
East End girls

This is something of an accidental blog post.  We were asked recently for some information about young people, which I misinterpreted as asking about differences between local authorities.

Monitoring wellbeing with SHEU

SHEU surveys are featured in the Public Health England toolkit for schools and colleges, put together by the Anna Freud Centre


The toolkit encourages schools and colleges to monitor their pupils' and students' mental wellbeing, and offer SHEU among other approaches to doing this.  Of course, a SHEU survey includes other aspects of health and wellbeing than mental and emotional.

Primary school surveys

A shorter and simpler questionnaire can be designed for primary-age pupils.
You can find the answers to questions like:

  • How much exercise do our pupils take in a typical week?
  • What things about the school do they like, and what do they want to change?

To see what sort of reports you can receive, see our Reports page.
What sort of primary school survey are you interested in?

Leicester Health and Wellbeing Survey 2015

We are writing to invite your school to participate in an important Health and Wellbeing survey that we are undertaking of children and young people in Leicester. The purpose of the survey is to better understand the experiences and behaviour of children and young people and to help with planning relevant and responsive services for them.

The full letter is linked to this page below:
Leicester 2015 invitation to schools


School health research

"Please send me the 3 research emails about school health research" or click on the following links about ...


Healthy Schools Audit: Self-Validation Form

We designed an online self-validation form for Healthy Schools, and for each school showed their survey figures alongside the Healthy Schools criteria. Here is an example of a completed form

The Pupil Premium and Better Outcomes

Schools are entitled to a pupil premium for those pupils entitled to free school meals.

We can analyse for each school the results from a SHEU survey to compare answers from those pupils receiving free school meals with those from the rest of the sample.  A typical report is shown below:



Pupil Premium

Non-Pupil Premium

Self-esteem, research and young people - links from SHEU

Measurements of self-esteem are often included in research about young people. 

SHEUs latest list of Internet links (mostly to full articles) that is not definitive - please let us know about other links that you think are helpful (links to pdf/full text if available).



Planning PSHE in your school (plus FREE resources)

- it's up to you now!
"It should be for teachers, not the government, to design the lessons and the experiences that will engage pupils ... reflecting their pupils’ interests and local circumstances." Schools Minister Nick Gibb.
SHEU’s view, developed over 30 years, is that the best way to explore pupils' circumstances with a view to planning PSHE provision is with a local, anonymous, survey of health and lifestyles. Have a look at the detailed book of tables and a comparison report your school will receive following a survey. 


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