19-01 |
The role of normative beliefs in the mediation of a school-based drug prevention program
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19-01 |
Impacts of Medical Marijuana Laws on Young Americans Across the Developmental Spectrum
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18-12 |
Age of tobacco use initiation and association with current use and nicotine dependence among US middle and high school students, 2014–2016
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18-12 |
Age of first use, current marijuana use and driving after use among Canadian high school students
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18-11 |
A qualitative exploration of school-based staff’s experiences of delivering an alcohol screening and brief intervention in the high school setting
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18-11 |
Clusters of alcohol and drug use and other health-risk behaviors among Thai secondary school students
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18-11 |
Tobacco and Alcohol on Television: A Content Analysis of Male Adolescents’ Favorite Shows
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18-11 |
E-cigarette use is associated with other tobacco use among US adolescents
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18-11 |
Effects of the social norms intervention The GOOD Life on norm perceptions, binge drinking and alcohol-related harms
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18-11 |
Substance use and internalizing symptoms among high school students and access to health care services
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18-11 |
Alcohol, tobacco, and marijuana expectancies as predictors of substance use initiation in adolescence
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18-11 |
Impact of nearby smoking on adolescent smoking behavior in Korea
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18-10 |
Trends in cannabis use over time among Canadian youth: 2004–2014
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18-10 |
Binge drinking and frequent or heavy drinking among adolescents: prevalence and associated factors
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18-10 |
Longitudinal association between tobacco use and the onset of depressive symptoms among Swedish adolescents: the Kupol cohort study
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18-10 |
Alcohol audio-visual content in formula 1 television broadcasting
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18-10 |
The magnitude and impact of tobacco marketing exposure in adolescents' day-to-day lives: An ecological momentary assessment (EMA) study
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18-09 |
Adolescents, parents and teachers’ perceptions of risk and protective factors of substance use in Moroccan adolescents
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18-09 |
Nicotine dependence among adolescents in the European Union: How many and who are affected?
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18-09 |
Alcohol expectancy profile in late childhood with alcohol drinking and purchasing behaviors in adolescence
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18-09 |
Elementary and middle school predictors of high school drinking problems and maladaptive coping
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18-09 |
Exposure to drinking mediates the association between parental alcohol use and preteen alcohol use
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18-09 |
Relative influence of perceived peer and family substance use on adolescent alcohol, cigarette, and marijuana use across middle and high school
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18-09 |
The magnitude and impact of tobacco marketing exposure in adolescents' day-to-day lives
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18-08 |
Early vascular damage from smoking and alcohol in teenage years: the ALSPAC study
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18-08 |
Double hazard of smoking and alcohol on vascular function in adolescents
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18-08 |
Attitudes toward Tobacco, Alcohol, and Non-Alcoholic Beverage Advertisement Themes among Adolescent Boys.
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18-08 |
Association of BMI Changes Between Adolescence and Young Adulthood With Smoking Cessation
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18-08 |
Patterns in first and daily cigarette initiation among youth and young adults from 2002 to 2015
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18-07 |
Age of onset of cannabis use and decision making under uncertainty
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18-07 |
Orbitofrontal connectivity is associated with depression and anxiety in marijuana-using adolescents
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18-07 |
The Impact of Serious Educational Gameplay on Adolescent Binge Drinking Intentions
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18-06 |
Drug utilisation among Dutch adolescents: a pharmacy prescription records study
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18-06 |
Patterns of smoking initiation during adolescence and young adulthood in South-West China
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18-06 |
Different Kinds of Lonely: Dimensions of Isolation and Substance Use in Adolescence
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18-06 |
The Belfast Youth Development Study (BYDS): A prospective cohort study of the initiation, persistence and desistance of substance use from adolescence to adulthood in Northern Ireland
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18-05 |
Drinking behaviours among children in England
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18-04 |
The effectiveness of a theory-based drama intervention in preventing illegal drug use among students aged 14–15 years in Taiwan
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18-04 |
Trends and Substance Use Associations With E-Cigarette Use in US Adolescents
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18-04 |
15-year-old tobacco and alcohol abstainers in a drier generation: Characteristics and lifestyle factors in a Norwegian cross-sectional sample
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18-04 |
Neighborhood conditions and trajectories of alcohol use and misuse across the early life course
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18-04 |
Adolescent and young adult substance use in Australian Indigenous communities: a systematic review of demand control program outcomes
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18-04 |
Ethnic and sex differences in E-cigarette use and relation to alcohol use in California adolescents
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18-04 |
Impact of Marijuana Legalization in Colorado on Adolescent Emergency and Urgent Care Visits
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18-04 |
Developmental sensitivity to cannabis use patterns and risk for major depressive disorder in mid-life: findings from 40 years of follow-up
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18-04 |
Young Urban Adolescents' Activity Spaces, Close Peers, and the Risk of Cannabis Use:
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18-04 |
Does exposure to parental substance use disorders increase offspring risk for a substance use disorder?
