Trends - Illegal Drugs 1987-2008
A report in the series showing trends in young people's health related behaviour.
The report provides factual information and over 30 easy-to-read charts and tables that are relevant to those concerned with the healthy development of young people.
Written using data derived from the Health Related Behaviour Questionnaire surveys, the report uses a sample of 629,328 young people between the ages of 10 and 15 from across the UK.
This report shows trends from 1987-2008 in data from young people that have reported their attitudes to and experience of illegal drugs.
The illegal drugs include:
* cannabis
* amphetamines
* solvents
* ecstasy
* hallucinogens: synthetic
* hallucinogens: natural
* heroin
* poppers
* barbiturates
There are trends data from:
* those who have been offered and taken at least one drug
* those who have been offered and taken cannabis
* those who have been offered and taken drugs other than cannabis
* those who have been taken amphetamines, solvents, ecstasy, and heroin
* those that personally know a drug user
* those that believe amphetamines are always unsafe
* ratio of believe that amphetamines, barbiturates, ecstasy and cannabis are always unsafe/safe
* taken more than one type of drug/drugs & alcohol on the same occasion
* who talks to Year 6 pupils about drugs?
The report is £10 (hardcopy includes p&p).