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- 15-11 Intervention fidelity in a school-based diet and physical activity intervention in the UK: Active for Life Year 5
- 15-11 Uptake and impact of vaccinating school age children against influenza during a season with circulation of drifted influenza A and B strains, England, 2014/15
- 15-11 Factors associated with motor performance among overweight and nonoverweight Tyrolean primary school children
- 15-11 ‘Thin people … they're healthy’: young children's understanding of body weight change
- 15-10 Effectiveness of a Randomized Controlled Lifestyle Intervention to Prevent Obesity among Chinese Primary School Students
- 15-10 Patterns of sun protective behaviors among Hispanic children in a skin cancer prevention intervention
- 15-10 "Combating childhood obesity: Reactions of children aged 10–11 years towards the National Child Measurement Programme"
- 15-10 Healthier School Environment Leads to Decreases in Childhood Obesity: The Kearney Nebraska Story
- 15-10 Screen-Based Behaviors of Children and Cardiovascular Risk Factors
- 15-10 Patterns of sun protective behaviors among Hispanic children in a skin cancer prevention intervention
- 15-10 Prevalence of overweight/obesity in relation to dietary habits and lifestyle among 7–17 years old children and adolescents in Lithuania
- 15-09 Abdominal pain symptoms are associated with anxiety and depression in young children
- 15-09 Association of Child Poverty, Brain Development, and Academic Achievement ... and ... replies
- 15-09 Maternal pain influences her evaluation of recurrent pain in 6-11 years old healthy children
- 15-09 Parental employment during early childhood and overweight at 7-years
- 15-09 Emergency response readiness for primary school children cpr
- 15-09 Poor Beginnings: Health Inequalities among young children across England
- 15-08 Perspectives of obese children and their parents on lifestyle behavior change
- 15-08 Children’s perceptions of illness and health: An analysis of drawings
- 15-08 Child Allergic Symptoms and Well-Being at School: Findings from ALSPAC, a UK Cohort Study
- 15-08 Asthma rates falling but eczema and hay fever stand still. What does this tell us about allergies?
- 15-07 Blowing balloons treats glue ear
- 15-07 Childhood asthma rates down 10 percent in 10 years according to UK's oldest asthma survey
- 15-07 The influence of dairy consumption, sedentary behaviour and physical activity on bone mass in Flemish children
- 15-07 The Impact of Family Rules on Children's Eating Habits, Sedentary Behaviors, and Weight Status
- 15-07 Simple classroom measures may reduce the impact of ADHD: But more robust research is needed to identify best approach
- 15-06 Color of Urine to Be Valid Gauge for Hydration in Children ... and ... research
- 15-06 The health and care of young people : compilation of information on young people living in England and their health, care and wellbeing.
- 15-06 What is the Relationship between Risky Outdoor Play and Health in Children?
- 15-06 Green spaces and cognitive development in primary schoolchildren
- 15-06 Correlates of Total Sedentary Time and Screen Time in 9–11 Year-Old Children around the World
- 15-06 The influence of childhood asthma on puberty and height in Swedish adolescents
- 15-06 Kids’ Altruism Linked with Better Physiological Regulation, Less Family Wealth
- 15-05 Clustering of diet, physical activity and sedentary behaviour among Australian children
- 15-05 Suicide Trends Among US Elementary School–Aged Children 1993 to 2012
- 15-05 Increasing prevalence of asthma, respiratory symptoms, and allergic diseases
- 15-05 Are temper, anxiety, homework trouble medical issues? Many parents don’t realize it
- 15-05 Influencing children's health: critical windows for intervention
- 15-05 Changes in objectively measured BMI in children aged 4–11 years
- 15-05 Children as young as six suffering body image problems
- 15-05 Determinants of health-related quality of life in school-aged children
- 15-04 A persistently high body mass index increases the risk of atopic asthma at school age
- 15-04 Does Breastfeeding Help to Reduce the Risk of Childhood Overweight and Obesity?
- 15-04 Young Children’s Affective Responses to Another’s Distress
- 15-04 Large discrepancies between parental perceptions of child's weight and official classifications
- 15-03 Downward trends in the prevalence of childhood overweight in two pilot towns in Belgium
- 15-03 Being overweight or obese is associated with inhibition control in children from six to ten years of age
- 15-03 Maternal Depressive Symptoms across Early Childhood and Asthma in School Children
- 15-03 Risk factors for overweight and obesity in Swiss primary school children
- 15-03 Household Factors, Family Behavior Patterns, and Adherence to Dietary and Physical Activity Guidelines Among Children at Risk for Obesity