14-07 |
Changes in the volume, power, and nutritional quality of foods marketed to children on television in Canada
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14-07 |
A Cross-Sectional Survey on Dietary Supplements Consumption among Italian Teenagers
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14-07 |
Diet quality and diet costs in German children and adolescents
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14-07 |
Impact of Snacking Pattern on Overweight and Obesity Risk in A Cohort of 11-13-y Adolescents.
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14-07 |
Purchase of sugary drinks falls during healthy swaps campaign
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14-06 |
The main sources of sugar for teenagers is soft drinks and energy drinks
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14-06 |
Reducing Sugar-Sweetened Beverage Consumption by Providing Caloric Information: How Black Adolescents Alter Their Purchases and Whether the Effects Persist
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14-06 |
Frequency of consumption of fruits, vegetables and soft drinks: a comparative study among adolescents in urban and rural areas
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14-06 |
Young Scot's "Out of school lunch choices" report
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14-05 |
Diet, lifestyle and body weight in Irish children:
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14-05 |
A Randomized Controlled Trial of Students for Nutrition and eXercise
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14-05 |
Association between home availability and vegetable consumption in youth
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14-04 |
Student-Reported School Drinking Fountain Availability by Youth Characteristics and US State Plumbing Codes
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14-04 |
Healthy Dietary Habits Score as an Indicator of Diet Quality in New Zealand Adolescents
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14-04 |
A comparative study on dietary behavior, nutritional knowledge and life stress between Korean and Chinese female high school students
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14-04 |
Manga Comic Influences Snack Selection in Black and Hispanic New York City Youth
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14-04 |
Emotional attitudes of young people completing secondary schools towards genetic modification of organisms (GMO) and genetically modified foods (GMF)
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14-04 |
Associations Between Sugar-Sweetened Beverage Consumption and Fast-Food Restaurant Frequency Among Adolescents and Their Friends
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14-04 |
Student Receptivity to New School Meal Offerings: Assessing Fruit and Vegetable Waste among Middle School Students in the Los Angeles Unified School District.
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14-04 |
Stress-related eating, obesity and associated behavioural traits in adolescents
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14-04 |
A randomized, controlled, crossover trial of fish oil treatment for impulsive aggression in children and adolescents with disruptive behavior disorders.
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14-04 |
Adolescent dietary fiber, vegetable fat, vegetable protein, and nut intakes and breast cancer risk
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14-04 |
Food price promotions and public health (ESRC pdf)
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14-04 |
Peer and Friend Influences on Children's Eating (pdf)
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14-03 |
Dairy product intake in children and adolescents in developed countries: trends, nutritional contribution, and a review of association with health outcomes
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14-02 |
Eating by the Norm: The Influence of Social Norms on Young People's Eating Behavior
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14-01 |
Choosing healthier foods in recreational sports settings: a mixed methods investigation of the impact of nudging and an economic incentive (pdf)
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14-01 |
Branding and a child’s brain: an fMRI study of neural responses to logos (pdf)
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14-01 |
Variation in Associations Between Family Dinners and Adolescent Well-Being
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14-01 |
Spotting and supporting eating disorders in school: recommendations from school staff
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14-01 |
A process evaluation of student participation in a whole school food programme
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14-01 |
Whole school food programmes and the kitchen environment
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14-01 |
Energy, saturated fat and fibre intakes among Dutch children and adolescents at breakfast and implications for educational messages
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13-12 |
Factors Associated with Adherence to the Mediterranean Diet among Adolescents Living in Sicily (pdf)
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13-11 |
Pupils choose grab-and-go foods at schools
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13-11 |
Spotting and supporting eating disorders in school: recommendations from school staff
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13-11 |
Mediterranean diet and socio-economic status in Greek adolescents
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13-11 |
Broccoli’s extreme makeover in the US… and … Beneforte super broccoli in the UK
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13-11 |
Family meals and the well-being of adolescents
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13-11 |
Improvement of Teacher Food Allergy Knowledge in Socioeconomically Diverse Schools After Educational Intervention
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13-11 |
Dietary patterns of adolescent girls attending schools in low-income communities highlight low consumption of core foods
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13-11 |
Athlete Endorsements in Food Marketing (pdf)
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13-11 |
Is cooking dead? The state of Home Economics Food and Nutrition education in a Canadian province
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13-11 |
Nutritional quality of food items on fast-food ‘kids’ menus’: comparisons across countries and companies
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13-11 |
Life Smart: A Pilot Study of a School-Based Program to Reduce the Risk of Both Eating Disorders and Obesity in Young Adolescent Girls and Boys
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13-11 |
Pilot testing a self-administered dietary assessment website with school-age children and adolescents under laboratory and free-living conditions
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13-11 |
Does “Healthy” Fast Food Exist? The Gap Between Perceptions and Behavior
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13-11 |
Adolescent Purchasing Behavior at McDonald's and Subway (pdf)
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13-10 |
Children on free school meals are being failed in Northumberland
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13-10 |
Are five meals a day key to tackling teen obesity?
