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- 15-03 Markers of metabolic health in children differ between weekdays-the result of unhealthier weekend behavior
- 15-03 Child Dental Health Survey 2013 England, Wales and Northern Ireland
- 15-03 Status of Cardiovascular Health in US Children Up to 11 Years of Age
- 15-03 The Hi Five study: design of a school-based randomized trial to reduce infections and improve hygiene and well-being among 6–15 year olds in Denmark
- 15-03 Enhancing cognitive and social–emotional development through a simple-to-administer mindfulness-based school program for elementary school children: a randomized controlled trial
- 15-03 Association between parental emotional symptoms and child antisocial behaviour: What is specific and is it mediated by parenting?
- 15-03 Correlates of objectively measured sedentary time and self-reported screen time in Canadian children
- 15-03 Statistics on Obesity, Physical Activity and Diet - England, 2015
- 15-02 Associations between BMI and home, school and route environmental exposures estimated using GPS and GIS: do we see evidence of selective daily mobility bias in children?
- 15-02 Service evaluation of the GOALS family-based childhood obesity treatment intervention during the first 3 years of implementation
- 15-01 Changes in emotional distress, short term memory, and sustained attention following 6 and 12 sessions of progressive muscle relaxation training in 10–11 years old primary school children
- 15-01 The Dental Health of primary school children living in fluoridated, pre-fluoridated and non-fluoridated communities in New South Wales, Australia
- 15-01 Cortical Thickness Maturation and Duration of Music Training: Health-Promoting Activities Shape Brain Development
- 15-01 An educational campaign toward epilepsy among Italian primary school teachers: 1. Survey on knowledge and attitudes … and … 2. The results of a focused training program
- 15-01 Impact of readiness to change behavior on the effects of a multidisciplinary intervention in obese Brazilian children and adolescents
- 15-01 Bedroom air quality and vacuuming frequency are associated with repeat child asthma hospital admissions
- 15-01 Healthy Kids Out of School: Using Mixed Methods to Develop Principles for Promoting Healthy Eating and Physical Activity in Out-of-School Settings in the United States
- 14-12 An evaluation of the relationship between self-esteem and pet bonding in children
- 14-12 School-Based Educational Intervention to Improve Children’s Oral Health–Related Knowledge
- 14-12 Marketing Strategies and Warning Labels on Children's Toothpaste
- 14-12 Childhood obesity management shifting from health care system to school system: intervention study of school-based weight management programme
- 14-12 BMI tests 'miss' over a quarter of obese children
- 14-12 A survey on happiness in primary school children in Flanders
- 14-12 Neighborhood Influences on Girls’ Obesity Risk Across the Transition to Adolescence
- 14-12 Seven- to nine-year-old children’s own assessment of health-related quality of life is important in preventing overweight and obesity
- 14-12 Measuring National Well-being - Exploring the Well-being of Children in the UK, 2014
- 14-12 Health-Related Physical Fitness, BMI, physical activity and time spent at a computer screen 6 and 7-year-old children from rural areas in Poland
- 14-12 Nutrition and Health of Schoolchildren in the UK : British Nutrition Foundation
- 14-12 Wise up with Water Challenge!
- 14-11 20% of children born at start of century overweight by age of seven
- 14-11 What Predicts a Successful Life? Emotional health in childhood ‘is the key to future happiness’
- 14-11 Have the Danes cracked childhood obesity?
- 14-10 Trends and prevalence of overweight and obesity in primary school aged children in the Republic of Ireland from 2002-2012
- 14-10 Parenting stress: a cross-sectional analysis of associations with childhood obesity, physical activity, and TV viewing
- 14-09 5,600 young people can’t be wrong: YoungMinds vs - mental health campaign
- 14-09 Evaluating a weight management package for overweight primary school children
- 14-09 Are schoolteachers able to teach first aid to children younger than 6 years? [not cpr]
- 14-09 Children's participation in school: a cross-sectional study of the relationship between school environments, participation and health and well-being outcomes
- 14-09 The Influence of Health Behaviors During Childhood on Adolescent Health Behaviors, Health Indicators, and Academic Outcomes Among Participants from Hawaii
- 14-09 Investigating the Associations between Mediterranean Diet, Physical Activity and Living Environment with Childhood Asthma
- 14-09 Multilevel influences on overweight and obesity in 8–11 year old Irish children
- 14-09 Surveillance of childhood obesity in Sweden. Focus on lifestyles and socioeconomic conditions.
- 14-09 Examining social norm impacts on obesity and eating behaviors among US school children based on agent-based model
- 14-09 Promoting healthy eating and physical activity among school children: findings from Health-E-PALS, the first pilot intervention from Lebanon
- 14-09 Obesity and physical activity in children of immigrants
- 14-09 Health-care conditions in elementary schools and teachers’ knowledge of childhood asthma
- 14-09 Displacement of bedtime by screen time in schoolchildren: the importance of area deprivation
- 14-09 Follow-up of a Healthy Lifestyle Education Program: 2 Years After Cessation of Intervention
- 14-09 Overweight and obesity in primary school: native children versus migrant children
- 14-09 Evaluating the implementation of a school-based emotional well-being programme: a cluster randomized controlled trial of Zippy’s Friends for children in disadvantaged primary schools