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- 14-09 Effects of Carrying a Backpack in an Asymmetrical Manner on the Asymmetries of the Trunk and Parameters Defining Lateral Flexion of the Spine
- 14-09 Assessment of Anxiety Symptoms in School Children: A Cross-Sex and Ethnic Examination
- 14-09 Trends in wheeze in Dutch school children and the role of medication use
- 14-08 Peer-Effects in Obesity among Public Elementary School Children
- 14-08 Thinness in the era of obesity: trends in children and adolescents in The Netherlands since 1980
- 14-08 Health related quality of life of immigrant children: towards a new pattern in Germany?
- 14-08 Perception of the child's obesity in parents of girls and boys treated for obesity
- 14-07 Evaluating the implementation of an emotional wellbeing programme for primary school children using participatory approaches
- 14-06 School Belongingness and Mental Health Functioning across the Primary-Secondary Transition in a Mainstream Sample
- 14-06 How to identify and support those pupils whose behaviour suggests they may have unmet mental health needs
- 14-06 You can’t walk or bike yourself out of the health effects of poverty: active school transport, child obesity, and blind spots in the public health literature
- 14-06 Clustering and correlates of multiple health behaviours in 9-10 year old children
- 14-06 Severe Eczema in Infancy Can Predict Asthma Development. A Prospective Study to the Age of 10 Years
- 14-06 Uptake and impact of a new live attenuated influenza vaccine programme in England: early results of a pilot in primary school-age children, 2013/14 influenza season
- 14-06 Skin pigmentation, sun exposure and vitamin D levels in children of the Avon Longitudinal Study of Parents and Children
- 14-06 Childhood loss of control eating over five-year follow-up
- 14-06 Why do mothers encourage their children to control their weight?
- 14-06 Tooth brushing frequency in Mexican schoolchildren and associated socio-demographic, socioeconomic, and dental variables
- 14-06 Caesarean delivery is associated with childhood general obesity but not abdominal obesity in Iranian elementary school children
- 14-06 From trial to population: a study of a family-based community intervention for childhood overweight implemented at scale
- 14-06 Physical activity, diet and BMI in children aged 6–8 years
- 14-05 Ten-year secular trend of overweight and obesity in school children in south-eastern Poland
- 14-04 " … just getting outdoors had health benefits"
- 14-04 MindEd - Website contains information for anybody working with children and young people’s mental health issues
- 14-03 Overweight in Adolescence Can Be Predicted at Age 6 Years (pdf)
- 14-03 Crowdsourcing Novel Childhood Predictors of Adult Obesity (pdf)
- 14-03 Parents' communication to primary school-aged children about mental health and ill-health: a grounded theory study
- 14-03 School sun-protection policies—does being SunSmart make a difference?
- 14-03 The ‘Healthy Dads, Healthy Kids’ community randomized controlled trial: A community-based healthy lifestyle program for fathers and their children
- 14-03 The relationship between sun protection policies and practices in schools with primary-age students: the role of school demographics, policy comprehensiveness and SunSmart membership
- 14-03 'Peeing' in the swimming pool and the effects on health
- 14-03 Does fluoride in drinking water delay tooth eruption?
- 14-03 Australian mothers’ notions of risk and uncertainty in relation to their pre-teen children
- 14-03 Self-reported sun-related knowledge, attitudes and behaviours among schoolchildren attending South African primary schools
- 14-03 Parents' reasons for brushing or not brushing their child's teeth: a qualitative study
- 14-03 Tracking a dietary pattern associated with increased adiposity in childhood and adolescence
- 14-03 Childhood obesity and parental perceptions in a rural Australian population
- 14-03 ‘Health and happiness is more important than weight’: a qualitative investigation of the views of parents receiving written feedback on their child's weight as part of the National Child Measurement Programme
- 14-03 Overweight and obese children have lower cortisol levels than normal weight children
- 14-03 Using motivational interviewing for weight feedback to parents of young children
- 14-03 Screen Exposure and Body Mass Index Status in 2- to 11-Year-Old Children
- 14-03 Tonsillectomy for Recurrent Sore Throats in Children: Indications, Outcomes, and Efficacy
- 14-03 Trends in overweight and obesity in Danish children and adolescents: 2000-2008 – exploring changes according to parental education
- 14-03 Child health problems 'linked to father's age'
- 14-01 Parent-Child Relationships and Child Physical Health and Stress-Related Physiology: A Daily Diary Investigation
- 14-01 Trends in resting pulse rates in 9–11-year-old children in the UK 1980–2008 (pdf)
- 14-01 When being called “incredibly good” is bad for children
- 14-01 Parents’ views and experiences when their preschool child is identified as overweight: a qualitative study in primary care
- 14-01 The Role of Overweight Perception and Depressive Symptoms in Child and Adolescent Unhealthy Weight Control Behaviors: A Mediation Model
- 14-01 Association between parental perceptions of residential neighbourhood environments and childhood obesity in Porto, Portugal