Online survey: clear, friendly, responsive

41% of secondary pupils in a school in the West Midlands Region responded that they had a school lunch on the day before the survey (and this was higher than in the same school two years ago)
34% of secondary pupils in a school in the London Region responded that they are given opportunities to use and develop their strengths (and this was lower than in the same school two years ago)
29% of secondary pupils in a school in the Eastern Region responded that they have found school lessons on drug education (including alcohol and tobacco) 'quite' or 'very' useful (and this was lower than in the same school two years ago)
66% of secondary pupils in a school in Scotland responded that they can get condoms from doctors / Health Centre / Health Clinic in their local area (and this was higher than in the same school two years ago)
76% of secondary pupils in a school in Wales responded that they rate their safety when going out during the day as 'safe' or 'very safe' (and this was lower than in the same school two years ago)
21% of secondary pupils in a school in Yorks & Humber responded that they of pupils responded that there is a special contraception and advice service for young people available locally (and this was higher than in the same school two years ago)
38% of secondary pupils in a school in the Yorks & Humber Region responded that they of pupils responded that a close friend smokes on most days (and this was higher than in the same school two years ago)
0% of secondary pupils in a school in the South-West Region responded that they of pupils responded that someone has given them alcohol in the last 7 days (and this was lower than in the same school two years ago)
30% of secondary pupils in a school in the South-East Region responded that they rate their safety when going out after dark as 'safe' or 'very safe' (and this was lower than in the same school two years ago)
43% of secondary pupils in a school in the London Region responded that they of pupils responded that their work is marked so they can see how to improve it (and this was lower than in the same school two years ago)
12% of secondary pupils in a school in the South-East Region responded that they are 'fairly sure' or 'certain' they have friends who carry weapons for protection when going out (and this was higher than in the same school two years ago)
49% of secondary pupils in a school in the South-West Region responded that they 'rarely' or 'never' eat fish / fish fingers (and this was higher than in the same school two years ago)
25% of secondary pupils in a school in the West Midlands Region responded that they eat school meals and they are good value for money (and this was higher than in the same school two years ago)
43% of secondary pupils in a school in the South-West Region responded that they eat vegetables 'on most days' (and this was lower than in the same school two years ago)
37% of secondary pupils in a school in the South-East Region responded that they of pupils said they have smoked in the past or smoke now (and this was higher than in the same school two years ago)
55% of secondary pupils in a school in the London Region responded that they have chances to give their views and change their life in school (and this was lower than in the same school two years ago)
31% of secondary pupils in a school in the Eastern Region responded that they think school lessons should be their main source of information about sex (and this was lower than in the same school two years ago)
28% of secondary pupils in a school in the North-East Region responded that they of pupils responded that school lessons are their main source of information about sex (and this was lower than in the same school two years ago)
24% of secondary pupils in a school in Scotland responded that they have found school lessons about healthy eating 'quite' or 'very' useful (and this was lower than in the same school two years ago)
45% of secondary pupils in a school in Wales responded that they of pupils responded that if at first they don't succeed, they 'usually' or 'whenever possible' keep on trying until they do (and this was lower than in the same school two years ago)
42% of secondary pupils in a school in Yorks & Humber responded that they want find a job as soon as they can after the end of Year 11/12 (and this was higher than in the same school two years ago)
29% of secondary pupils in a school in the Yorks & Humber Region responded that they have been offered cannabis resin, leaf or oil (and this was higher than in the same school two years ago)
31% of secondary pupils in a school in the Eastern Region responded that they of pupils responded that their school has clear rules about bullying that are 'quite' or 'very' helpful (and this was lower than in the same school two years ago)
32% of secondary pupils in a school in the North-East Region responded that they rate their safety when going out after dark as 'unsafe' or 'very unsafe' (and this was higher than in the same school two years ago)
70% of secondary pupils in a school in Scotland responded that they can get emergency contraception from doctors / Health Centre / Health Clinic (and this was higher than in the same school two years ago)