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18-04 |
Disparities in tobacco use by adolescents in southeast, Nigeria using Global Youth Tobacco Survey (GYTS) approach
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18-04 |
Drug use prevention: factors associated with program implementation in Brazilian urban schools
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18-04 |
Tobacco outlet density and adolescents’ cigarette smoking: a meta-analysis
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18-02 |
Sibling cigarette smoking and peer network influences on substance use potential among adolescent: a population based study
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18-02 |
Marijuana use among youths in Mississippi, United States
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18-02 |
E-cigarette advertising exposure in e-cigarette naïve adolescents and subsequent e-cigarette use
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18-02 |
E-cigarette marketing exposure and combustible tobacco use among adolescents in the United States
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18-02 |
Concurrent and Prospective Associations Between Substance-Specific Parenting Practices and Child Cigarette, Alcohol, and Marijuana Use
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18-02 |
Associations between coping and marijuana use in a nationally representative sample of adolescents in the United States
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18-02 |
Relations between Positive Temperament, Substance Use, and Internalizing Problems among Adolescents and Young Adults with and without Medical Conditions
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18-02 |
Attitudes toward Tobacco, Alcohol, and Non-Alcoholic Beverage Advertisement Themes among Adolescent Boys
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18-02 |
Association of parental supply of alcohol with adolescent drinking, alcohol-related harms, and alcohol use disorder symptoms
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18-01 |
Alcohol distribution reforms and school proximity to liquor sales outlets in New Brunswick
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18-01 |
Slim cigarette smoking prevalence among Canadian youth smokers: Implications for federal standardized packaging legislation
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18-01 |
Addictive behaviors, social and psychosocial factors, and electronic cigarette use among adolescents: a population-based study
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18-01 |
Association of Combined Patterns of Tobacco and Cannabis Use in Adolescence With Psychotic Experiences
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18-01 |
Abstention from Drug Use and Delinquency Increasing Among Youth in the United States, 2002–2014
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18-01 |
Trajectories of E-Cigarette and Conventional Cigarette Use Among Youth
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18-01 |
Parents Who Allow Early Adolescents to Drink
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18-01 |
Exposure to tobacco websites: Associations with cigarette and e-cigarette use and susceptibility among adolescents
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18-01 |
Identifying patterns of tobacco use among US middle and high school students
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17-12 |
E-Cigarette Susceptibility as a Predictor of Youth Initiation of E-Cigarettes
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17-12 |
Effects of Varying Color, Imagery, and Text of Cigarette Package Warning Labels among Socioeconomically Disadvantaged Middle School Youth and Adult Smokers
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17-12 |
Inappropriate self-medication among adolescents and its association with lower medication literacy and substance use
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17-12 |
Cost-effectiveness of tobacco control policies and programmes targeting adolescents
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17-12 |
The Effects of Gender- and Sexuality-Based Harassment on Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Substance Use Disparities
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17-12 |
Ethnic Differences in Cigarette Use Trajectories and Health, Psychosocial, and Academic Outcomes
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17-11 |
Should the Legal Age for Tobacco Be Raised? Results From a National Sample of Adolescents.
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17-11 |
Does Shyness Interact With Peer Group Affiliation in Predicting Substance Use in Adolescence?
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17-11 |
Age of Alcohol Initiation and Progression to Binge Drinking in Adolescence: A Prospective Cohort Study.
