Helping adolescents to better support their peers with a mental health problem: A cluster-randomised crossover trial of teen Mental Health First Aid
A Study of Subjective Well-Being and Life Satisfaction in Italy: how are Children doing at 8 years of Age?
A Qualitative Longitudinal Study on the Well-Being of Children and Adolescents
School, Peer and Family Relationships and Adolescent Substance Use, Subjective Wellbeing and Mental Health Symptoms in Wales
Variations in Children’s Affective Subjective Well-Being at Seven Years Old: an Analysis of Current and Historical Factors
Princes Trust : Youth Index 2018
Effects of school-based mindfulness training on emotion processing and well-being in adolescents: evidence from event-related potentials
Decreases in Psychological Well-Being Among American Adolescents After 2012 and Links to Screen Time During the Rise of Smartphone Technology
A Tailored Web-Based Intervention to Improve Parenting Risk and Protective Factors for Adolescent Depression and Anxiety Problems
‘She has like 4000 followers!’: the celebrification of self within school social networks.