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Research Links : about 5-11-year-old school pupils


Effects of a food advertising literacy intervention on Taiwanese children’s food purchasing behaviors


Where are the schools? Children, families and food practices


Pitfalls of the self-regulation of advertisements directed at children on Mexican television


Health Promotion Intervention to Improve Diet Quality in Children


Do children report differently from their parents and from observed data? Cross-sectional data on fruit, water, sugar-sweetened beverages and break-time foods.


Children need to drink more water, urge councils


The Effectiveness of A School-Based Nutrition Intervention on Children's Fruit, Vegetables, and Dairy Product Intake


Sources of Caffeine in Diets of US Children and Adults: Trends by Beverage Type and Purchase Location


How much sugar is hidden in drinks marketed to children? A survey of fruit juices, juice drinks and smoothies


A restaurant-based intervention to promote sales of healthy children’s menu items: the Kids’ Choice Restaurant Program cluster randomized trial


Effect of Avoidance on Peanut Allergy after Early Peanut Consumption


Skipping breakfast, sedentarism and overweight in children


Sensory evaluation of a novel vegetable in school age children


Encouraging children to eat more fruit and vegetables: Health vs. descriptive social norm-based messages


The relationship between unhealthy food sales, socio-economic deprivation and childhood weight status: results of a cross-sectional study in England


Early determinants of food liking among 5y-old children: a longitudinal study from the EDEN mother-child cohort


The study of primary schoolchildren eating breakfast status in Ilam: A pilot study


Parents’ beliefs about the healthfulness of sugary drink options: opportunities to address misperceptions


Impact of school lunch type on nutritional quality of English children’s diets


School meal programs and their potential to operate as school-based obesity prevention and nutrition interventions: case studies from France and Japan


Patterns of adaptation to children's food allergies

16-01 Advertising as a cue to consume: the effects of acute exposure to unhealthy food and nonalcoholic beverage advertising on intake in children and adults
16-01 Meals and snacks: Children's characterizations of food and eating cues
16-01 Nutrient Density and the Cost of Vegetables from Elementary School Lunches
16-01 Next Steps for Science and Policy on Promoting Vegetable Consumption among US Infants and Young Children
16-01 One in three teachers has to feed hungry pupils ... plus ... 'No food for thought' report from Kelloggs
16-01 Minimal change in children’s lifestyle behaviours and adiposity following a home-based obesity intervention: results from a pilot study
16-01 Perceptions of parents and children, participating in a school-based feeding programme in disadvantaged areas in Greece
16-01 Serving vegetables first: A strategy to increase vegetable consumption in elementary school cafeterias
16-01 A toy story: Association between young children's knowledge of fast food toy premiums and their fast food consumption
16-01 Free sugar app to check products
16-01 Characteristics associated with the consumption of malted drinks among Malaysian primary school children : findings from the My Breakfast study
15-12 School meals: the need to evaluate the impact of the investment in universal free school meals for infants
15-12 “Stop eating lollies and do lots of sports”: a prospective qualitative study of the development of children’s awareness of dietary restraint and exercise to lose weight
15-12 Promoting healthful family meals to prevent obesity: HOME Plus, a randomized controlled trial
15-12 Almost two thirds of drinks in Kid’s TV are soft or fizzy … and … report
15-12 More pupils eat free school meals
15-12 Does maternal obesity have an influence on feeding behavior of obese children?
15-11 The School Breakfast Program was established in 1966
15-11 Children who were treated with oral immunotherapy for cows' milk allergy showed long-term desensitisation seven years later
15-11 Trends in food and beverage television brand appearances viewed by children and adolescents from 2009 to 2014 in the USA.
15-11 Comparison of the satiating properties of egg- versus cereal grain-based breakfasts for appetite and energy intake control in children
15-11 One year of free school fruit in Norway - 7 years of follow-up.
15-11 The contribution of school meals to energy and nutrient intake of Swedish children in relation to dietary guidelines
15-11 Factors Related to the Accuracy of Self-Reported Dietary Intake of Children Aged 6 to 12 Years Elicited with Interviews
15-11 Explicit and implicit tasks for assessing hedonic-versus nutrition-based attitudes towards food in French children
15-11 Television food advertising to children in Malta
15-11 Students’ consumption of beverages and snacks at school and away from school: a case study in the North East of Italy
15-11 Beyond Food Promotion: A Systematic Review on the Influence of the Food Industry on Obesity-Related Dietary Behaviour among Children
15-11 Children who were treated with oral immunotherapy for cows’ milk allergy showed long-term desensitisation seven years later
15-11 Strategies to reduce plate waste in primary school
15-11 The potential link between sugar-sweetened beverage consumption and post-exercise airway narrowing across puberty
15-11 Milk allergy is a minor cause of milk avoidance due to perceived hypersensitivity among schoolchildren in Northern Sweden
15-10 Pork or nothing: how school dinners are dividing France
15-10 School Breakfast Policy Is Associated with Dietary Intake of Fourth- and Fifth-Grade Students
15-09 Food depictions in picture books for preschool children
15-09 Did HealthKick, a randomised controlled trial primary school nutrition intervention improve dietary quality of children in low-income settings in South Africa?
15-09 Children's and adolescents' snacking: interplay between the individual and the school class
15-08 Emoticon use Increases Plain Milk and Vegetable Purchase in a School Cafeteria without Adversely Affecting Total Milk Purchase
15-08 "Hip Hop HEALS Pilot Study of a Culturally Targeted Calorie Label Intervention to Improve Food Purchases of Children"
15-07 A qualitative evaluation of holiday breakfast clubs in the UK ... and ... More than just a meal: breakfast club attendance and children’s social relationships
15-07 How Food as a Reward Is Detrimental to Children's Health, Learning, and Behavior
15-07 Evaluation of the impact of school gardening interventions on children's knowledge of and attitudes towards fruit and vegetables
15-07 Health literacy and parent attitudes about weight control for children
15-07 Associations between Food Outlets around Schools and BMI among Primary Students in England
15-07 Accuracy of self-reported intake of signature foods in a school meal intervention study
15-07 The benefits of breakfast clubs
15-07 The impact of overweight cartoon characters on children's consumption of unhealthy foods
15-07 A Traditional Diet Is Associated with a Reduced Risk of Eczema and Wheeze in Colombian Children
15-06 Diet quality across early childhood and adiposity at 6 years
15-06 Parents could banish their children’s fussy eating habits by following three simple steps
15-06 Longitudinal evaluation of 100% fruit juice consumption on BMI status in 2–5-year-old children
15-06 Getting children to embrace healthy food ... and ... research
15-06 A cross-sectional observational study of the nutritional intake of UK primary school children from deprived and non-deprived backgrounds: implications for school breakfast schemes
15-06 What Works Well' Recipe Hub

