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Research Links : about 11-16 year old school pupils

12-10 Evidence of Social Contextual Effects on Adolescent Smoking in South Korea
12-10 A Cross-National Comparison of Risk and Protective Factors for Adolescent Drug Use and Delinquency in the United States and the Netherlands (pdf)
12-10 The reciprocal relationships between changes in adolescent perceived prevalence of smoking in movies and progression of smoking status
12-08 Persistent cannabis users show neuropsychological decline from childhood to midlife ... and ... Young cannabis smokers run risk of lower IQ
12-08 Televised Entertainment-Education to Prevent Adolescent Alcohol Use: Perceived Realism, Enjoyment, and Impact
12-08 Discussions with adults and youth to inform the development of a community-based tobacco control programme
12-08 Smoking, Plain Packaging and Young People
12-08 Drinking Less But Greater Harm: Could Polarized Drinking Habits Explain the Divergence Between Alcohol Consumption and Harms among Youth?
12-08 Gender differences in cigarette smoking, social correlates and cessation among adolescents
12-08 Does smoking affect schooling? Evidence from teenagers in rural China
12-08 Temporal Associations of Popularity and Alcohol Use Among Middle School Students
12-08 The persistence of the association between adolescent cannabis use and common mental disorders into young adulthood (pdf)
12-08 Which interventions against the sale of tobacco to minors can be expected to reduce smoking?
12-08 Survey of Smoking, Drinking and Drug Use among Young People in England
12-08 Does school ethos explain the relationship between value-added education and teenage substance use?
12-06 Graphic images on cigarette packages can make the health warning more memorable and improve recall of the health warning
12-06 Males who smoke before conception may damage their children’s health
12-06 Does smoking affect schooling? Evidence from teenagers in rural China
12-06 Analysis of Influential Factors Associated With the Smoking Behavior of Aboriginal Schoolchildren in Remote Taiwanese Mountainous Areas
12-06 Ambivalence and Fluidity in the Teenage Smoking and Quitting Experience: Lessons from A Qualitative Study at an English Secondary School
12-06 Drinking, Socioemotional Functioning, and Academic Progress in Secondary School
12-06 Statistics on Alcohol: England, 2012 (pdf)
12-05 Plain Tobacco Packaging: A Systematic Review (pdf)
12-05 Experimenting with cigarettes and physical activity among Mexican origin youth (pdf)
12-05 Secondhand Smoke Exposure in Cars Among US Middle and High School Students
12-05 Alcohol Consumption in Movies and Adolescent Binge Drinking in 6 European Countries (pdf)
12-05 Parental Smoking Cessation to Protect Young Children (pdf)
12-05 Predictors of binge drinking in German adolescents: ultimate and distal factors (pdf)
12-05 Substance abuse prevalence and its relation to scholastic achievement and sport factors: Adolescents in Bosnia and Herzegovina (pdf)
12-05 Drinking Frequency as a Brief Screen for Adolescent Alcohol Problems
12-05 Association between binge drinking, type of friends, and gender: A cross-sectional study among Brazilian adolescents (pdf)
12-03 Every year around 157,000 children aged 11-15 start smoking
12-03 Ethnic Group and Temporal Influences of Social Norms: Smoking Behavior Among a Panel of Adolescents
12-03 A cluster randomised controlled trial of an adolescent smoking cessation intervention
12-03 The effectiveness of school-based smoking prevention interventions among low- and high-SES European teenagers
12-03 School-related conscientiousness, alcohol drinking, and cigarette smoking in a representative sample of English school pupils
12-03 Cannabis use and subclinical positive psychotic experiences in early adolescence: findings from a Dutch survey
12-03 Does Intolerance of Smoking at School, or in Restaurants or Corner Stores Decrease Cigarette Use Initiation in Adolescents?
12-03 Academic achievement and smoking initiation in adolescence: a general growth mixture analysis
12-03 The Impact of School Suspension on Student Tobacco Use
12-01 The Rural Context of Illicit Substance Offers: A Study of Appalachian Rural Adolescents
12-01 Patterns of Alcohol Use in Early Adolescence Predict Problem Use at Age 16
12-01 The Impact of Alcohol Policies across Europe on Young Adults’ Perceptions of Alcohol Risks
12-01 The plain truth: how tobacco plain packaging will save lives - British Heart Foundation
12-01 Menthol Cigarette Preference by 14- to 15-Year-Old Smokers in New Zealand
12-01 Targeted Smoking Cessation Messages for Adolescents
12-01 Engagement with alcohol marketing and early brand allegiance in relation to early years of drinking
11-11 Which Australian secondary school students are at risk of illicit drug use?