55% of secondary pupils in a school in the Yorks & Humber Region responded that they feel their views and opinions are listened to in school (and this was lower than the local average)
42% of secondary pupils in a school in the West Midlands Region responded that they 'rarely or never' eat any fish/fish fingers (and this was higher than the local average)
3% of secondary pupils in a school in the South-West Region responded that they get free school meals or vouchers for free meals (and this was lower than the local average)
52% of secondary pupils in a school in the South-East Region responded that they washed their hands before lunch on the day before the survey (and this was lower than the local average)
20% of secondary pupils in a school in the London Region responded that they think they are being 'picked on' or bullied because of their size or weight (and this was higher than the local average)
78% of secondary pupils in a school in the Eastern Region responded that they can get water at school from a water fountain (and this was higher than the local average)
10% of secondary pupils in a school in the North-East Region responded that they responded that they 'never or almost never' wear a cycle helmet when cycling (and this was lower than the local average)
73% of secondary pupils in a school in Scotland responded that they wear a cycle helmet 'whenever possible' when cycling (and this was higher than the local average)
18% of secondary pupils in a school in Wales responded that they walked to school on the day of the survey (and this was lower than the local average)
45% of secondary pupils in a school in Yorks & Humber responded that they eat fresh fruit 'on most days' (and this was lower than the local average)
44% of secondary pupils in a school in Wales responded that they travelled to school by car on the day of the survey (and this was higher than the local average)
16% of secondary pupils in a school in Scotland responded that they wear a cycle helmet only 'sometimes' when cycling (and this was lower than the local average)
32% of secondary pupils in a school in Wales responded that they of pupils had a high self-esteem score (15 or more) (and this was lower than the local average)
60% of secondary pupils in a school in Yorks & Humber responded that they play organised games at least 'sometimes' during school playtimes (and this was lower than the local average)
33% of secondary pupils in a school in the Yorks & Humber Region responded that they don't have enough time to be as physically active as they would like (and this was higher than the local average)
16% of secondary pupils in a school in the West Midlands Region responded that they wear a cycle helmet only 'sometimes' when cycling (and this was lower than the local average)
9% of secondary pupils in a school in the South-West Region responded that they feel they don't know enough about how their body changes as they get older (and this was lower than the local average)
1% of secondary pupils in a school in the South-East Region responded that they of pupils consider themselves 'unfit' or 'very unfit' (and this was lower than the local average)
18% of secondary pupils in a school in the London Region responded that they walked to school on the day of the survey (and this was lower than the local average)
2013 of secondary pupils in a school in the Eastern Region responded that they Question (and this was higher than the local average)
36% of secondary pupils in a school in the North-East Region responded that they experienced at least one of the bullying behaviours listed 'often' or 'every day' in the month before the survey (and this was higher than the local average)
58% of secondary pupils in a school in Yorks & Humber responded that they spent time doing homework after school on the day before the survey (and this was higher than the local average)
61% of students in a college in the South-East Region responded that they would like to take more exercise (and this was lower than the national average)
15% of secondary pupils in a school in the North-East Region responded that they of pupils correctly identified that herpes can be treated but not cured (and this was higher than in the same school two years ago)
27% of secondary pupils in a school in Scotland responded that they of pupils had a med-low self-esteem score (9 or less) (and this was higher than in the same school two years ago)
9% of secondary pupils in a school in Wales responded that they have found school lessons on drug education (including alcohol and tobacco) 'not at all' useful (and this was higher than in the same school two years ago)
14% of secondary pupils in a school in Yorks & Humber responded that they have found school lessons about stress and coping with feelings 'not at all' useful (and this was higher than in the same school two years ago)
33% of secondary pupils in a school in the Yorks & Humber Region responded that they worry about their health 'quite a lot' or 'a lot' (and this was higher than in the same school two years ago)
7% of secondary pupils in a school in the West Midlands Region responded that they didn't exercise and have to breathe harder and faster at all last week (and this was higher than in the same school two years ago)
