Young People


Free SHEU reports about young people's health-related behaviour

The Schools Health Education Unit (SHEU) have provided free access to a number of their 'Young People' reports.
A unique contemporary archive, the 'Young People' reports (2000-2008) provide answers to over 100 health-related behaviour questions. Data have been collected from surveys in primary and secondary schools across the United Kingdom involving nearly 290,000 pupils.
Annually since 1986, SHEU (an independent research unit based in Exeter) has published the collected Health Related Behaviour Questionnaire results.

Young People into 2006

Twenty years of Young People reports

A unique contemporary archive of young people from the Schools Health Education unit. This report has over 100 health-related behaviour questions and answers from 37,932 youngsters between the ages of 10 and 15. They tell us about what they do at home, at school, and with their friends. The data have been collected from primary and secondary schools across the United Kingdom.

There are nine chapters:-

Food choices and weight control

Young People into 2007

Twenty one years of Young People reports

A unique contemporary archive of young people from the Schools Health Education unit. This report has over 100 health-related behaviour questions and answers from 68,495 youngsters between the ages of 10 and 15. They tell us about what they do at home, at school, and with their friends. The data have been collected from 787 primary and secondary schools across the United Kingdom.
David Regis, Research Manager of the Schools Health Education Unit, says,

Do 28%, 35% or 42% of 14-15 yr olds have a regular paid job in term time?

Each year SHEU publish an annual report with data from their surveys with young people.
In the most recent report, nearly 31,000 youngsters answered a question about paid work.
Around 28% of the 14-15 year olds told us that they have a regular paid job during term time.
Data since 1987 show a general downward trend in those reporting a regular, paid job in term time. Figures from the 12-13 year olds have remained consistent over the 1990s and now appear to be declining.

Young People into 2011

Twenty fifth year of data about Young People

Young People into 2010

Twenty four years of Young People reports

YP into '10

ISBN 9781-902445-41-9


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