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- 12-02 Children's social and emotional wellbeing in schools (book)
- 12-02 HIV-Positive Mothers’ Communication About Safer Sex and STD Prevention With Their Children
- 12-01 Sexualisation of children: what the research shows re- Australian mediated culture (pdf)
- 12-01 Review of recent literature for the Bailey Review of commercialisation and sexualisation of childhood (pdf)
- 12-01 Body Image in the Primary School
- 11-11 Sex education in US public schools to stress abstinence
- 11-11 Sex education debate October, Andrea Leadsom, House of Commons
- 11-11 Sex education debate House of Lords
- 11-11 The RealCare Baby® Program: Evidence of Efficacy (pdf)
- 11-08 The first sex education book for Chinese primary schools?
- 11-08 Letting Children be Children - Report of an Independent Review of the Commercialisation and Sexualisation of Childhood
- 11-08 Effects of early relationships on children’s perceived control
- 11-07 An exploration in Health Education of an integrated theoretical basis for Sexuality Education pedagogies for young people
- 11-05 External providers' sexuality education teaching and pedagogies for Australian primary school students
- 11-05 Parents 'oppose school sex education for children'
- 11-05 "Teacher, will you marry me?' Integrating teachers' stories and self-reflective texts for exploring sexuality discourses in school settings
- 11-03 Sex education week for Dutch under-12s
- 11-02 'Puppet on a string' - The urgent need to cut children free from sexual exploitation. Report from Barnado's (pdf)
- 11-02 PSHE Education: A mapping study of the prevalent models of delivery and their effectiveness
- 11-02 SRE curriculum design support from the Sex Education Forum
- 11-01 The provision of sexual and reproductive health education to children in a remote mountainous commune in rural Vietnam: an exploratory study of parents' views
- 11-01 Evaluation of a randomized intervention to delay sexual initiation among U.S. fifth-graders followed through the sixth grade
- 10-12 "Primary schools must provide sex education as contained within the national curriculum for Wales, for example in science." (page 9 pdf)
- 10-12 "Understanding Sex and Relationships Education" update from the Sex Education Forum (pdf)
- 10-11 "...eight out of 10 teachers don't feel trained and confident in talking about SRE…" … and … sponsorship fears
- 10-11 Primary SRE & Teachers TV
- 10-11 Early puberty
- 10-10 Evaluation follow-up of a national primary school HIV intervention in Kenya
- 10-10 Chris Bryant MP calls for mandatory sex and relationship lessons
- 10-07 SRE, Key Stage 2 resources from the TES
- 10-07 School Health Promotion: references from IUHPE
- 10-07 Resources for the Primary level from the Sex Education Forum
- 10-06 Braving it out! An illuminative evaluation of the provision of sex and relationship education in two primary schools in England
- 10-06 'The Hormone Factory' is an Australian website for children aged 10 to 12 years explaining sexual and reproductive development and the physical, emotional and social changes associated with puberty
- 10-05 In the Netherlands children sometimes start receiving sex education as early as the age of five.
- 10-05 Book - Great answers to difficult questions about sex: What children need to know
- 10-03 Teaching SRE with Confidence in Primary Schools 2nd Ed.- from the Christopher Winter Project
- 10-03 UNESCO Guidance on Sexuality EducationVolume I The rationale for sexuality education
- 10-03 UNESCO Guidance on Sexuality EducationVolume II Topics and learning objectives
- 10-03 Publications from the Birmingham Health Education Service
- 10-02 Interventions to reduce teenage pregnancy rates could be introduced during primary school years
- 10-02 The new sexuality education curriculum for Queensland primary schools
- 10-02 Western Australia's 'Growing and Developing Healthy Relationships Curriculum Support Materials'
- 10-01 U.K. 21st century sex and relationship education
- 10-01 U.S. Advocates for Youth ..........
- 10-01 Sex education that works
- 10-01 Sex education research
- 10-01 Sex differences in the structure and stability of children's playground social networks and their overlap with friendship relations
- 10-01 U.S. The National Campaign ..........
- 09-12 (Re)considering normal: queering social norms for parents and teachers