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13-10 |
School food and attainment: review of the literature (pdf)
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13-10 |
Adolescents' Level of Eating Psychopathology Is Related to Perceptions of Their Parents' Current Feeding Practices
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13-10 |
Free lunch improving school results
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13-09 |
The effect of rising food prices on food consumption (pdf)
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13-09 |
Use of calorie information at fast food and chain restaurants among US youth aged 9–18 years (pdf)
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13-09 |
School soft drink availability and consumption among U.S. secondary students.
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13-09 |
Sociodemographic Characteristics and Beverage Intake of Children Who Drink Tap Water
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13-08 |
The effects of breakfast on behavior and academic performance in children and adolescents
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13-06 |
Influence of Mediterranean diet on asthma in children: A systematic review and meta-analysis
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13-06 |
Fructose intake and food sources in West Australian adolescents
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13-06 |
Psychological Distress Among Sisters of Young Females With Eating Disorders
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13-06 |
Association between sweet drink intake and adiposity in Danish children participating in a long-term intervention study
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13-06 |
Children's exposure to food advertising: An analysis of the effectiveness of self-regulatory codes in Australia
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13-06 |
School Nutrition Programs : Challenges and Opportunities
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13-06 |
Food consumption and cardiovascular risk factors in European children
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13-06 |
Where do Australian children get their dietary fibre? A focus on breakfast food choices
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13-03 |
Ready-to-Eat Cereal Consumption and the School Breakfast Program: Relationship to Nutrient Intake and Weight (pdf)
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13-03 |
Psychosocial Influences on Children's Food Consumption
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13-03 |
Middle School Student and Parent Perceptions of Government-Sponsored Free School Breakfast and Consumption
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13-03 |
Using theory of planned behavior to predict healthy eating among Danish adolescents
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13-03 |
Don't tell me what I should do, but what others do: The influence of descriptive and injunctive peer norms on fruit consumption in adolescents
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13-03 |
Relationship of milk intake and physical activity to abdominal obesity among adolescents
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13-03 |
Informal mealtime pedagogies: exploring the influence of family structure on young people's healthy eating dispositions
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13-03 |
Food insecurity, food assistance and weight status in US youth: new evidence from NHANES 2007–08
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13-03 |
Body Dissatisfaction and Characteristics of Disordered Eating Among Black and White Early Adolescent Girls and Boys
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13-02 |
Access to excess: how do adolescents deal with unhealthy foods in their environment?
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12-12 |
Diet quality and mental health problems in adolescents from East London (pdf)
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12-12 |
The Association Between Body Metrics and Breakfast Food Choice in Children
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12-12 |
Takeaways Toolkit: Tools, interventions and case studies to help local authorities develop a response to the health impacts of fast food takeaways (pdf)
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12-12 |
Diet and Mental Health
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12-12 |
Factors That Were Found to Influence Ghanaian Adolescents' Eating Habits (pdf)
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12-10 |
Fruit and Vegetable Intake in Adolescents: Association with Socioeconomic Status and Exposure to Supermarkets and Fast Food Outlets (pdf)
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12-10 |
Regulation of Sugar-Sweetened Beverages
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12-10 |
Creating a New Community of Support for Students With Food Allergies
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12-10 |
Do adolescents who live or go to school near fast-food restaurants eat more frequently from fast-food restaurants?
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12-10 |
Public Health Nutrition Special Issue – Taking childhood obesity off the menu
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12-10 |
School food cost–benefits: England
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12-10 |
The food retail environment in school neighborhoods and its relation to lunchtime eating behaviors in youth from three countries
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12-10 |
Food logos activate some brain regions in children known to be associated with motivation
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12-10 |
Eat this, not that! Parental demographic correlates of food-related parenting practices
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12-08 |
Butterbeer, Cauldron Cakes, and Fizzing Whizzbees: Food in J.K. Rowling's Harry Potter series (pdf)
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12-08 |
Out of School' Foods
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12-08 |
Does the school food environment influence the dietary behaviours of Norwegian 11-year-olds?
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12-08 |
Cereal bars and 'healthy image'
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12-08 |
Are lunch-time stay on site policies sustainable?
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12-08 |
How much water did you drink yesterday?
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12-06 |
Consumption of takeaway and fast food in a deprived inner London Borough: are they associated with childhood obesity? (pdf)
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12-06 |
Is there an association between schoolchildren’s weights and their consumption of food and drink from fast-food and takeaway outlets?