11-11 The Örebro prevention programme revisited: a cluster-randomized effectiveness trial of programme effects on youth drinking
11-11 Parental behaviours, but not parental smoking, influence current smoking and smoking susceptibility among 14 and 15 year-old children
11-11 Mentoring adolescents to prevent drug and alcohol use
11-11 Social influence, intention to smoke, and adolescent smoking behaviour longitudinal relations
11-11 Academic achievement and smoking initiation in adolescence
11-11 Australian young people's beliefs about the harmfulness of alcohol, cannabis and tobacco for mental disorders
11-11 A minimum price for alcohol
11-10 The first family drug and alcohol court in Britain
11-10 Teenagers, films and smoking
11-10 Academic achievement and smoking: Is self-efficacy an important factor in understanding social inequalities in Finnish adolescents?
11-10 Psychosocial problems in childhood and later alcohol consumption : A life course approach with historical information
11-10 School-based prevention programs for alcohol misuse in young people
11-08 Heritability of Smoking, Alcohol Use, and Psychological Characteristics Among Adolescent Twins in Qingdao, China
11-08 Smoking, drinking and drug use among young people in England in 2010 (pdf)
11-07 The influence of parents, siblings and peers on pre- and early-teen smoking
11-07 Gender differences in the impact of families on alcohol use
11-07 Cigarette smoking status and recurrent subjective health complaints among US school-aged adolescents
11-07 Factors affecting parental supply of alcohol to underage adolescents
11-07 Childhood ADHD symptoms and risk for cigarette smoking during adolescence: School adjustment as a potential mediator.
11-07 Transitions between tobacco and cannabis use among adolescents
11-06 Alcohol and Other Drug Abuse Counseling Outcomes for School-Aged Youth
11-06 The effects of Project ALERT one year past curriculum completion.
11-06 Using community-based participatory research to reduce smoking in a high-risk young adult population
11-06 Sources of Cigarettes among Adolescent Smokers: Free or Purchased?
11-05 Teenage drinking and interethnic friendships
11-05 Almost three quarters of underage drinkers do not like being drunk
11-05 How Do Families Matter? Age and Gender Differences in Family Influences on Delinquency and Drug Use
11-05 A Mediation Analysis of a Tobacco Prevention Program for Adolescents in India: How Did Project MYTRI Work?
11-05 Early substance use initiation and suicide ideation and attempts among students in France and the United States
11-05 Academic Giftedness and Alcohol Use in U.S. Early Adolescence
11-04 What impact have tobacco control policies, cigarette price and tobacco control program funding had on Australian adolescents’ smoking? Findings over a 15-year period
11-04 Evaluating a selective prevention programme for binge drinking among young Dutch adolescents
11-04 A Prospective Study of Alcohol Expectancies and Self-Efficacy as Predictors of Young Adolescent Alcohol Misuse
11-04 Alcohol Intoxication Among Dutch Adolescents: Acute Medical Complications
11-03 Prevalence and intensity of basic symptoms among cannabis users
11-03 Adult consequences of late adolescent alcohol consumption: A systematic review of cohort studies
11-03 Why target early adolescents and parents in alcohol prevention?
11-03 Adolescent alcohol involvement is associated with numerous negative outcomes, but also appears to have positive correlates, including subjective well-being.
11-03 The influence of family relations on cigarette and alcohol use from early to late adolescence
11-03 What differentiates adolescent problematic drinkers from their peers? Results from a cross-sectional study in Northern Irish school children
11-03 Parental monitoring, peer activities and alcohol use: A study based on data on Swedish adolescents
11-03 Assessing the cumulative impact of alcohol marketing on young people's drinking
11-01 Do executive function deficits predict later substance use disorders among adolescents and young adults?
11-01 U.S. middle school drinking: Who, where, and when
11-01 Cigarette displays do encourage smoking
10-12 Adolescent gender differences in the determinants of tobacco smoking: a cross sectional survey among high school students in Brazil (pdf)
10-12 The influence of youth music television viewership on changes in cigarette use and association with smoking peers
10-12 Do socioeconomic differences in tobacco use exist also in developing countries? A study of Ghanaian adolescents (pdf)
10-12 Psychosocial profiles of adolescent nonsmokers in the Pacific
10-12 Parenting strategies as influences of teenage drinking via self-esteem
10-12 Factors associated with commencing smoking in 12-year-old Spanish students (pdf)
10-12 Does a smoking prevention program in elementary schools prepare children for secondary school in the Netherlands?
