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- 22-02 The Impact of a High School-Based Positive Youth Development Program on Sexual Health Outcomes: Results from a Randomized Controlled Trial
- 22-02 Sexual and reproductive health education for young people in Victoria, Australia: a mixed methods study
- 22-02 I Wish the School Had a Better Understanding of the Diagnosis: parent perspectives on educational needs of students with sex chromosome aneuploidies
- 22-02 Structural validity of the Conflict in Adolescent Dating Relationships Inventory (CADRI): A reduced version for use on respondents as victims and perpetrators
- 22-02 Putting the 'Comprehensive' in Comprehensive Sexuality Education: a Review Exploring Young Adult Literature as a School-based Intervention
- 22-01 Intimate partner violence among adolescent Latina mothers and their reproductive outcomes: a systematic review
- 22-01 The Use of WhatsApp Groups as A Means of Health Education for Young Women About the First Thousand Days of Life (1000 HPK)
- 22-01 Sex Education on TikTok: A Content Analysis of Themes
- 22-01 A mixed methods evaluation of Girls' Talk+: A sexuality education programme for girls with mild intellectual disabilities
- 22-01 The omission and minimisation of sexual decision-making skills in US sex education textbooks
- 22-01 Relevant, relatable and reliable: rural adolescents sex education preferences
- 22-01 Conversations About Sexual and Reproductive Health and RightsFrom a School Nurse Perspective
- 22-01 Consent a low bar: the case for a human rights approach to relationships and sexuality education
- 22-01 Counseling interventions for the prevention of pre-married sexual behaviors among adolescents
- 22-01 Sex and fertility education in England: an analysis of biology curricula and students experiences
- 22-01 Sexual and reproductive health services utilization and associated factors among adolescents attending secondary schools
- 22-01 Assessing puberty-related health needs among 1015-year-old boys: A cross-sectional study approach
- 22-01 The Gendered Experiences of Image-based Sexual Abuse: State of the Research and Evidence-based Recommendations
- 22-01 Positive Trends in School-Based Practices to Support LGBTQ Youth in the United States Between 2010 and 2018
- 22-01 Evaluation of an Intervention Program Based on Mobile Apps to Learn Sexism Prevention in Teenagers
- 22-01 The effect of school and peer connectedness on adolescent mental health outcomes during the COVID-19 pandemic: a longitudinal panel survey
- 22-01 Victorian Young People and Sexual Health 2018: Findings from the 6th National Survey of Australian Secondary Students and Sexual Health
- 22-01 Behavioral Theories and Motivational Features Underlying eHealth Interventions for Adolescent Antiretroviral Adherence: Systematic Review
- 21-12 Associated factors and sex differences in condom non-use among adolescents: Brazilian National School Health Survey (PeNSE)
- 21-11 Adolescent girls' experiences of street harassment: emotions, comments, impact, actions and the law
- 21-11 Self-reported Exposure to Sexual and Reproductive Health Information among American Indian Youth: Implications for Technology Based Intervention
- 21-11 Loneliness among in-school adolescents in Ghana: evidence from the 2012 Global School-based Student Health Survey
- 21-10 Comprehensive sexual health education and intersex (in)visibility: an ethnographic exploration inside a California high school classroom
- 21-10 Providing inclusive strategies for practitioners and researchers working with gender and sexually diverse youth without parental/guardian consent
- 21-10 Preventing Unplanned Pregnancies: The Impact of Prevention Education
- 21-10 The Kids Could Be Alright: A Call for Comprehensive Sexual Education
- 21-09 Linking Families and Teens: Randomized Controlled Trial Study of a Family Communication and Sexual Health Education Program for Rural Youth and Their Parents
- 21-09 Social Network Research contribution to evaluating process in a feasibility study of a peer-led and school-based sexual health intervention
- 21-09 Design and impact evaluation of a digital reproductive health program in Rwanda using a cluster randomized design: study protocol
- 21-09 Sexual Health Programs for Latinx Adolescents: A Meta-analysis
- 21-08 Importance of sex education for a successful transition to life after school: Experiences of high school girls with intellectual disability
- 21-08 Country-Level Structural Stigma, School-Based and Adulthood Victimization, and Life Satisfaction Among Sexual Minority Adults: A Life Course Approach
- 21-08 The Oxford Handbook of Sexual and Gender Minority Mental Health
- 21-07 "What Do Our Boys Know about Sex? Preliminary Data of a New Questionnaire for the Evaluation of the Knowledge of Sexuality among Adolescents
- 21-07 "It's been a good time to reflect on who isn't worth keeping around: COVID-19, adolescent relationship maintenance and implications for health education
- 21-07 FLASH Sex Ed Curriculum: False Claims amid Evidence of Failure
- 21-07 Multilevel Barriers to Sexual Health Behavior Among Vulnerable Adolescent Girls in the USA
- 21-07 Just Checking It Out? Motivations for and Behavioral Associations With Visiting "Slutpages in the United States and Australia
- 21-07 The latest on teenage contraceptive options
- 21-07 The Influence of Video-Modeled Sexual Assault Disclosure and Self-Efficacy Messages on Sexual Assault Disclosure Efficacy of Adolescent Girls
- 21-07 Delaying sexual onset: outcome of a comprehensive sexuality education initiative for adolescents in public schools
- 21-07 A Call for Comprehensive, Disability- and LGBTQ-Inclusive Sexual and Reproductive Health Education
- 21-07 Adapting Evidence-Based Sexuality Education to Meet the Needs of Refugee Youth in the USA
- 21-07 The Evaluation of Abstinence Education Programs Funded Under Title V Section 510: Interim Report
- 21-07 Educating young people to graduate school with the ability to protect their sexual and reproductive health: a mixed-methods study