Sex and Relationships Education

sex education
teenage pregnancy
sexually transmitted infections

Teenage pregnancy - birth control services

SHEU : nationally-recognised, since 1977,
as the specialist provider of reliable local survey data for schools and colleges

Young people’s knowledge of local birth control services

The two charts below show data, since 1993, from thousands of young people who have taken part in SHEU's Health Related Behaviour Questionnaire (HRBQ). They provide a glimpse into young people’s knowledge of local services.

Schools’ increasing role as sex education provider

Young people's main source of sex information has undergone a profound shift from the home and towards school lessons.

School surveys since 1983, by the Schools Health Education Unit (SHEU), have asked young people about their sources of sex education.

New data has been added showing the continuing shift from home towards school lessons.

For details please visit 'Schools’ increasing role as sex education provider'.

Schools’ increasing role as sex education provider

Schools’ increasing role as sex education provider

Many young people want much more from their school regarding sex and relationship education.1,2,3

Surveys from the Schools Health Education Unit (SHEU), from 1983-2005, routinely asked young people about their sources of sex education.

Homophobic bullying in schools - Stonewall study

In 2006, we were asked by Stonewall, the lesbian and gay lobbying organisation, to host an online survey about homophobic bullying.
Over 1145 young people from across the UK took part in the survey.
The key findings were:


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