What do young people think of PSHE?Some recent results from SHEU surveys

Regis,D 2000. What do young people think of PSHE?
Some recent results from SHEU surveys. Education and Health 18(2),36-37. PDF

What do young people worry about?As carers we need to explain to young people that emotional problems are common, and that many others have experienced similar feelings

Regis,D 2000. What do young people worry about?
As carers we need to explain to young people that emotional problems are common, and that many others have experienced similar feelings. Education and Health 18(1),9 -12. PDF

Young people and illegal drugs into 2000. The meaning and function of young people's behaviours must be considered in the context of the rest of their lives

Balding,J 2000. Young people and illegal drugs into 2000. The meaning and function of young people's behaviours must be considered in the context of the rest of their lives. Education and Health 18(1),13-22. PDF

Young People in 1998: looking back, and looking ahead - 18,221 young people and approx. 200,000 since 1983

Balding,J 1999. Young People in 1998: looking back, and looking ahead - 18,221 young people and approx. 200,000 since 1983. Education and Health 17(1),1-13. PDF

Do you use dihydrate? [ e.g. diehards, dynamite, dino dust]

Balding,J 1998. Do you use dihydrate? [ e.g. diehards, dynamite, dino dust]. Education and Health 16(4),60-62. PDF

The Pyramid Project: building for the future

Balding,A Balding,JF 1998. The Pyramid Project: building for the future. Education and Health 16(4),49-52. PDF

Primary children are active, stay up late and get on with Mum and Dad

Balding,J 1996. Primary children are active, stay up late and get on with Mum and Dad. Education and Health 14(5),72-75. PDF

Scraping off the Tipp-Ex: We must resist pressures to include questions that are not appropriate to ask young people

Balding,J 1996. Scraping off the Tipp-Ex: We must resist pressures to include questions that are not appropriate to ask young people. Education and Health 14(2),22-26. PDF

The young people that are afraid of going to school: Fear of bullying affects more than a quarter of 12-13 year olds

Balding,J 1996. The young people that are afraid of going to school: Fear of bullying affects more than a quarter of 12-13 year olds. Education and Health 14(1),5-13. PDF

Under-16s find the Lottery a good gamble

Fisher,S Balding,J 1996. Under-16s find the Lottery a good gamble. Education and Health 13(5),65-68. PDF


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