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17-11 |
Socioeconomic status is associated with the prevalence and co-occurrence of risk factors for cigarette smoking initiation during adolescence.
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17-11 |
Using Facebook to Recruit Parents to Participate in a Family Program to Prevent Teen Drug Use.
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17-11 |
Weight Status and Cigarette and Electronic Cigarette Use in Adolescents.
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17-11 |
Alcohol Initiation and Progression to Use, Heavy Episodic Use, and Alcohol Use Disorder Among Young Adolescents Ages 12–14 Living in U.S. Households
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17-11 |
Evaluation of a novel intervention providing insight into the tobacco industry to prevent the uptake of smoking in school-aged children
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17-11 |
Prevalence and Attitudes Regarding Marijuana Use Among Adolescents Over the Past Decade
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17-11 |
Understanding the Highs and Lows of Adolescent Marijuana Use
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17-11 |
Longitudinal Associations Between Marijuana-Related Cognitions and Marijuana Use in African-American and European-American Girls From Early to Late Adolescence
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17-11 |
The impact of flavour, device type and warning messages on youth preferences for electronic nicotine delivery systems
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17-11 |
Smoking, Drinking and Drug Use among Young People in England 2016
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17-11 |
Trends in adolescent alcohol use in the Netherlands, 1992-2015: Differences across sociodemographic groups and links with strict parental rule-setting
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17-11 |
Effectiveness of Fresh Start: A Randomized Study of a School-Based Program to Retain a Negative Attitude Toward Substance Use in Secondary School Freshmen
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17-10 |
Associations of perceived interparental relationship, family harmony and family happiness with smoking intention in never-smoking Chinese children and adolescents
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17-10 |
Parent participation in alcohol prevention
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17-09 |
Asking youth about drug use in a survey did not increase the rates of self-reported drug use measured 1 year later.
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17-09 |
A Survey on Caffeine Consumption and Risky Behaviors Among a Sample of Secondary School Students in Nigeria
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17-09 |
Binge drinking and illicit drug use among adolescent students
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17-09 |
Changing social norms: The impact of normative feedback included in motivational enhancement therapy on cannabis outcomes among heavy-using adolescents
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17-09 |
Parental monitoring protects against the effects of parent and adolescent depressed mood on adolescent drinking
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17-09 |
Early alcohol use with parental permission: Psychosocial characteristics and drinking in late adolescence
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17-08 |
Are perceptions of social norms regarding peer alcohol and other drug use associated with personal use in Danish adolescents?
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17-08 |
Trajectories of Cannabis Use Beginning in Adolescence Associated with Symptoms of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder in the Mid Thirties
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17-07 |
Tobacco Use and Effects of Professional Advice on Smoking Cessation among Youth in India
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17-07 |
New Zealand adolescents’ discouragement of smoking among their peers
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17-07 |
Adolescent alcohol and cannabis use in Iceland
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17-07 |
A Longitudinal Study Predicting Adolescent Tobacco, Alcohol, and Cannabis Use by Behavioral Characteristics of Close Friends
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17-07 |
The Association Between Nonmedical Use of Prescription Drugs and Extreme Weight Control Behavior Among Adolescents
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17-07 |
Intervention Effects on Stage Transitions for Adolescent Smoking and Alcohol Use Acquisition
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17-07 |
The Prospective Relationship Between Distress Tolerance and Cigarette Smoking Expectancies in Adolescence
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17-07 |
“Shoes on your hands”: perceptions of alcohol among young adolescents in Norway
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17-07 |
Children's exposure to alcohol marketing within supermarkets
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17-07 |
School, Friends, and Substance Use: Gender Differences on the Influence of Attitudes Toward School and Close Friend Networks on Cannabis Involvement
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17-07 |
Designing a Health-Game Intervention Supporting Health Literacy and a Tobacco-Free Life in Early Adolescence
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17-07 |
Cascades of emotional support in friendship networks and adolescent smoking
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17-07 |
The association between personal income and smoking among adolescents: a study in six European cities
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17-06 |
Prevalence of substance use among middle school-aged e-cigarette users compared with cigarette smokers, non-users and dual users: Implications for primary prevention
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17-06 |
Associations between anhedonia and marijuana use escalation across mid-adolescence.
