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- 16-12 Effects of statewide health promotion in primary schools on children’s sick days, visits to a physician and parental absence from work
- 16-11 Environmental exposure and effects on health of children from a tobacco-producing region
- 16-11 Household environment, lifestyle behaviors, and dietary habits in relation to childhood atopic eczema in Shanghai, China
- 16-11 Results from a prospective cohort study: shared decision making improves outcomes for children with asthma
- 16-10 3 in 5 of England’s most deprived boys will be overweight or obese by 2020
- 16-10 Girlguiding attitude survey : Girls as young as seven feel pressure to look perfect
- 16-09 Childhood hyperactivity and mood problems at mid-life: evidence from a prospective birth cohort
- 16-09 Effect of salt reduction on iodine status assessed by 24 hour urinary iodine excretion in children and their families in northern China
- 16-09 Young children unhappy with their bodies
- 16-08 Childhood obesity: a plan for action ... and ...one reaction ... and ... another reaction
- 16-08 Longitudinal Associations Between Self-Regulation and Health Across Childhood and Adolescence.
- 16-08 Personality and Body-Mass-Index in School-Age Children: An Exploration of Mediating and Moderating Variables
- 16-08 Positive teacher-student relationships boost good behaviour in teenagers for up to four years
- 16-08 The association of parental education with childhood undernutrition in low- and middle-income countries: comparing the role of paternal and maternal education
- 16-07 Association between gestational weight gain and risk of obesity in preadolescence
- 16-07 A Community-based Healthy Living Promotion Program Improved Self-esteem Among Minority Children
- 16-06 Co-Occurrence of Health Conditions during Childhood: Longitudinal Findings from the UK Millennium Cohort Study
- 16-05 Vitamin E and the risk of childhood asthma
- 16-05 The Influence of Contextual and Psychosocial Factors on Handwashing
- 16-04 Parental perception of weight status and weight gain across childhood
- 16-04 Out of the classroom and into the community: medical students consolidate learning about health literacy through collaboration with Head Start
- 16-03 The Use of Narrative as a Treatment Approach for Obesity: A Storied Educational Program Description
- 16-03 Cost Effectiveness of Influenza Vaccine Choices in Children Aged 2–8 Years in the U.S.
- 16-03 Interventions for Childhood Obesity in the First 1,000 Days A Systematic Review
- 16-02 Cross-sectional associations between high-deprivation home and neighbourhood environments, and health-related variables among Liverpool children
- 16-02 Children’s views on their lives and well-being in 15 countries : A report on the Children’s Worlds survey,
- 16-02 Effects of parent and child behaviours on overweight and obesity in infants and young children from disadvantaged backgrounds
- 16-02 Sun Exposure and Sun Protection at Primary Schools in The Netherlands
- 16-02 Head lice predictors and infestation dynamics among primary school children in Norway
- 16-02 Correlates of longitudinal changes in the waist-to-height ratio of primary school children: Implications for prevention
- 16-02 Effectiveness of Planned Teaching Programme on Knowledge Regarding Prevention of Child Abuse and Neglect Among Primary School Teachers
- 16-02 Improved Control of Childhood Asthma with Low-Dose, Short-Term Vitamin D Supplementation
- 16-02 Health-care conditions in elementary schools and teachers’ knowledge of childhood asthma
- 16-01 Development of a Dutch intervention for obese young children
- 16-01 Sugar Consumption and Changes in Dental Caries from Childhood to Adolescence
- 16-01 Identifying barriers, perceptions and motivations related to healthy eating and physical activity among 6th to 8th grade, rural, limited-resource adolescents
- 16-01 The role of repetition and reinforcement in school-based oral health education
- 16-01 Confident body, confident child: A randomised controlled trial evaluation of a parenting resource for promoting healthy body image and eating patterns in 2- to 6-year old children
- 16-01 Parent and child perceptions of school-based obesity prevention in England
- 16-01 Rapid weight gain during early childhood is associated with overweight in preadolescence: a longitudinal study in Japan
- 16-01 Parent-only interventions for childhood overweight or obesity in children aged 5 to 11 years
- 15-12 Obesity prevention in English primary schools: headteacher perspectives
- 15-12 Trends in allergy prevalence among children aged 0-17 years by asthma status, United States, 2001-2013
- 15-12 Uptake, retention and engagement of children participating in the cluster randomised controlled trial of the Healthy Lifestyles Programme (HeLP)
- 15-12 Timing of parental divorce influences health of children when they reach middle age
- 15-12 Breastfeeding is positively associated with child intelligence even net of parental IQ
- 15-11 Fewer obese children starting school, but third leave overweight
- 15-11 Only 1 in 5 parents find information from schools on their child’s weight useful
- 15-11 Dogs, farm animals and asthma
- 15-11 Estimates of the energy deficit required to reverse the trend in childhood obesity in Australian schoolchildren