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12-06 |
Associations of Television Viewing With Eating Behaviors in the 2009 Health Behaviour in School-aged Children Study
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12-06 |
Food in academy schools
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12-06 |
Going Hungry? Young people’s experiences of free school meals
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12-06 |
Children eat their school lunch too quickly (pdf)
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12-05 |
Staying in school for lunch instead of eating in fast-food restaurants
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12-05 |
Outcomes of the West Australian school healthy food and drink policy (pdf)
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12-05 |
Junk Food in Schools and Childhood Obesity (pdf)
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12-05 |
Promoting the Purchase of Low-Calorie Foods From School Vending Machines
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12-05 |
Predicting physical activity and fruit and vegetable intake in adolescents
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12-05 |
Fast junk food and depression
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12-03 |
The nutritional value of breakfast cereals
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12-03 |
Factors Affecting Sugar-Sweetened Beverage Availability in Competitive Venues of US Secondary Schools
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12-03 |
A descriptive study on the barriers and facilitators to implementation of the NSW (Australia) Healthy School Canteen Strategy
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12-03 |
The Effect of Nutrient-Based Standards on Competitive Foods in 3 Schools: Potential Savings in Kilocalories and Grams of Fat
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12-03 |
The more times per. week young people report eating fruit and veg. they are more likely to report expecting to achieve 5 A-C GCSEs (pdf)
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12-03 |
Exposure to Multiple Components of a Garden-Based Intervention for Middle School Students Increases Fruit and Vegetable Consumption
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12-02 |
New powers for schools to beat the takeaways
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12-01 |
Trend in eating habits among Lithuanian school-aged children in context of social inequality (pdf)
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12-01 |
Competitive Food Sales in Schools and Childhood Obesity
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12-01 |
Not having school lunch - Do male or female 14-15 yr olds consistently report, since 1986, no lunch?
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12-01 |
Intakes and perceived home availability of sugar-sweetened beverages, fruit and vegetables as reported by mothers, fathers and adolescents
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12-01 |
Social, attitudinal and behavioural correlates of fruit and vegetable consumption among Cypriot adolescents
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12-01 |
Nutritional knowledge in European adolescents
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12-01 |
Nutrition-related claims on children's cereals: what do they mean to parents and do they influence willingness to buy?
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12-01 |
The quality of school lunch consumed reflects overall eating patterns in 11–16-year-old schoolchildren in Finland
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12-01 |
Soup: Why do we eat it when we're ill?
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11-11 |
English-style diet and the rest of the UK
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11-11 |
Tinned food and Bisphenol A
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11-11 |
The real five-a-day? UK kids feast on chocolate, energy drinks and crisps
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11-10 |
The effect of sugar-free products on dental health
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11-10 |
Adolescent experiences of ‘family meals’ in Australia
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11-10 |
The Impact of a School Garden and Cooking Program on Boys' and Girls' Fruit and Vegetable Preferences, Taste Rating, and Intake
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11-08 |
Ready-to-Eat Cereals at Breakfast Are Associated With Improved Nutrient Intake but Not With Increased Body Weight of Children and Adolescents
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11-08 |
Competitive Food Sales in U.S. Schools and Childhood Obesity
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11-07 |
Is salt good for you?
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11-07 |
Sixth annual survey of take up of school meals in England
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11-07 |
Psychosocial Characteristics in Relation to Disordered Eating Attitudes in Greek Adolescents
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11-07 |
Dieting and Disordered Eating Behaviors from Adolescence to Young Adulthood: Findings from a 10-Year Longitudinal Study
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11-07 |
Understanding barriers to implementing the Norwegian national guidelines for healthy school meals: a case study involving three secondary schools
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11-07 |
The quality of school lunch consumed reflects overall eating patterns in 11–16-year-old schoolchildren in Finland
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11-07 |
A protein-rich beverage consumed as a breakfast meal leads to weaker appetitive and dietary responses v. a protein-rich solid breakfast meal in adolescents
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11-06 |
Free School Meals - Peter Stanford from 'The Independent'
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11-06 |
Leicestershire County Council's School Food Support Service has created a new book with school meal recipes to be made at home.
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11-06 |
Healthy school meals, healthy school minds: how ditching Turkey Twizzlers can improve results and behaviour
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11-06 |
Home-made muffins and curries have topped a new poll of favourite healthy recipes to make with children
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11-06 |
Flavored Milks No Longer Option in U.S. Public School Cafeterias
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11-06 |
Rethinking School Lunch Guide from the Center for Ecoliteracy
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11-06 |
Beverage Consumption Among U.S. High School Students
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11-06 |
Location of food stores near U.S. school does not predict the weight status of high school students
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11-06 |
Why not set up a food co-operative in your school?