8% of secondary pupils in a school in the South-West Region responded that they didn't have anything to eat or drink before lessons on the day of the survey (and this was lower than in the same school two years ago)
30% of secondary pupils in a school in the South-East Region responded that they rate their safety when going out after dark as 'safe' or 'very safe' (and this was lower than in the same school two years ago)
21% of secondary pupils in a school in the London Region responded that they of pupils responded that there is a special contraception and advice service for young people available locally (and this was lower than in the same school two years ago)
67% of students in a college in the Eastern Region responded that they described themselves as white English (and this was lower than in the same school two years ago)
4% of students in a college in the London Region responded that they 'mostly' or 'definitely' feel that they are not a real part of their college (and this was lower than the national average)
58% of students in a college in the South-East Region responded that they feel their views and opinions make a difference to the decisions taken in college (and this was higher than the national average)
21% of students in a college in the London Region responded that they or their partner have taken emergency contraception (the 'morning after pill') (and this was higher than the national average)
28% of students in a college in the Eastern Region responded that they of students who work said their job takes up too much time (and this was higher than the national average)
51% of students in a college in the North-East Region responded that they feel confident about being able to prepare and cook meals from scratch (responses of 5-7) (and this was lower than the national average)
13% of students in a college in Scotland responded that they have worried so much about at least one of the issues listed that it has affected their studies 'often' or on 'most days' (and this was lower than the national average)
14% of students in a college in Wales responded that they got drunk on more than one day in the last 7 days (and this was higher than the national average)
55% of students in a college in Yorks & Humber responded that they feel their views and opinions are listed to in their college (and this was higher than the national average)
55% of students in a college in the Yorks & Humber Region responded that they feel their views and opinions make a difference to the decisions taken outside college (and this was higher than the national average)
24% of students in a college in the West Midlands Region responded that they have done a regular paid job this term (and this was lower than the national average)
78% of students in a college in the South-West Region responded that they 'mostly' or 'definitely' feel like a real part of their college (and this was higher than the national average)
31% of secondary pupils in a school in the Eastern Region responded that they of pupils responded that their school has clear rules about bullying that are 'quite' or 'very' helpful (and this was lower than in the same school two years ago)
3% of secondary pupils in a school in Scotland responded that they have been in possession of drugs listed in the questionnaire while on school premises during a normal school day (and this was higher than in the same school two years ago)
10% of secondary pupils in a school in Wales responded that they have found school lessons about personal safety 'not at all' useful (and this was higher than in the same school two years ago)
25% of secondary pupils in a school in the West Midlands Region responded that they have found school lessons about personal safety 'quite' or 'very' useful (and this was lower than in the same school two years ago)
29% of secondary pupils in a school in the South-West Region responded that they have found school lessons on drug education (including alcohol and tobacco) 'quite' or 'very' useful (and this was lower than in the same school two years ago)
23% of secondary pupils in a school in the South-East Region responded that they have asthma (and this was higher than in the same school two years ago)
40% of secondary pupils in a school in the London Region responded that they worry about school-work / exams / tests 'quite a lot' or 'a lot' (and this was lower than in the same school two years ago)
9% of secondary pupils in a school in the Eastern Region responded that they smoke 'regularly' (and this was higher than in the same school two years ago)
14% of secondary pupils in a school in the North-East Region responded that they have smoked at least one cigarette in the last 7 days (and this was higher than in the same school two years ago)
12% of secondary pupils in a school in Scotland responded that they have found school lessons about citizenship 'not at all' useful (and this was lower than in the same school two years ago)
13% of secondary pupils in a school in Wales responded that they get free school meals or vouchers for free meals (and this was higher than in the same school two years ago)
68% of secondary pupils in a school in Yorks & Humber responded that they usually play or do physical activities in their own time or in school clubs at least 'weekly' (and this was lower than in the same school two years ago)
