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08-03 Smoking cessation rates are still lower among those aged 20 or under
08-02 Smoking and relationships: Both adolescent boys and adolescent girls with both-sex attractions or relationships were significantly more likely than those with opposite-sex attractions or relationships to be current smokers.
08-02 Global Youth Tobacco Survey, 2000-2007
08-02 Smoking - Take the addiction test and calculate how much you will save when you give up
08-01 Smoking linked to hearing problems
08-01 Young US Adults More Likely To Quit Smoking Successfully
07-11 Teenagers: smoking, alcohol, other drug addiction and mental illness
07-10 Some anti-smoking ads in the US are simply ineffective, while others actually make young people more likely to light up.
07-10 Teenagers, passive smoking and academic results: Exposure to secondhand smoke at home decreased the odds of passing standardized achievement tests by 30% in 16- and 18-year-olds.
07-09 Australian teenagers ignore smoking health warnings: It is not illegal for teenagers to smoke, and new figures show that almost 42,000 Victorian students aged from 12-17 puff their way through more than one million cigarettes a week.
07-06 Fewer children in Scotland are smoking, drinking and using drugs, according to a new report
07-06 African American children suffer from higher rates of tobacco-related disorders, such as asthma...'
07-03 Why the majority of adolescents overestimate peer smoking rate.
07-02 There is little strong evidence that school-based programmes are effective in the long term in preventing uptake of smoking.
07-02 There is little strong evidence that school-based programmes are effective in the long term in preventing uptake of smoking.
07-02 Australian teenagers in lone-parent families were more likely to smoke than those resided in two-parent (couple) families and for young females, the difference in smoking prevalence is striking (25% versus 13%).
07-02 SMOKING...
07-01 'The extent to which tobacco marketing and tobacco use in films
07-01 Smoking cessation among US adolescent smokers is relatively rare.
07-01 Use of Cessation Methods Among Smokers Aged 16--24 Years
06-06 UK 11 year olds who smoked just one cigarette were twice as likely to take up smoking within the next few years as their peers who resisted the urge.
03-01 Prevention of smoking in adolescents with lower education: a school based intervention study
19-05 Physical activity among adolescent tobacco and electronic cigarette users

Physical Activity and Quit Motivation Moderators of Adolescent Smoking Reduction


Prospective Analysis of the Influence of Sport and Educational Factors on the Prevalence and Initiation of Smoking in Older Adolescents from Croatia


Sitting at your desk is as bad as smoking

15-02 Tobacco Use Experimentation, Physical Activity, and Risk of Depression Among Multiethnic Urban Preadolescents
14-06 Formative evaluation of a UK community-based sports intervention to prevent smoking among children and young people: SmokeFree Sports
09-05 Leisure time physical activity motives and smoking in adolescence
23-04 Strategies for enhancing the implementation of school-based policies or practices targeting diet, physical activity, obesity, tobacco or alcohol use
23-03 Parenting styles in relation to childhood obesity, smoking and drinking: A gene–environment interaction study
21-04 Knowledge, attitude, and behaviours on diet, physical activity, and tobacco use among school students: A cross-sectional study in two Indian states
11-02 Loosening the link between childhood poverty and adolescent smoking and obesity
10-11 When video games get problematic so do smoking, drug use and aggression
10-03 The attitudes towards and behavior of Greek pupils to nutrition, smoking, stress and physical activity (pdf)
10-01 Early initiation of alcohol drinking, cigarette smoking, and sexual intercourse linked to suicidal ideation and attempts: findings from the 2006 Korean Youth Risk Behavior Survey
09-08 Interrelationships of Exercise, Nutrition and Smoking Behaviors among College Students (pdf)
08-07 US study suggests loosing weight and stopping smoking would boost average life span by 1.3 years
11-07 Different Forms of Bullying and Their Association to Smoking and Drinking Behavior in Italian Adolescents
11-06 Different Forms of Bullying and Their Association to Smoking and Drinking Behavior in Italian Adolescents
11-06 Different Forms of Bullying and Their Association to Smoking and Drinking Behavior in Italian Adolescents
22-02 A Latent Class Analysis of Sexual Behavior and Associations with Sex Education, Smoking, Drinking, and Pornography Use Among Chinese Youth
15-10 Smoking Cessation Failure Among Korean Adolescents
15-02 Randomized trial outcomes of a TTM-tailored condom use and smoking intervention in urban adolescent females
14-05 Randomized trial outcomes of a TTM-tailored condom use and smoking intervention in urban adolescent females
14-02 Tobacco and alcohol use in the context of adolescent pregnancy and postpartum: a scoping review of the literature (pdf)
14-01 Tobacco and alcohol use in the context of adolescent pregnancy and postpartum: a scoping review of the literature (pdf)
21-11 A novel approach to training educators to conduct school-based adolescent e-cigarette education and prevention: Using the Tobacco Prevention Toolkit

Schools as smoke-free zones? Barriers and facilitators to the adoption of outdoor school ground smoking bans at secondary schools