Understanding eating behavior in order to improve diets and manage body weight

15-06 Timing of school meals as a predisposing factor for childhood overweight and obesity
15-05 Parents Being Misled into Buying So Called ‘Fruit Snacks’ Not Permitted in Schools
15-05 School bans packed lunches
15-05 "Sugar and Sports : Age Differences in Children’s Responses to a High Sugar Cereal Advertisement Portraying Physical Activities"
15-05 Impact of school lunch type on nutritional quality of English children’s diets
15-05 A Brief Educational Intervention Increases Knowledge of the Sugar Content of Foods and Drinks but Does Not Decrease Intakes in Scottish Children Aged 10–12 Years
15-05 Impact of school lunch type on nutritional quality of English children's diets
15-04 Prevalence of picky eating behaviour in Chinese school-age children and associations with anthropometric parameters and intelligence quotient
15-04 Serving First in Isolation Increases Vegetable Intake among Elementary Schoolchildren
15-04 School meals : The new dinner lady

Are children more paternalistic than their mothers when choosing snacks?

15-03 Children's Recall of Fast Food Television Advertising-Testing the Adequacy of Food Marketing Regulation
15-03 More than half of kids don't eat a single portion of vegetables a day, according to Newsround's food survey.
15-03 Squeezing Fact from Fiction about 100% Fruit Juice
15-03 Digital marketing of unhealthy foods to Australian children and adolescents
15-03 The effect of an egg breakfast on satiety in children and adolescents
15-03 A practical approach to vitamin and mineral supplementation in food allergic children
15-03 Evaluating the relationship between plasma and skin carotenoids and reported dietary intake in elementary school children to assess fruit and vegetable intake.
15-03 Creating action plans in a serious video game increases and maintains child fruit-vegetable intake
15-03 Strategies used by parents to influence their children's food preferences
15-03 A Comparison of Fruits, Vegetables, Sugar-Sweetened Beverages, and Desserts in the Packed Lunches of Elementary School Children.
15-03 Intervention effects on dietary intake among children by maternal education level
15-03 Increasing Child Fruit and Vegetable Intake: Findings from the US Department of Agriculture Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Program
15-03 Butter Tolerance in Children Allergic to Cow's Milk
15-03 Associations between Yogurt, Dairy, Calcium, and Vitamin D Intake and Obesity among U.S. Children Aged 8–18 Years
15-03 Discordance in risk perception between children, parents, and teachers in terms of consumption of cheap and poorly nutritious food sold around schools
15-03 The influence of hot and cool executive function on the development of eating styles related to overweight in children
15-03 Passive Commuting and Dietary Intake in Fourth and Fifth Grade Students
15-03 Great Taste, Less Waste: A cluster-randomized trial using a communications campaign to improve the quality of foods brought from home to school by elementary school children
15-03 Convenience and the hierarchy of meal preparation. Cooking and domestic education in the Netherlands, 1910–1930
15-03 Associations between commercial complementary food consumption and fruit and vegetable intake in children. Results of the DONALD study
15-03 Child-Directed Marketing Inside and on the Exterior of Fast Food Restaurants
15-02 Teaching approaches and strategies that promote healthy eating in primary school children: a systematic review and meta-analysis
15-02 Eating peanut products as a baby dramatically cuts the risk of allergy, a study suggests
15-02 Potential Effect of Physical Activity Calorie Equivalent Labeling on Parent Fast Food Decisions
15-02 Developing policies to restrict food marketing to children: A regional nutrient profile model from the WHO
15-02 Leeds Edible Schools Sustainability Network (p.42)
15-01 Children and local food
15-01 Socioeconomic gradient in consumption of whole fruit and 100% fruit juice among US children and adults
15-01 Do eating disorders in parents predict eating disorders in children? Evidence from a Swedish cohort
15-01 Vitamin A-fortified cooking oil reduces vitamin A deficiency in infants, young children and women: results from a programme evaluation in Indonesia
15-01 The role of eating frequency on total energy intake and diet quality in a low-income, racially diverse sample of schoolchildren
15-01 Lessons learned from the development of a school age food allergy education program
15-01 Diet and childhood asthma: review
15-01 Differential Improvements in Student Fruit and Vegetable Selection and Consumption in Response to the New National School Lunch Program Regulations
15-01 Eww she sneezed! Contamination context affects children's food preferences and consumption
15-01 Improving Children’s Menus in Community Restaurants: Best Food for Families, Infants, and Toddlers (Best Food FITS) Intervention, South Central Texas
15-01 ‘It’s just so much waste.’ A qualitative investigation of food waste in a universal free School Breakfast Program
15-01 Passive Commuting and Dietary Intake in Fourth and Fifth Grade Students
14-12 Food marketing and children's dietary preferences: Literature update
14-12 US school lunches may be better than lunch packed at home
14-12 Study of induction of Tolerance to Oral Peanut : desensitisation using peanut oral immunotherapy