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11-06 |
School meal budget cuts and childhood obesity
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11-06 |
Children's Eating Behavior: The Importance of Nutrition Standards for Foods in Schools
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11-06 |
Energy and sports drinks and children/adolescents
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11-06 |
Effect of increased fruit and fat content in an acidified milk product on preference, liking and wanting in children
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11-06 |
Iodine deficiency and teenage girls
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11-05 |
Salt and Health
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11-05 |
Consistency of children's dietary choices: annual repeat measures from 5 to 13 years
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11-05 |
U.S. middle-school students’ school lunch consumption does not meet the new Institute of Medicine's National School Lunch Program recommendations
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11-05 |
Predictors of adolescent weight status and central obesity in rural South Africa
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11-05 |
Breakfast frequency inversely associated with BMI and body fatness in Hong Kong Chinese children aged 9–18 years
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11-05 |
The intake of fruit and sweets in rural and urban Greenland – development from 1994 to 2006 (pdf available)
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11-05 |
An analysis of the content of food industry pledges on marketing to children
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11-05 |
Factors influencing fast food consumption behaviors of middle-school students in Seoul
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11-05 |
Incorporating a Healthy Reimbursable Snack in an Afterschool Homework Program for Middle School Students
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11-04 |
The selection and prevalence of natural and fortified calcium food sources in the diets of adolescent girls
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11-04 |
Is food insecurity related to overweight and obesity in children and adolescents? A summary of studies, 1995–2009
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11-04 |
Cooking Communities: using multicultural after-school cooking clubs to enhance community cohesion (pdf)
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11-04 |
Mississippi Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Program
… and ...
What Works? Process Evaluation of a School-Based Fruit and Vegetable Distribution Program in Mississippi
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11-04 |
Would U.S. Students Prefer to Eat Healthier Foods at School?
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11-03 |
Associations between types of stress and disordered eating among girls and boys in U.S. Middle School
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11-03 |
The effects of the HEALTHY study intervention on U.S. middle school student dietary intakes (pdf)
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11-03 |
Proximity of food retailers to schools and rates of overweight ninth grade students: an ecological study in California (pdf)
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11-03 |
Food and IQ
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11-01 |
Teaching/learning methods and students' classification of food items
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11-01 |
Promoting connectedness through whole-school approaches
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11-01 |
Scottish school lunchtimes encourage students to eat more healthily and reduce accidents and truancy
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11-01 |
Relationship of nutrition and physical activity behaviors and fitness measures to academic performance for U.S. sixth graders
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11-01 |
Factors predicting staying in school to eat lunch
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10-12 |
Eating patterns of Turkish adolescents
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10-12 |
Adolescent experiences of 'family meals' in Australia
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10-12 |
Tongan adolescents’ eating patterns
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10-11 |
Reduction in sugar-sweetened beverages is not associated with more water or diet drinks
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10-11 |
Children’s accuracy of portion size estimation using digital food images
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10-11 |
Neighbourhood food environments: are they associated with adolescent dietary intake, food purchases and weight status?
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10-11 |
Soft drinks: time trends and correlates in twenty-four European countries
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10-11 |
Consumption of fruits and vegetables and fatty foods among adolescents in three countries
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10-11 |
Intake of total dietary sugar and fibre is associated with insulin resistance among Danish 8–10- and 14–16-year-old girls but not boys
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10-11 |
Associations between home and school availability of fruit and fruit intake, and the mediating role of attitude towards fruit
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10-11 |
Are organic vegetables healthier than food grown conventionally?
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10-11 |
Breakfast trends in German children and adolescents
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10-10 |
Television food advertising to children: a global perspective
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10-10 |
A study of the birth weight-obesity relation using a longitudinal cohort and sibling and twin pairs
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10-10 |
"The beneficial effect of family meals on obesity differs by race, sex, and household education: the national survey of children's health, 2003-2004"
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10-10 |
Dietary intake patterns of low-income urban african-american adolescents
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10-10 |
Associations among calcium intake, resting energy expenditure, and body fat in a multiethnic sample of children
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10-10 |
Childhood nutritional deprivation and cognitive impairment among older Chinese people
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10-09 |
Body dissatisfaction and eating disturbances in early adolescence |
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10-09 |
Patterns in weight reduction behaviour by weight status in schoolchildren |
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10-09 |
Young people’s school food styles in Norway: Naughty or nice? |
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10-09 |
Does eating junk food lead to allergies? |
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10-07 |
Eating less meat may be the key to keeping a healthy weight ...and...
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