74% of secondary pupils in a school in the Yorks & Humber Region responded that they have been told how to stay safe while chatting online (and this was higher than in the same school two years ago)
13% of secondary pupils in a school in Yorks & Humber responded that they have found school lessons about stress and coping with feelings 'quite' or 'very' useful (and this was lower than in the same school two years ago)
17% of secondary pupils in a school in Wales responded that they have found school lessons about citizenship 'quite' or 'very' useful (and this was lower than in the same school two years ago)
12% of secondary pupils in a school in Yorks & Humber responded that they have found school lessons about citizenship 'not at all' useful (and this was higher than in the same school two years ago)
44% of secondary pupils in a school in the Yorks & Humber Region responded that they worry about relationships between parents / carers in their family 'quite a lot' or 'a lot' (and this was higher than in the same school two years ago)
40% of secondary pupils in a school in the West Midlands Region responded that they worry about relationships with boyfriends / girlfriends 'quite a lot' or 'a lot' (and this was higher than in the same school two years ago)
12% of secondary pupils in a school in the South-West Region responded that they drank beer or lager in the 7 days before the survey (and this was lower than in the same school two years ago)
44% of secondary pupils in a school in the South-East Region responded that they of pupils responded that there are at least six adults they can really trust (and this was lower than in the same school two years ago)
3% of secondary pupils in a school in the London Region responded that they drank over the advised weekly limit of alcohol for adult females of 14 units (and this was lower than in the same school two years ago)
32% of secondary pupils in a school in the Eastern Region responded that they rate their safety when going out after dark as 'unsafe' or 'very unsafe' (and this was higher than in the same school two years ago)
36% of secondary pupils in a school in the North-East Region responded that they worry about relationships between children and parents / carers in their family 'quite a lot' or 'a lot' (and this was higher than in the same school two years ago)
42% of secondary pupils in a school in Scotland responded that they worry about relationships with friends 'quite a lot' or 'a lot' (and this was higher than in the same school two years ago)
41% of secondary pupils in a school in the Yorks & Humber Region responded that they want to continue in full-time education after the end of Year 11/12 (and this was lower than in the same school two years ago)
5% of primary pupils in a school in the Yorks & Humber Region responded that they drank alcohol on the Friday before the survey (and this was higher than in the same school two years ago)
45% of secondary pupils in a school in the North-East Region responded that they worry about the way they look 'quite a lot' or 'a lot' (and this was higher than in the same school two years ago)
60% of primary pupils in a school in the Eastern Region responded that they of pupils could correctly identify that HIV/AIDS can be treated but not cured (and this was higher than in the same school two years ago)
22% of primary pupils in a school in the London Region responded that they eat sweets, chocolate and/or choc bars 'on most days' (and this was lower than in the same school two years ago)
9% of primary pupils in a school in the South-East Region responded that they live 'mainly or only' with their mother (and this was lower than in the same school two years ago)
2% of primary pupils in a school in the South-West Region responded that they of pupils reported going because they were having trouble with their teeth when they last visited the dentist (and this was lower than in the same school two years ago)
74% of primary pupils in a school in the West Midlands Region responded that they would seek help from a family member or carer if they had school-work problems (and this was higher than in the same school two years ago)
12% of primary pupils in a school in the Yorks & Humber Region responded that they couldn't remember any schools lessons on sexually transmitted infections (and this was lower than in the same school two years ago)
4% of primary pupils in a school in Yorks & Humber responded that they only had a drink for breakfast on the day of the survey (and this was lower than in the same school two years ago)
13% of primary pupils in a school in Wales responded that they of pupils responded that a their dad smokes on most days (and this was lower than in the same school two years ago)
13% of primary pupils in a school in Scotland responded that they have found school about safety 'not at all' useful (and this was higher than in the same school two years ago)
80% of primary pupils in a school in the North-East Region responded that they would feel 'fairly' or 'very' comfortable talking with their friends about drugs (and this was higher than in the same school two years ago)
18% of primary pupils in a school in the North-East Region responded that they of pupils responded that school lessons on healthy eating have been 'not at all' useful (and this was higher than in the same school two years ago)
