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Vulnerable pupils

We often look to see how groups of vulnerable young people are doing relative to their peers in our data sets.

We were recently prompted to look at young people who are young carers, who have special educational needs, who are attending PRUs, and who are in Special Schools.  The numbers from PRUs and Special Schools who completed any of our questionnaires are small, and they may not have answered the same set of questions, so this analysis is rather patchy. 

Greater Manchester CTZN project

Project CTZN is a programme about safer relationships for young people led by Greater Manchester Police and funded by the Home Office.

The core of the CTZN programme is a mobile-based, digital platform (app), which will be the foundation of a social network created by and for young people. See

SHEU is supporting the administration of the project, in particular the Year 10 survey.

Letters and leaflets about the project are linked below.

Contact us: /contact

Silly questions

I was reminded of this piece today:

School health research

"Please send me the 3 research emails about school health research" or click on the following links about ...


Can we trust the results?

No-one can guarantee that every answer given by every respondent in a survey is completely accurate and honest.  However, we can go a long way to improving our confidence in the figures by taking care over each aspect of the process:

Survey databases

We can supply databases of survey responses from a study.  We would need to understand your requirements for (1) database format and (2) file transfer.

Let us know in advance what you would like, and we can rehearse!

(1) Database format

We normally keep our data sets as SPSS system files, which are compact and nicely labelled.

Screenshot 2014-09-16 11.22.26.png

School Health at the time of World War One

Marking 100 years since Britain joined World War One

... some information about school health in Britain around 1914-1918

  • 1906 and 1914 Education (Provision of Meals) Acts

#SHEUres measurable outcomes


Welcome to another piece of the jigsaw


#SHEUres is used on Twitter for our research links

"measurable outcomes" is a phrase often used when in search of "evidence" to help support services and programmes


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