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"Students and mental health" - from the SHEU research resource

Join the email list to receive research news each month about young people's health related behaviour.

"Students and mental health" appeared in October on the NHS Health News website. The authors analysed a report by the Royal College of Psychiatrists.

Follow this link to find the above research and other new research about 16+ year olds


YP into 2011 chapters

Twenty fifth year of data about Young People

YP into '11

ISBN 9781-902445-42-6
Wire-bound edition £25 (incl.p&p)

"Piano playing reduces stress more than other creative art activities" - from the SHEU research resource

Join the list to receive research news each month about young people's health related behaviour.

"Piano playing reduces stress more than other creative art activities" was published in August in the International Journal of Music Education. In this study, the effects of creative art activities on college students' stress were investigated.

Follow this link to find the above research and other new research about 11-16 year olds...

"... possibly the best source for research news about young people's health and behaviour."

Research news about young people's health - this service first developed in January 2006 and grew from our research work with young people and their health related behaviour. Using many Internet search tools and numerous keywords, new research links are displayed each month. Divided by age range, topic area and archives - this is a unique resource. Subscribe to this free service by joining the email list

Everyone knows one quote about statistics

...but it invariably is Disraeli's one about lies and damned lies*.  I hope this one gains a bit of circulation:

"A microscope enables you to see things which are too small to be seen by the naked eye; statistics enables you to see things in masses of data which are too complicated for the naked eye."

"Differences in young people's attitudes towards exercise... ability....participation" - from the SHEU research resource

Each month you can receive Internet links to some of the latest research about young people's health related behaviour.

"Differences in attitudes towards exercise, perceived athletic ability, perceived physical attractiveness and participation in physical activity in children and adolescents aged 10 to 18 years old" was recently published in the Journal of Sport and Health Research.

Follow this link to find the above research and other new research about 11-16 year olds...

"Children's perceptions and experiences of fruit and vegetables" - from the SHEU research resource

Each month you can receive Internet links to some of the latest research about young people's health related behaviour.

"A focus group exploration of primary school children's perceptions and experiences of fruit and vegetables", is research published in the June issue of the Journal of Human Nutrition and Dietetics.

To read more research about 5-11 year olds please follow this link...


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