93% of primary pupils in a school in Scotland responded that they usually clean their teeth at least twice a day (the recommended frequency) (and this was higher than in the same school two years ago)
46% of primary pupils in a school in Wales responded that they of pupils appeared in the highest bracket of the self-esteem scale (and this was higher than in the same school two years ago)
9% of primary pupils in a school in the North-East Region responded that they of pupils responded that a close friend smokes on most days (and this was lower than in the same school two years ago)
12% of primary pupils in a school in the Eastern Region responded that they have ever smoked (and this was lower than in the same school two years ago)
11% of primary pupils in a school in the London Region responded that they think they are being 'picked on' or bullied because of the way they look (and this was lower than in the same school two years ago)
72% of primary pupils in a school in the South-East Region responded that they would feel 'fairly' or 'very' comfortable talking with their parents about drugs (and this was higher than in the same school two years ago)
28% of primary pupils in a school in the South-West Region responded that they of pupils responded that there is a special drug and alcohol service for young people available locally (and this was higher than in the same school two years ago)
63% of primary pupils in a school in the West Midlands Region responded that they 'rarely or never' eat sugar-coated cereals (and this was higher than in the same school two years ago)
4% of primary pupils in a school in the Yorks & Humber Region responded that they didn't eat any portions of fruit or vegetables on the day before the survey (and this was lower than in the same school two years ago)
6% of primary pupils in a school in Yorks & Humber responded that they couldn't remember any schools lessons on contraception and pregnancy (and this was lower than in the same school two years ago)
60% of primary pupils in a school in Wales responded that they would seek help from a friend if they had school-work problems (and this was higher than in the same school two years ago)
11% of primary pupils in a school in the Eastern Region responded that they have been bullied at or near school in the last 12 months (and this was lower than in the same school two years ago)
26% of primary pupils in a school in the London Region responded that they go to a youth club or group in their own time, at least 'once a week' (and this was higher than in the same school two years ago)
47% of primary pupils in a school in the Yorks & Humber Region responded that they 'rarely or never' drink fizzy drinks (and this was higher than in the same school two years ago)
47% of primary pupils in a school in Yorks & Humber responded that they of pupils responded that if they had a problem they would think about it on their own (and this was lower than in the same school two years ago)
9% of primary pupils in a school in Wales responded that they drink alcohol and their parents 'never' or only 'sometimes' know (and this was lower than in the same school two years ago)
60% of primary pupils in a school in Scotland responded that they would seek help from a friend if they had school-work problems (and this was higher than in the same school two years ago)
46% of primary pupils in a school in the North-East Region responded that they know where they would go if they needed a contraception/sexual health service (and this was lower than in the same school two years ago)
4% of primary pupils in a school in the Eastern Region responded that they of pupils responded that a close friend smokes on most days (and this was lower than in the same school two years ago)
3% of primary pupils in a school in the London Region responded that they have taken some form of illegal drug within the last month (and this was lower than in the same school two years ago)
72% of primary pupils in a school in the South-East Region responded that they would feel 'fairly' or 'very' comfortable talking with their parents about drugs (and this was higher than in the same school two years ago)
36% of primary pupils in a school in the South-West Region responded that they would wait to hear more about it before deciding what to think if someone got hit by their boy-/girl-friend (and this was lower than in the same school two years ago)
10% of primary pupils in a school in the West Midlands Region responded that they have taken some form of illegal drug themselves (and this was lower than in the same school two years ago)
14% of primary pupils in a school in the West Midlands Region responded that they have a regular paid job during term-time (and this was lower than in the same school two years ago)
66% of primary pupils in a school in the South-West Region responded that they do not drink alcohol (and this was higher than in the same school two years ago)
16% of primary pupils in a school in the South-East Region responded that they have been offered cannabis (and this was lower than in the same school two years ago)