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17-06 |
Trends in alcohol-related injury admissions in adolescents in Western Australia and England
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17-06 |
Frequent Binge Drinking Among US Adolescents, 1991 to 2015
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17-06 |
What could keep young people away from alcohol and cigarettes? Findings from the UK Household Longitudinal Study
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17-05 |
Cognitive Appraisals of Alcohol Use in Early Adolescence: Psychosocial Predictors and Reciprocal Associations With Alcohol Use
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17-05 |
Trends in characteristics and multi-product use among adolescents who use electronic cigarettes, United States 2011-2015
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17-05 |
Parental Monitoring Moderates the Relation Between Radio Exposure and Adolescent Alcohol and Tobacco Use
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17-05 |
Youth Problem Drinking: The Role of Parental and Familial Relationships
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17-05 |
Predictors of smoking among primary and secondary school students in Botswana
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17-05 |
Early maturation and substance use across adolescence and young adulthood: A longitudinal study of Finnish twins
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17-05 |
Parental monitoring, adolescent dishonesty and underage drinking
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17-05 |
Neural mechanisms of risky decision making in adolescents reporting frequent alcohol and/or marijuana use
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17-05 |
Underage drinking, group identity and access to alcohol: a qualitative study of Chinese youths
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17-05 |
Delivery of alcohol brief interventions in community-based youth work settings: exploring feasibility and acceptability in a qualitative study
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17-03 |
Risk factors associated with tobacco, alcohol and drug use among adolescents attending secondary school in three cities from Argentina
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17-03 |
Social Goals Impact Adolescent Substance Use through Influencing Adolescents
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17-03 |
Social Mediation of Persuasive Media in Adolescent Substance Prevention.
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17-03 |
Factors associated with younger adolescents
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17-03 |
Counteracting the Influence of Peer Smoking on YouTube.
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17-03 |
Electronic Cigarette Use by Youth: Prevalence, Correlates, and Use Trajectories From Middle to High School
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17-03 |
Recommendations on behavioural interventions for the prevention and treatment of cigarette smoking among school-aged children and youth
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17-03 |
Chinese male adolescents resisting cigarettes from peers: qualitative research on tactics, perceptions and contextual characteristics
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17-03 |
Alcohol prevention for school students: Results from a 1-year follow up of a cluster-randomised controlled trial of harm minimisation school drug education
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17-03 |
The association between alcohol use trajectories from adolescence to adulthood and cannabis use disorder in adulthood: a 22-year longitudinal study
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17-02 |
Reducing the unacceptably high levels of alcohol marketing that Scottish children and young people are exposed to
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17-02 |
Distinctive role of opinion leaders in the social networks of school adolescents: an investigation of e-cigarette use
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17-02 |
Waterpipe tobacco smoking prevalence and illegal underage use in waterpipe-serving premises: a cross-sectional analysis among schoolchildren in Stoke-on-Trent
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17-02 |
Which young people in England are most at risk of an alcohol-related revolving-door readmission career?
