ban on awareness, susceptibility and smoking uptake among adolescents


Parents’ and peers’ normative influence on adolescents’ smoking: results from a Swiss-Italian sample of middle schools students


Alcohol Consumption, Early-Onset Drinking, and Health-Related Consequences in Adolescents Presenting at Emergency Departments in England


Engaging young people with film to encourage them and their peers not to smoke – The Cut Films project


Impact of The Real Cost Campaign on Adolescents’ Recall, Attitudes, and Risk Perceptions about Tobacco Use


Assessment of pain in adolescents: Influence of gender, smoking status and tobacco abstinence


Effects on alcohol use of a Swedish school-based prevention program for early adolescents


Polydrug use among urban adolescent cigarette smokers


Factors associated with electronic cigarette use among current cigarette-smoking adolescents in the Republic of Korea


The Associations Between E-Cigarettes and Binge Drinking, Marijuana Use, and Energy Drinks Mixed With Alcohol


E-cigarette Use Among Youth and Young Adults: A Report of the Surgeon General, 2016


A new era for drinking? Epidemiological evidence on adolescent male–female differences in drinking incidence in the United States and Europe


To Study, to Party, or Both? Assessing Risk Factors for Non-Prescribed Stimulant Use among Middle and High School Students


Implicit alcohol attitudes predict drinking behaviour over and above intentions and willingness in young adults but willingness is more important in adolescents: Implications for the Prototype Willingness Model


Children and cannabis use : Their mothers and smoking when pregnant


"Adolescent Cigarette Smoking Perceptions and Behavior: Tobacco Control Gains and Gaps Amidst the Rapidly Expanding Tobacco Products Market From 2001 to 2015"


"Alcohol marketing and young people – a literature review and mapping exercise"


Does Industry-Driven Alcohol Marketing Influence Adolescent Drinking Behaviour?


Australia's plain tobacco packs: anticipated and actual responses among adolescents and young adults


The Spread of Substance Use and Delinquency Between Adolescent Twins


Changes in Electronic Cigarette Use from 2013 to 2015 and Reasons for Use among Finnish Adolescents


Acute alcohol intoxication among adolescents—the role of the context of drinking


Intergenerational Continuity in Cannabis Use: The Role of Parent's Early Onset and Lifetime Disorder on Child's Early Onset


Substance consumption in adolescents with and without an immigration background: a representative study—What part of an immigration background is protective against binge drinking?


Teenage vapers and taking up smoking


What about just saying “no”? Situational abstinence from alcohol at parties among 13–15 year olds


Secondhand smoke from multiple sources, thirdhand smoke and respiratory symptoms in Hong Kong adolescents


A Within-Person Analysis of the Association between Borderline Personality Disorder and Alcohol Use in Adolescents


Sex-dependent effects of nicotine on the developing brain


SHEU links to research about E-cigarettes and young people


Electronic-cigarette Use and Respiratory Symptoms in Adolescents


The Great Recession, adolescent smoking and smoking inequalities: What role does youth unemployment play in 24 European countries?


Smoking in Movies and Adolescent Smoking Initiation: A Longitudinal Study among Argentinian Adolescents


New research by ASH finds use of electronic cigarettes remains low among young people


The Use of E-cigarettes Among School-Going Adolescents in a Predominantly Rural Environment of Central Appalachia


Scottish Schools Adolescent Lifestyle and Substance Use Survey Alcohol Summary Report 2015


Teenagers influenced by video games with alcohol and smoking content


Early predictors of maturing out of marijuana use among young men


E-cigarette use among students and e-cigarette specialty retailer presence near schools


How Is the Effect of Adolescent E-Cigarette Use on Smoking Onset Mediated


Youth Receptivity to FDA’s The Real Cost Tobacco Prevention Campaign: Evidence From Message Pretesting


Parental supply of alcohol and alcohol consumption in adolescence


Influence of Early Onset of Alcohol Use on the Development of Adolescent Alcohol Problems

Drugs, SRE
18-11 First Time Cannabis Use and Sexual Debut in U.S. High School Adolescents
Drugs, Health
18-06 Adolescents’ knowledge and perception of risk toward medicines
Drugs, Gambling, Other
18-06 The Stimulating Nature of Gambling Behaviors: Relationships Between Stimulant Use and Gambling Among Adolescents
Drugs, Mental Health
18-06 Trends and Patterns of Antidepressant Use in French Children and Adolescents From 2009 to 2016
18-06 The doctor who gave up drugs
Drugs, Mental Health 5-16+

School, Peer and Family Relationships and Adolescent Substance Use, Subjective Wellbeing and Mental Health Symptoms in Wales


Perceived control of anxiety as a moderator in the relationship between anxiety sensitivity and problematic alcohol use among adolescents


The association between adolescent cannabis use and anxiety


Process variables predicting changes in adolescent alcohol consumption and mental health symptoms following personality-targeted interventions


Anxiety and depression symptoms and alcohol use among adolescents

Drugs, Drugs - Alcohol

Effects of e-Cigarette Advertisements on Adolescents' Perceptions of Cigarettes

Drugs, Exercise

Physical Activity and Quit Motivation Moderators of Adolescent Smoking Reduction

Drugs, Education, SRE

Sex and Drugs and Starting School: Differences in Precollege Alcohol-Related Sexual Risk Taking by Gender and Recent Blackout Activity
