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- 12-02 ‘Children are exposed to temptation all the time’– parents’ lifestyle-related discussions in focus groups
- 12-02 The ToyBox Project
- 12-02 Identifying effective behavioural models and behaviour change strategies underpinning preschool- and school-based obesity prevention interventions aimed at 4–6-year-olds
- 12-02 Statistics on obesity, physical activity and diet. England. 2012 (pdf)
- 12-02 Implementing a Universal Stress Management Program for Young School Children: Are there Classroom Climate or Academic Effects?
- 12-02 Investigating Mothers’ Decisions About Their Child’s Sun-Protective Behaviour
- 12-02 Children First Study: how an educational program in cardiovascular prevention at school can improve parents’ cardiovascular risk
- 12-02 Promoting positive emotional health of children of transient armed forces families
- 12-02 Symptoms of Depression Depend on Rigid Parenting Attitudes, Gender, and Race in an At-Risk Sample of Early Adolescents
- 12-02 Effectiveness of a School-based Fluoride Mouthrinse Program
- 12-01 National Child Measurement Programme: England report
- 12-01 A synthesis of existing systematic reviews and meta-analyses of school-based behavioural interventions for controlling and preventing obesity
- 12-01 Parental overweight/obesity, social factors, and child overweight/obesity at 7 years of age
- 12-01 Parenting and child body mass index: Longitudinal investigation of maternal and paternal influence
- 12-01 Children's well-being and the commercialisation of childhood
- 12-01 Perceptions of Employed Parents About Early Childhood Obesity and the Need for Prevention Strategies
- 12-01 Do Piped Water and Flush Toilets Prevent Child Diarrhea in Rural Philippines?
- 12-01 Irrational Beliefs and Test Anxiety in Turkish School Students
- 11-11 Growing Up in Ireland – Overweight and Obesity Among 9-Year-Olds
- 11-11 Combined Home and School Obesity Prevention Interventions for Children: Effectiveness
- 11-10 School-Based Interventions for Overweight and Obesity in Minority School Children
- 11-10 International School Children’s Health Needs: School Nurses’ Views in Europe
- 11-10 Promoting Happiness and Life Satisfaction in School Children
- 11-10 Key stakeholders’ perspectives towards childhood obesity treatment: A qualitative study
- 11-10 Comparison of the Health Status of Children Aged Between 6 and 12 Years Reared by Grandparents and Parents
- 11-10 A Study on the Combined Effect of Obesity and Load Carriage on Plantar Pressure Patterns of Primary School Children
- 11-09 Pupil Health and Wellbeing and the Joint Strategic Needs Assessment
- 11-08 The "Born in Bradford" Project
- 11-08 Diverse perspectives on pupil health among professionals in Swedish school-based multi-professional teams
- 11-08 Relationship between 8/9-yr-old school children BMI, parents’ BMI and educational level (pdf)
- 11-08 The study of externalizing and internalizing behaviours in Greek, Russian, Indian, and Chinese children using the Fairy Tale Test
- 11-08 Speech concerns at 5 years and adult educational and mental health outcomes
- 11-07 Caution: Yelling Can Be Hazardous to Students' Health
- 11-07 Childhood Overweight and Obesity and Their Association With Asthma
- 11-07 Childhood pets and allergies
- 11-07 A School Based Community Partnership for Promoting Healthy Habits for Life
- 11-05 Peer victimization as reported by children, teachers, and parents in relation to children's health symptoms (pdf)
- 11-05 Parents' attitudes and behaviours towards recommended vaccinations in Sicily (pdf)
- 11-05 Drawings of self and best friend by children undergoing dialysis (pdf)
- 11-05 Risk factors and prevalence of asthma and rhinitis among primary school children in Lisbon.
- 11-03 The ‘Healthy Dads, Healthy Kids’ randomized controlled trial: efficacy of a healthy lifestyle program for overweight fathers and their children
- 11-03 Adding new anti-asthma drug to therapy may limit seasonal attacks in children
- 11-03 Self discipline and obesity in Bangkok school children
- 11-03 Barriers to oral health promotion in the Republic of Ireland for children with disabilities.
- 11-03 Eight-Year Follow-Up of School-Based Intervention on Childhood Overweight – the Kiel Obesity Prevention Study
- 11-03 Role of social networks in shaping disease transmission during a community outbreak of 2009 H1N1 pandemic influenza (pdf)
- 11-03 5-4-3-2-1 Go! Coordinating Pediatric Resident (Medical Graduate in Training) Education and Community Health Promotion to Address the Obesity Epidemic in Children and Youth
- 11-03 Children's experiences of a drama programme in social and emotional learning
- 11-02 Children's perceptions of obesity as explained by the common sense model of illness representation
- 11-02 A randomised controlled trial of ion-exchange water softeners for the treatment of eczema in children