
Online survey: clear, friendly, responsive

Responses from questionnaires are stored in our databanks

Pupils and students can still complete on paper, if you prefer

Questionnaires are fetched by secure courier and logged in the SHEU offices

Questions are composed collaboratively with clients and designed with the pupils and students in mind

Parent surveys

Our parent/carer surveys have mostly been perception surveys rather than lifestyle surveys, although we have done both. They can be completed on paper or online, and can be customised to suit your situation.  See also:


School surveys

Hundreds of schools have surveyed with SHEU in every year since 1977.  We offer a variety of different questionnaires for different age groups and for different purposes.
We can help you answer questions like:

Perception surveys

SHEU is perhaps best known for its lifestyle surveys, but for many years we have been helping schools get feedback from pupils and parents about how they see the work of the school and what might need changing.
Our most popular questionnaire was structured around the Every Child Matters framework of:
* Be Healthy
* Stay Safe
* Enjoy and Achieve
* Make a Positive Contribution


SHEU have been doing survey work with schools, public health and local authorities for over 30 years. What sort of survey are you interested in?

Pupil surveys

Millions of questionnaires from SHEU have been completed by pupils since the Unit was founded in 1977.
We have the answers to thousands of questions, including:

Pupil surveys

Millions of questionnaires from SHEU have been completed by pupils since the Unit was founded in 1977.
We have the answers to thousands of questions, including:


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