Evaluation and Monitoring

SHEU is able to provide Evaluation & Monitoring (E&M) Services in a range of settings for clients who are involved with the Health and Education sectors. To date we have worked with a number of professional groups working for: the Police, Local Education Authorities, Primary Care Trusts, Local Councils, and Children's Fund Partnerships.

The following projects are examples of the E&M service:

Fear appeals in school health education
A project by Saving Faces - Facial Surgery Research Foundation - of up to 10000 young people in 2006 and 9000 young people in 2007, with paper and online versions of the survey.

Speak Out! - Homophobic Bullying In Schools
An open-access online survey of homophobic bullying in schools, commissioned by Stonewall.

Children's Fund Partnership Projects
We have been commissioned to undertake a number of pieces of work including:

Presentation to CYPU Children's Fund Programme Managers Conference 2002

Rochdale Children's Fund Partnership
  • Questionnaire Consultation and Baseline Data Collection, Children and Young People aged 4 to 13, 2002. Summary report including detailed location analysis
Buckinghamshire Children's Fund Partnership
  • Summary Report of Locally Collected Data, Specialist Professionals, Parents and Children and Young People aged 5 to 16, 2002
Sheffield Children's Fund Partnership
  • Questionnaire Consultation and Baseline Data Collection, Children and Young People aged 8 to 10, 2003. Data tables to local schools. Summary report. Powerpoint presentation
We have also worked with:

Camden Coram Children's Fund Project
  • Baseline data collection and potential basis for project evaluation. 533 children aged 7 to 11. Summary report. Source of support leaflet
Birmingham Children's Fund Partnership
  • Monitoring exercise, 2000 children and young people in 16 primary and 6 secondary schools
Leicester City Children's Fund Partnership
  • Information gathering exercise, 1609 children and young people aged 8 to 15. Report showing analysis of children's participation in, and feelings about, Anti-Social Behaviour
Drugs Education Evaluation
Evaluation of police-led drug education programme
  • Interviews with police officers, teachers, pupils, programme managers
  • Surveys of teachers and young people
  • Evaluation reports, presentations to meetings
Drugs Education Monitoring Studies
Work commissioned by Drug Action Teams.
  • Collection of existing monitoring and feedback from schools
  • Development of new questionnaires for pupils and teachers in primary and secondary schools
  • Telephone interviews
  • Summary Reports
  • Sex Education in Secondary Schools
  • Commissioned by HIV/AIDS charity AVERT.
  • Pilot work including interviews in local schools
  • National secondary school survey
  • Telephone interviews
  • 70-page collaborative report
Regional School Governor SRE Survey
Anonymous survey of every governing body in the South West commissioned by National Healthy Schools Standards office and the regional Teenage Pregnancy Coordinator.
  • Postal survey with completion cards and follow-up
  • Involvement of Regional and Government offices
  • Summary Report
'Drawing the Line' Evaluation
An evaluation of a HIV/AIDS video resource commissioned by North Devon Health Promotion Unit (HPU) and South West Regional Health Authority.
  • In Service Training days to develop ways of using the resource
  • Postal questionnaire of HPUs and content analysis of letters received
  • Lesson observation
  • Telephone interviews
  • Development of pupil feedback and monitoring forms
  • Summary Report
Plymouth Life Education Centre Evaluation
An evaluation of the LEC programme in the South West commissioned by South and West Devon Health Authority. LEC is a drug education programme used in primary schools in Plymouth.
  • Session observations
  • Questionnaire
  • Before/after study design
  • Summary Report

Other projects:

Fit to Succeed: Partnership project to improve fitness levels in young people across the South West.

Travelwise: Baseline data collection to enable schools to develop travel plans.

Guernsey smoking study: 5-year study of all Guernsey secondary schools, ongoing

FE Student Health and Lifestyle Study: 2001 in 7 FE institutions

Alcohol Education Study 1: survey of school provision. 1986-87: work with 48 schools; paper published Educational Research 1990.

Alcohol Education Study 2: survey of pupil attitudes to alcohol including alcohol-related domestic arguments and violence 1988.

Environmental Education: curriculum development project 1996: work with 4 schools in the South West

Student Health and Lifestyle Study: 1995 in 4 HE institutions

Smoking Education in Cornwall: 5-year study of all Cornish secondary schools 1992-98

Cross-curricular Sex Education: Development Project 1990: work with 20 schools in the South West


The above examples of our work show the elements of SHEU's services to a range of clients. Our team is adaptable and flexible to take account of your particular needs.
For further details contact:
Dr David Regis
Tel: 01392 667272