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17-02 |
Beyond experimentation: Five trajectories of cigarette smoking in a longitudinal sample of youth
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17-02 |
Cross-sectional study examining the prevalence, correlates and sequencing of electronic cigarette and tobacco use among 11–16-year olds in schools in Wales
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17-01 |
E-cigarettes attract low risk adolescents to smoking, say researchers
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17-01 |
Cohort study investigating the effects of first stage of the English tobacco point-of-sale display ban on awareness, susceptibility and smoking uptake among adolescents
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17-01 |
Parents’ and peers’ normative influence on adolescents’ smoking: results from a Swiss-Italian sample of middle schools students
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17-01 |
Alcohol Consumption, Early-Onset Drinking, and Health-Related Consequences in Adolescents Presenting at Emergency Departments in England
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17-01 |
Engaging young people with film to encourage them and their peers not to smoke – The Cut Films project
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17-01 |
Impact of The Real Cost Campaign on Adolescents’ Recall, Attitudes, and Risk Perceptions about Tobacco Use
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17-01 |
Assessment of pain in adolescents: Influence of gender, smoking status and tobacco abstinence
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17-01 |
Effects on alcohol use of a Swedish school-based prevention program for early adolescents
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17-01 |
Polydrug use among urban adolescent cigarette smokers
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17-01 |
Factors associated with electronic cigarette use among current cigarette-smoking adolescents in the Republic of Korea
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16-12 |
The Associations Between E-Cigarettes and Binge Drinking, Marijuana Use, and Energy Drinks Mixed With Alcohol
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16-12 |
E-cigarette Use Among Youth and Young Adults: A Report of the Surgeon General, 2016
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16-12 |
A new era for drinking? Epidemiological evidence on adolescent male–female differences in drinking incidence in the United States and Europe
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16-12 |
To Study, to Party, or Both? Assessing Risk Factors for Non-Prescribed Stimulant Use among Middle and High School Students
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16-12 |
Implicit alcohol attitudes predict drinking behaviour over and above intentions and willingness in young adults but willingness is more important in adolescents: Implications for the Prototype Willingness Model
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16-12 |
Children and cannabis use : Their mothers and smoking when pregnant
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16-12 |
"Adolescent Cigarette Smoking Perceptions and Behavior: Tobacco Control Gains and Gaps Amidst the Rapidly Expanding Tobacco Products Market From 2001 to 2015"
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16-12 |
"Alcohol marketing and young people – a literature review and mapping exercise"
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16-11 |
Does Industry-Driven Alcohol Marketing Influence Adolescent Drinking Behaviour?
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16-11 |
Australia's plain tobacco packs: anticipated and actual responses among adolescents and young adults
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16-11 |
The Spread of Substance Use and Delinquency Between Adolescent Twins
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16-11 |
Changes in Electronic Cigarette Use from 2013 to 2015 and Reasons for Use among Finnish Adolescents
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16-11 |
Acute alcohol intoxication among adolescents—the role of the context of drinking
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16-11 |
Intergenerational Continuity in Cannabis Use: The Role of Parent's Early Onset and Lifetime Disorder on Child's Early Onset
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16-11 |
Substance consumption in adolescents with and without an immigration background: a representative study—What part of an immigration background is protective against binge drinking?
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16-11 |
Teenage vapers and taking up smoking
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16-11 |
What about just saying “no”? Situational abstinence from alcohol at parties among 13–15 year olds
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16-11 |
Secondhand smoke from multiple sources, thirdhand smoke and respiratory symptoms in Hong Kong adolescents
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16-11 |
A Within-Person Analysis of the Association between Borderline Personality Disorder and Alcohol Use in Adolescents
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16-11 |
Sex-dependent effects of nicotine on the developing brain
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16-11 |
SHEU links to research about E-cigarettes and young people
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16-11 |
Electronic-cigarette Use and Respiratory Symptoms in Adolescents
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16-10 |
The Great Recession, adolescent smoking and smoking inequalities: What role does youth unemployment play in 24 European countries?
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16-10 |
Smoking in Movies and Adolescent Smoking Initiation: A Longitudinal Study among Argentinian Adolescents
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16-10 |
New research by ASH finds use of electronic cigarettes remains low among young people
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16-10 |
The Use of E-cigarettes Among School-Going Adolescents in a Predominantly Rural Environment of Central Appalachia
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16-10 |
Scottish Schools Adolescent Lifestyle and Substance Use Survey Alcohol Summary Report 2015
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16-10 |
Teenagers influenced by video games with alcohol and smoking content
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16-10 |
Early predictors of maturing out of marijuana use among young men
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16-10 |
E-cigarette use among students and e-cigarette specialty retailer presence near schools
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16-10 |
How Is the Effect of Adolescent E-Cigarette Use on Smoking Onset Mediated
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16-10 |
Youth Receptivity to FDA’s The Real Cost Tobacco Prevention Campaign: Evidence From Message Pretesting
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16-10 |
Parental supply of alcohol and alcohol consumption in adolescence
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16-10 |
Influence of Early Onset of Alcohol Use on the Development of Adolescent Alcohol Problems
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