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- 23-05 The Impact of Theatre-Based Interventions for Sexual Health Education to Adolescents: A Systematic Review
- 23-05 "Post-Roe Abortion Policy Context Heightens the Imperative for Multilevel, Comprehensive, Integrated Health Education
- 23-05 Effect of the problem-based adolescent reproductive health module on students life skills and attitudes
- 23-05 Experiencing double silence: sexuality education of south Asian minority youth in Hong Kong
- 23-05 Emerging adults perceptions of school-based sex education on consent, sexual assault, and intimate partner violence
- 23-05 National trends and disparate access to formal and informal sex education among youth involved with the child welfare system in the USA
- 23-04 Prevalence and Factors Associated with Risky Sexual Behaviors Among Sexually Active Female Adolescents in Zambia
- 23-04 Knowledge, Attitudes, and Practices Towards Teaching of Menstruation and Sexual Health Among Parents of Middle School Students
- 23-04 "An umbrella for all things: Black daughters sexual decisions and paternal engagement
- 23-04 Saying Yes to Whose Pleasures? A Feminist Study on the of Pregnancies for Young Women Acceptability
- 23-04 The Peer Education Method Using the Comprehensive School Health Model Concept in the Centre of Sexting Information Program
- 23-04 Comparing the prevalence of sexual behaviors and victimization among adolescents based on child welfare system involvement
- 23-04 Gender differences in sexual experience and condom use among in-school adolescents: A multi-country study using the global school-based health survey
- 23-04 Intervening at the Right Level to Improve Student Health: An Analysis of Levels of Influence on Sexual Behavior of High School Students
- 23-04 Effectiveness of school-based child sexual abuse intervention among school children in the new millennium era: Systematic review and meta-analyses
- 23-04 Do age of consent laws decrease teen births?
- 23-04 Sexual consent attitudes and behaviour: Associations with sexual health education, sexual consent education, and sexual attitudes
- 23-04 Social resources, resilience, and sexual health among South African adolescent girls and young women: findings from the HERStory study
- 23-04 Effectiveness of the SMART Sex Ed program among 1318 year old English and Spanish speaking adolescent men who have sex with men
- 23-04 "I would never just plop you into a car and say, okay, figure out how to drive this: Driving metaphors in sex education
- 23-04 Influence of Sex Education on the Sexual Behaviour of Adolescents
- 23-04 Sexual Debut, Sexual Education, Abortion, Awareness and Prevalence of Contraceptive Among Female Undergraduates Students in Public and Private Universities in Ekiti State, Nigeria
- 23-04 But Everything Else, I Learned Online: School-Based and Internet-Based Sexual Learning Experiences of Heterosexual and LGBQ + Youth
- 23-04 Is this normal? Examining sex education in a corpus of magazine advice columns
- 23-04 Sex and reproductive health education in the UK: What are we teaching teenagers?
- 23-03 Measuring Sexual Communication in Adolescent Dating Relationships in Vietnam: Development and Validation of the Sexual Communications Scales for Attitudes, Self-Efficacy, and Behavior
- 23-03 What happens when we ask? A phenomenological focus group on HIV prevention and sexual health education among emancipated foster care youth
- 23-03 County-Level School Sex Education Policy: A Single State Analysis of the Association with Adolescent Birth and Sexually Transmitted Infections
- 23-03 The persistent power of stigma: A critical review of policy initiatives to break the menstrual silence and advance menstrual literacy
- 23-03 Sexual consent attitudes and behaviour: Associations with sexual health education, sexual consent education, and sexual attitudes
- 23-03 Influences of parental monitoring and school connectedness on age at first sexual debut among unmarried female youth in Bedele town, Ethiopia: A survival analysis of timing using accelerated failure time model
- 23-03 What to do when it fails? Teenage pregnancy in Europe
- 23-03 Teenage sex, what about it?
- 23-03 Psychometric properties: sexual self-concept inventory in early adolescent females
- 23-03 Risk and Protective Factors Associated with Suicidal Thoughts and Behaviors Among Maryland Middle School Students
- 23-03 A Latent Class Analysis: Identifying Pregnancy Intention Classes Among U.S. Adolescents
- 23-03 Smellwalks as sensuous pedagogy in sexuality education
- 23-03 Temet Nosce [Know Thyself] - poem
- 23-03 Associations between adolescents watching pornography and poor mental health in three Swedish surveys
- 23-03 Contraception knowledge and uptake among in-school adolescents in three South African townships: Baseline findings from the Girls Achieve Power (GAP Year) Trial
- 23-03 Sexual Health Education for Youth with Disabilities: An Unmet Need
- 23-03 The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on adolescent mental health
- 23-03 Effects of exposure to pornography in junior high school students
- 23-03 Effectiveness Of Health Education Utilizing Digital Comic Media For Enhancing Adolescent Reproductive Health Behavio
- 23-03 Contents, Methods, and Outcomes of Adolescent Sexual Health Promotion in School Environments: A Scoping Review
- 23-03 Busting myths about RSE
- 23-03 Predictors of Teen Sexual Behavior
- 23-03 The longitudinal association between sexual violence victimization and sexual risk behavior in adolescence
- 23-03 School-Based Interventions for Promoting Sexual and Reproductive Health of Adolescents in India: A Review
- 23-03 Implementing Sexual Health Education for At-Risk High School Students in a Faith-Based Setting: A Pilot Project