13-05 Educational inequalities in general and mental health: differential contribution of physical activity, smoking, alcohol consumption and diet
22-08 Academic Performance and Peer or Parental Tobacco Use among Non-Smoking Adolescents: Influence of Smoking Interactions on Intention to Smoke
22-03 The influence of health education using game-based learning methods on improving smoking prevention behavior among school-age children
23-02 Impact of Smoking and Vaping in Films on Smoking and Vaping Uptake in Adolescents: Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
21-01 Tobacco prevention education for middle school and high school educators
20-02 The effect of self-care education regarding high-risk behaviors of acquired immune deficiency syndrome and smoking on knowledge and attitude of adolescent girls

Environmental exposure and effects on health of children from a tobacco-producing region

15-09 Uncovering risky behaviors of expatriate teenagers in the United Arab Emirates: A survey of tobacco use, nutrition and physical activity habits
13-05 Asthma in Mexican school-age children is not associated with passive smoking or obesity (pdf)
04-12 Literature Review on the Role of External Contributors in School Drug, Alcohol and Tobacco Education drama
15-11 Does deterioration in mental health after smoking cessation predict relapse to smoking?
15-07 No smoke without fire – the link between smoking and mental health
15-02 Tobacco Use Experimentation, Physical Activity, and Risk of Depression Among Multiethnic Urban Preadolescents
11-07 Different Forms of Bullying and Their Association to Smoking and Drinking Behavior in Italian Adolescents
11-06 Different Forms of Bullying and Their Association to Smoking and Drinking Behavior in Italian Adolescents
11-06 Different Forms of Bullying and Their Association to Smoking and Drinking Behavior in Italian Adolescents
18-04 Dual Trajectories of Sleep Duration and Cigarette Smoking during Adolescence: Relation to Subsequent Internalizing Problems
19-08 Effectiveness of Media Intervention on Students' Attitudes toward Drug and Tobacco
18-05 Uptake of Tailored Text Message Smoking Cessation Support in Pregnancy When Advertised on the Internet

Using a Media Campaign to Increase Engagement With a Mobile-Based Youth Smoking Cessation Program


Internet-based interventions for smoking cessation


Exposure and Engagement With Tobacco- and E-Cigarette–Related Social Media


Media as a “Super Peer”: How Adolescents Interpret Media Messages Predicts Their Perception of Alcohol and Tobacco Use Norms


The short-term effects of ASPIRA – a web-based, multimedia smoking prevention program for adolescents in Romania


Evidence of the Value of the Smoking Media Literacy Framework for Middle School Students


The expected and unexpected media effects on youth’s (mis)perceptions of peer norms: Chinese college students’ overestimation of peer smoking prevalence

15-12 Increasing the dose of television advertising in a national antismoking media campaign
15-11 Media exposure, interactive health literacy, and adolescents’ susceptibility to future smoking
15-07 Can social media help you quit smoking?
15-06 Facebook and Twitter could be used to help people quit smoking ... and ... research
15-06 Social media helps young adults quit smoking
15-04 The Effects of Antismoking Messages From Family, School, and Mass Media on Smoking Behavior and Smoking Intention Among Chinese Adolescents
15-03 Development of a Twitter-Based Intervention for Smoking Cessation that Encourages High-Quality Social Media Interactions via Automessages
15-03 Picture me smokefree: a qualitative study using social media and digital photography to engage young adults in tobacco reduction and cessation
15-03 Association of School Social Networks' Influence and Mass Media Factors With Cigarette Smoking Among Asthmatic Students
15-01 Social Anxiety and Cigarette Smoking in Adolescents: The Mediating Role of Emotional Intelligence
14-11 Perceived social and media influences on tobacco use among Samoan youth
14-11 Using Mass Media Campaigns to Reduce Youth Tobacco Use: A Review
14-08 Do smoking and fruit and vegetable intake mediate the association between socio-economic status and plasma carotenoids?
14-05 The association of media exposure and media literacy with adolescent alcohol and tobacco use
14-03 Do Email and Mobile Phone Prompts Stimulate Primary School Children to Reuse an Internet-Delivered Smoking Prevention Intervention? (pdf)
14-03 Exposure to parental smoking in childhood or adolescence is associated with increased carotid intima-media thickness in young adults
14-01 Adolescent Internet use and its relationship to cigarette smoking and alcohol use
13-12 The effectiveness of mass media campaigns in reducing smoking in England (pdf)
13-11 Increased exposure to anti-tobacco media messages and a decrease in adolescent tobacco users
13-11 The hazards of new media: Youth’s exposure to tobacco ads/promotions
13-10 Peer Influences: The Impact of Online and Offline Friendship Networks on Adolescent Smoking and Alcohol Use
13-07 Mass media interventions for smoking cessation in adults (pdf)
13-03 US Children's Acquisition of Tobacco Media Literacy Skills: A Focus Group Analysis
12-09 Friends Moderate the Effects of Pro-Smoking Media on College Students' Intentions to Smoke.
12-07 Linking mass media campaigns to pictorial warning labels on cigarette packages: a cross-sectional study to evaluate effects among Mexican smokers