10-12 Adolescent smoking effect of Canadian school and community characteristics
10-12 Guernsey's Young People : Smoking & self-esteem
10-11 Prevalence and associated factors of smoking among secondary school students in Harare Zimbabwe (pdf)
10-11 Right time, right place: alcohol-harm reduction strategies with children and young people
10-11 Wellbeing, alcohol use and sexual activity in young teenagers in NW England (pdf)
10-11 Rural community characteristics, economic hardship, and peer and parental influences in early adolescent alcohol use
10-11 Process evaluation of a tobacco prevention program in Indian schools
10-11 Cultural and gender convergence in adolescent drunkenness: Evidence from 23 European and North American Countries
10-11 Truancy, alcohol use and alcohol-related problems in secondary school pupils in Norway
10-11 Effects of individual characteristics and school environment on cigarette smoking among Vietnamese students aged 13-15
10-11 Predicting adolescent perceptions of the risks and benefits of cigarette smoking
10-11 Gender differences in the Netherlands in the association between pre-adolescent smoking initiation and emotional or behavioural problems (pdf)
10-10 A drugs and alcohol awareness programme developed, with 12-13 year olds, by the SW Ambulance Service(165kb)
10-10 The Linking Lives health education program: a randomized clinical trial of a parent-based tobacco use prevention program for African American and Latino youths.
10-10 Westernization and tobacco use among young people in Delhi
10-10 Effectiveness of the universal prevention program in The Netherlands ‘Healthy School and Drugs’
10-10 Connecting world youth with tobacco brands: YouTube
10-10 Smoking among adolescents in Hong Kong: influence of parental smoking
10-10 Working with young smokers: The development and implementation of a tailored behavioral support intervention model within Upper Schools in North Bedfordshire
10-09 The different contexts of drug use by street adolescents in Sao Paulo, Brazil
10-09 Psychosocial factors associated with recent alcohol use among Hispanic youth
10-09 Antismoking public service announcements and adolescents' smoking-related behavioral intentions
10-09 Underage social drinkers and their abilities to describe emotions
10-09 “Just because you’ve got lung cancer doesn’t mean I will”: Lung cancer, smoking, and family dynamics
10-07 Determinants of resilience to cigarette smoking among young Australians at risk
10-07 Use of fake identification to purchase alcohol amongst 15-16 year olds: a cross-sectional survey examining alcohol access, consumption and harm
10-07 The role of parental alcohol-specific communication in early adolescents' alcohol use
10-07 The role of family background on cigarette smoking among adolescent school children in Slovakia
10-06 Shops still selling cigarettes to children
10-06 An analysis of the drinking trends of school age children in Sunderland
10-06 Adolescent attributes and young adult smoking cessation behavior
10-06 Gender and family differences in adolescent's heavy alcohol use
10-06 Biomarker evaluation of Greek adolescents' exposure to secondhand smoke
10-06 Nicotine replacement therapy use among adolescent smokers seeking cessation treatment
10-06 A telephone survey of parental attitudes and behaviours regarding teenage drinking
10-06 The social context of drunkenness in mid-adolescence
10-05 Camel no. 9 cigarette-marketing campaign targeted young U.S. teenage girls
10-05 12-15 year olds, their experience of cannabis and the moves from Class B to C and back to B
10-05 38% of 14-15 yr. olds think that cannabis ' safe if used properly'
10-05 Seminar on Youth drinking and binge drinking - 12 presentations
10-05 14-15 yr. old males - fewer are drinking beer or lager but 'drinkers' are consuming more
10-05 Interventions for reducing adolescent alcohol abuse
10-05 Exposure to smoking in movies among British adolescents 2001--2006
10-05 Parents' and children's self-report of parenting factors: How much do they agree and which is more strongly associated with early adolescent alcohol use?