14-10 Food poverty sees disadvantaged London children go hungry
14-10 Parents' choices in providing children's packed lunches
14-10 School gardens limited in improving children’s fruit and veg intake
14-09 Maternal educational level and children’s healthy eating behaviour: role of the home food environment
14-09 Rurality and dietary patterns: associations in a UK cohort study of 10-year-old children
14-09 Food craving is stronger, but controllable, for kids
14-09 School meal programs and their potential to operate as school-based obesity prevention and nutrition interventions: case studies from France and Japan
14-09 Nudging children towards whole wheat bread: a field experiment on the influence of fun bread roll shape on breakfast consumption
14-09 Pre-meal video game playing and glucose reduce food intake in normal weight boys
14-09 Parental Activity as Influence on Childrenˋs BMI Percentiles and Physical Activity
14-09 Free school fruit: can an extra piece of fruit every school day contribute to the prevention of future weight gain?
14-09 Pre-meal video game playing and glucose reduce food intake in normal weight boys
14-09 Involving children in meal preparation. Effects on food intake
14-09 Young children's food brand knowledge. Early development and associations with television viewing and parent's diet
14-09 Childhood pet ownership, attachment to pets, and subsequent meat avoidance. The mediating role of empathy toward animals
14-09 Perception of fattening foods in Italian children and adolescents
14-09 Fruits and Vegetables Displace, But Do Not Decrease, Total Energy in School Lunches
14-09 Frequency of Family Meals and 6–11-year-old Children’s Social Behaviors
14-09 Eating breakfast daily may help to prevent early development of diabetes risk in children
14-09 ‘Family Meal’ Ideal Is Stressful, Impossible for Many Families
14-08 The impact of eating quickly on anthropometric variables among schoolgirls: a prospective cohort study in Japan
14-08 Effects of an intervention aimed at reducing the intake of sugar-sweetened beverages in primary school children
14-08 Expanding the US School Breakfast Program: Impacts on Children's Consumption, Nutrition and Health
14-07 Risk and Protective Factors for the Development of Childhood Asthma
14-07 Through the lens of our cameras: children's lived experience with food security in a Canadian Indigenous community
14-07 Children’s TV Programming in Ireland and England Positively Portraying Unhealthy Food
14-06 Serving Vegetables First: A Strategy to Increase Vegetable Consumption in Elementary School Cafeterias
14-06 Parents serve up their kids' food hygiene habits
14-06 Children Select Unhealthy Choices when Given a Choice among Snack Offerings
14-06 Gamification of Dietary Decision-Making in an Elementary-School Cafeteria
14-06 The Packed Lunch Project survey
14-06 Increasing fruit, vegetable and water consumption in summer day camps—3-year findings of the healthy lunchbox challenge
14-06 Home environmental determinants of children's fruit and vegetable consumption across different SES backgrounds
14-06 Associations between the home environment and children's sweet beverage consumption at 2-year follow-up
14-06 Making healthy eating and physical activity policy practice: The design and overview of a group randomized controlled trial in afterschool programs
14-06 Diet quality and diet costs in German children and adolescents
14-06 A new understanding of the relationship between sugars, dental caries and fluoride use: implications for limits on sugars consumption
14-06 Parents' food choice motives and their associations with children's food preferences
14-06 Low-income mothers’ food practices with young children
14-06 Breakfast patterns among low-income, ethnically-diverse 4th-6th grade children in an urban area
14-06 School meals in England will have to include at least one portion of vegetables a day
14-06 Characteristics of food advergames that reach children and the nutrient quality of the foods they advertise
14-06 Gender differences in childhood food preference: Evaluation using a subjective picture choice method.
14-06 84% five to eight-year-olds said they would love to visit a farm
14-05 ‘Often and early’ gives children a taste for vegetables
14-05 Young children's food brand knowledge. Early development and associations with television viewing and parent's diet
14-05 Children's Cereals: Sugar by the Pound
14-04 The Shaping Healthy Choices Program results in improved nutrition and health-related outcomes
14-04 Chocolate Milk Consequences: A Pilot Study Evaluating the Consequences of Banning Chocolate Milk in School Cafeterias
14-04 Children’s eating habits and attitudes toward food are influenced by their social peer networks
14-03 Does eating family meals and having the television on during dinner correlate with overweight? A sub-study of the PRO GREENS project, looking at children from nine European countries
14-03 Yogurt consumption and impact on health: focus on children and cardiometabolic risk
14-03 The effects of the Food Dudes Programme on children’s intake of unhealthy foods at lunchtime
14-03 The combination of daily breakfast consumption and optimal breakfast choices in childhood is an important public health message
14-03 Food price promotions and public health (ESRC pdf)
14-03 Preferences for Salty and Sweet Tastes Are Elevated and Related to Each Other during Childhood (pdf)
14-03 Saturated fats and heart disease link 'unproven'
Education, Food

