Young People into...

We have simultaneously released our two missing volumes of the Young People... series:

Young People into 2016


Young People into 2017.

UPDATE School feedback

Question   Sample %
1. Was the information you received from SHEU before the survey…?    
  Prompt?                           509 98%

Young People on their own

We're working hard on the production of our once-annual reports following the retirement of David McGeorge last year, but we're realising how much work he used to put in!

But we've compiled all the aggregate data sets, and have produced most of the tables, and have had a peek at what the results are telling us.

Sample sizes:

Happy birthday to us! SHEU at 40

SHEU is 40!

We were founded in 1977 by John Balding in the University of Exeter.

We went independent in 1997 and 2017 is our 40th birthday, so at today's staff meeting we had a cake.


Cake sparkles.jpg Angela cake3.jpg

Online seminar

We have always thought that it's important to help teachers think through the process of conducting a survey in their schools, but we recognise that time is ever in shorter supply and that attending a meeting is not always convenient for teachers.

Schools taking part in our surveys are now able to attend a virtual seminar on our website. We can also support a drop-in online question-and-answer session which will be hosted on this page.

Leicester Health and Wellbeing Survey 2015

We are writing to invite your school to participate in an important Health and Wellbeing survey that we are undertaking of children and young people in Leicester. The purpose of the survey is to better understand the experiences and behaviour of children and young people and to help with planning relevant and responsive services for them.

The full letter is linked to this page below:
Leicester 2015 invitation to schools


Greater Manchester CTZN project

Project CTZN is a programme about safer relationships for young people led by Greater Manchester Police and funded by the Home Office.

The core of the CTZN programme is a mobile-based, digital platform (app), which will be the foundation of a social network created by and for young people. See

SHEU is supporting the administration of the project, in particular the Year 10 survey.

Letters and leaflets about the project are linked below.

Contact us: /contact

Can we trust the results?

No-one can guarantee that every answer given by every respondent in a survey is completely accurate and honest.  However, we can go a long way to improving our confidence in the figures by taking care over each aspect of the process:

John Balding 1935-2015


It is with great sadness we announce that John Balding died Tuesday 13th January.

After a short illness, he passed away in his sleep, at home with his family.

Contact us: /contact

We have greatly appreciated all the many messages of condolence from across the country and abroad, and the sharing of memories of John.


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