10% of primary pupils in a school in the South-East Region responded that they think they are being 'picked on' or bullied because of their size or weight (and this was lower than in the same school two years ago)
1% of primary pupils in a school in the South-West Region responded that they smoked at least one cigarette in the week before the survey (and this was lower than in the same school two years ago)
20% of primary pupils in a school in the West Midlands Region responded that they of pupils appeared in the lower half of the self-esteem scale (and this was lower than in the same school two years ago)
2% of primary pupils in a school in the Yorks & Humber Region responded that they have bullied someone else at school in the last 12 months (and this was lower than in the same school two years ago)
43% of primary pupils in a school in Yorks & Humber responded that they have found school lessons on sexually transmitted infections 'quite' or 'very' useful (and this was higher than in the same school two years ago)
1% of primary pupils in a school in Wales responded that they of responded that they bought lunch from a takeaway or shop on the day before the survey (and this was lower than in the same school two years ago)
6% of primary pupils in a school in Scotland responded that they of pupils responded that their school takes bullying 'not at all' seriously (and this was lower than in the same school two years ago)
12% of primary pupils in a school in the North-East Region responded that they at least 'sometimes' feel afraid of going to school because of bullying (and this was lower than in the same school two years ago)
49% of primary pupils in a school in the Eastern Region responded that they have found school lessons on contraception and pregnancy 'quite' or 'very' useful (and this was higher than in the same school two years ago)
2013 of primary pupils in a school in the London Region responded that they Question (and this was higher than in the same school two years ago)
29% of primary pupils in a school in the West Midlands Region responded that they have tasted beer or lager (and this was lower than the local average)
74% of primary pupils in a school in the Yorks & Humber Region responded that they enjoy 'most' or 'all' of their lessons at school (and this was higher than the local average)
33% of primary pupils in a school in Yorks & Humber responded that they have tasted wine (and this was lower than the local average)
34% of primary pupils in a school in Wales responded that they had a school lunch on the day before the survey (and this was higher than the local average)
94% of primary pupils in a school in Scotland responded that they think it is important to go to school regularly (and this was higher than the local average)
55% of primary pupils in a school in the North-East Region responded that they take part in ball games in their own time at least 'once a week' (and this was higher than the local average)
71% of primary pupils in a school in the Eastern Region responded that they think that trying to look 'hard/cool' is one of the main reasons people their age start to smoke (and this was lower than the local average)
69% of primary pupils in a school in the London Region responded that they play running/skipping games/tag at least 'sometimes' during school playtimes (and this was lower than the local average)
12% of primary pupils in a school in the South-East Region responded that they have experienced face-to-face bullying behaviour in classrooms during breaktimes (and this was lower than the local average)
38% of primary pupils in a school in Wales responded that they worry 'quite a lot' or 'a lot' about bullying (and this was higher than the local average)
74% of primary pupils in a school in the South-West Region responded that they enjoy 'most' or 'all' of their lessons at school (and this was higher than the local average)
29% of primary pupils in a school in the South-East Region responded that they have experienced face-to-face bullying behaviour outside at school during breaktimes in the last month (and this was higher than the local average)
18% of primary pupils in a school in the London Region responded that they have met someone in real life whom they first met online (and this was higher than the local average)
69% of primary pupils in a school in the London Region responded that they have experienced at least one type of bullying behaviour at least a 'few times' in the last month (and this was higher than the local average)
71% of primary pupils in a school in the South-East Region responded that they 'usually' or 'whenever possible' put on sun screen to avoid sunburn (and this was higher than the local average)
41% of primary pupils in a school in the South-West Region responded that they would like their doctor to talk to them about drugs (and this was higher than the local average)
59% of primary pupils in a school in the West Midlands Region responded that they worry 'quite a lot' or 'a lot' about family (and this was higher than the local average)
77% of primary pupils in a school in the Yorks & Humber Region responded that they of pupils described themselves as white British (and this was higher than the local average)
54% of primary pupils in a school in Yorks & Humber responded that they would try to stop the bullying if they saw someone being bullied (and this was higher than the local average)