Teachers’ self-perception of their dietary behavior and needs to teach healthy eating habits in the school

15-10 School lunch take up and academic attainment in primary and secondary schools in England
15-09 Association between breakfast consumption and educational outcomes in 9–11-year-old children ...and... Good breakfast and good academic grades?
15-01 Do schools in Quebec foster healthy eating?
15-01 A Water Availability Intervention in New York City Public Schools: Influence on Youths’ Water and Milk Behaviors
15-01 Effect of the Dutch school-based education programme ‘Taste Lessons’ on behavioural determinants of taste acceptance and healthy eating
15-01 An ecological study of food desert prevalence and 4th grade academic achievement in New York state school districts.
14-12 Fast Food Consumption and Academic Growth in Late Childhood
14-12 Links to research about water and children : Natural Hydration Council
Exercise, Food

Effect of Physically Active Academic Lessons on Body Mass Index and Physical Fitness in Primary School Children

15-02 Predictors of meeting physical activity and fruit and vegetable recommendations in 9–11-year-old children
Mental Health 5-16+, Food

Behavioral outcomes of picky eating in childhood

Exercise, Food, Health
15-01 Healthy Kids Out of School: Using Mixed Methods to Develop Principles for Promoting Healthy Eating and Physical Activity in Out-of-School Settings in the United States
Education, Exercise, Food
14-12 The role and impact of student leadership on participants in a healthy eating and physical activity programme
Food, Health
14-12 Nutrition and Health of Schoolchildren in the UK : British Nutrition Foundation