10-05 Changes in alcohol consumption and beverage preference among adolescents after the introduction of the alcopops tax in Germany
10-05 Changes in sensation seeking and risk-taking propensity predict increases in alcohol use among early adolescents
10-05 Cost-effectiveness analysis of the Not On Tobacco program for adolescent smoking cessation
10-05 A fifth of teenage drinkers are never asked for ID
10-04 Adolescent alcohol consumption and risk of benign breast disease in young women
10-04 Trends: Young People and Illegal Drugs 1987-2008 - A report from SHEU
10-04 Do 'good values' lead to 'good' health-behaviours? Longitudinal associations between young people's values and later substance-use
10-04 Interplay of network position and peer substance use in early adolescent cigarette, alcohol, and marijuana use
10-04 Tobacco use and related factors among pre-university students in a college in Bangalore, India
10-03 Using Drama to Prevent Teen Smoking: Development, Implementation, and Evaluation of Crossroads in Hawai`i
10-03 School-based interventions to prevent smoking: slide set
10-03 An integrated framework for the analysis of adolescent cigarette smoking in middle school Latino youth
10-03 Street-wise? Substance use in town and country as reported by young people
10-03 Does the 'Healthy Immigrant Effect' Extend to Smoking in Immigrant Children?
10-03 Parental communication appears not to be an effective strategy to reduce smoking in a sample of Dutch adolescents
10-02 Taiwanese adolescents and their experience of running away from home and substances use
10-02 A qualitative comparison of parent and adolescent views regarding substance use
10-02 In a U.S. national youth sample, the propensity to use substances was more strongly related to motor vehicle crashes than use of any specific substance
10-02 Are adverse childhood experiences associated with an increased risk of lung cancer during adulthood?
10-02 Household environmental tobacco smoke and risks of asthma, wheeze and bronchitic symptoms among children in Taiwan
10-01 A retrospective maternal report of alcohol consumption in pregnancy predicts pregnancy and teen outcomes
10-01 Use of small incentives for increasing participation and reducing dropout in a family drug-use prevention program in Spain
10-01 How do young people from different countries compare on drink, tobacco and cannabis?
10-01 Reasons for non-participation in a parental program concerning underage drinking
10-01 Key points in preventing tobacco use among adolescents
10-01 Temperamental risk factors for adolescent cannabis use
10-01 Keeping New Zealand kids smokefree: lessons learned on community participation
09-12 Drugs: Guidance for Schools - Become part of the consultation process
09-12 Relationship between alcohol use and violent behavior among urban African American youths from adolescence to emerging adulthood
09-12 Estimates of the number of children living with substance misusing parents: results from UK national household surveys
09-12 Density of tobacco retailers near U.S. schools: effects on tobacco use among students
09-12 Script representation of alcohol-related aggression in underage drinkers
09-12 Smoking and Young People - research in 2009 (via ASH Scotland)
09-12 Marijuana and alcohol accounted for 80% of all primary substances of abuse for U.S. females, aged 12 to 17, admitted for treatment
09-12 Youth smoking status: perceptions versus measurements
09-11 U.S. Sixth grade students who use alcohol: Do we need primary prevention programs for 'Tweens'?
09-11 Associations between smoking and extreme dieting among U.S. adolescents
09-11 An ecological system approach to adolescent smoking behavior
09-11 Self-medication among children and adolescents in Germany: results of the National Health Survey for Children and Adolescents
09-11 If parents establish a no-smoking agreement with their offspring, does this prevent adolescents from smoking? Findings from three Dutch studies
09-11 The impact of social influence on adolescent intention to smoke: Combining types and referents of influence.
09-11 'Smoking among Dutch elementary schoolchildren: gender-specific predictors'
09-11 Adolescents' perceptions of smoking and stress reduction
09-11 Growth in alcohol use in at-risk adolescent boys: two-part random effects prediction models.
09-11 Turkish high school students' attitudes toward addictive substances: Association with perceived parental attitudes
09-11 Factors related to adolescent drinking in Appalachia.
09-10 U.S. teenage smoking-cessation trial is the first to achieve significant increase in prolonged quit rates
09-10 New counter-school cultures: female students' drug use at a high-achieving secondary school
09-10 Race/ethnicity, socioeconomic factors, and smoking among early adolescent girls in the U.S.
09-10 U.S. 2008 National Survey on Drug Use and Health
09-09 120 children were treated for drug addiction in Northern Ireland
09-09 Skipping school and using drugs: A brief report
09-09 Bridging the gap between evidence and practice: A multi-perspective examination of real-world drug education
09-09 Saints not sinners? Young people bucking the trend of binge drinking. An analysis of the drinking trends of school age children in Sunderland
Drugs, Mental Health 5-16+
11-10 Parenting Style, Depressive Symptoms, and Substance Use in Mexican American Adolescents
Drugs, Useful Websites
11-03 Talk to Frank : government funded drugs information and advice service