10% of primary pupils in a school in Scotland responded that they didn't drink any water on the day before the survey (and this was higher than the local average)
8% of primary pupils in a school in the North-East Region responded that they of pupils responded that their parents 'never' or only 'sometimes' know if they drink alcohol (and this was higher than the local average)
13% of primary pupils in a school in the Eastern Region responded that they would walk away if they saw someone being bullied (and this was higher than the local average)
92% of primary pupils in a school in the Eastern Region responded that they do something to avoid sunburn (and this was higher than the local average)
92% of primary pupils in a school in the South-West Region responded that they do something to avoid sunburn (and this was higher than the local average)
87% of primary pupils in a school in the West Midlands Region responded that they can get water at school throughout the whole day (and this was higher than the local average)
85% of primary pupils in a school in Wales responded that they of pupils rated their safety when going to and from school as 'good' or 'very good' (and this was higher than in the same school two years ago)
80% of primary pupils in a school in Scotland responded that they live with their mother and father together (and this was higher than in the same school two years ago)
24% of primary pupils in a school in the North-East Region responded that they have found school lessons about emotional health and well-being 'not at all' useful (and this was higher than in the same school two years ago)
21% of primary pupils in a school in the Eastern Region responded that they can't remember any school lessons about managing money (and this was lower than in the same school two years ago)
10% of primary pupils in a school in the London Region responded that they of pupils rated their safety when going out after dark as 'poor' or 'very poor' (and this was lower than in the same school two years ago)
76% of primary pupils in a school in the South-East Region responded that they get information about sex and relationships in school lessons (and this was higher than in the same school two years ago)
68% of primary pupils in a school in the South-West Region responded that they don't do as much physical activity as they would like because they 'don't have enough time' (and this was higher than in the same school two years ago)
50% of primary pupils in a school in the West Midlands Region responded that they had cereal before lessons on the day of the survey (and this was higher than in the same school two years ago)
73% of primary pupils in a school in the Yorks & Humber Region responded that they want to continue in full-time education after the end of Year 11 (and this was higher than in the same school two years ago)
16% of primary pupils in a school in Yorks & Humber responded that they of pupils responded that at least one person regularly smokes indoors at home (and this was lower than in the same school two years ago)
88% of primary pupils in a school in the Yorks & Humber Region responded that they of pupils rated their safety at school as 'good' or 'very good' (and this was higher than in the same school two years ago)
64% of primary pupils in a school in the West Midlands Region responded that they eat fresh fruit 'on most days' (and this was higher than in the same school two years ago)
38% of primary pupils in a school in the Yorks & Humber Region responded that they would like their teachers to talk to them in school lessons about drugs (and this was lower than the local average)
8% of primary pupils in a school in Yorks & Humber responded that they enjoy 'hardly any' of their lessons at school (and this was lower than the local average)
34% of primary pupils in a school in Wales responded that they of pupils responded that their parents 'always' know if they drink alcohol (and this was lower than the local average)
26% of primary pupils in a school in Scotland responded that they would like their teachers to talk with them in lessons about growing up and body changes (and this was lower than the local average)
69% of primary pupils in a school in the North-East Region responded that they have experienced at least one type of bullying behaviour at least a 'few times' in the last month (and this was higher than the local average)
80% of primary pupils in a school in the Eastern Region responded that they eat vegetables 'on most days' (and this was higher than in the same school two years ago)
47% of primary pupils in a school in the London Region responded that they 'rarely or never' drink fizzy drinks (and this was higher than in the same school two years ago)
34% of primary pupils in a school in the South-East Region responded that they have found school lessons about managing money 'quite' or 'very' useful (and this was higher than in the same school two years ago)
4% of primary pupils in a school in the South-West Region responded that they of pupils responded that a close friend smokes on most days (and this was lower than in the same school two years ago)
74% of primary pupils in a school in Yorks & Humber responded that they expect to take several GCSEs and get mostly grades A*