
UPDATE School feedback

Question   Sample %
1. Was the information you received from SHEU before the survey…?    
  Prompt?                           509 98%

Confidential downloads

Download page for clients for confidential material ( /download ). 

Anyone can see this page, but the green download links block (below) can be seen only once logged in.

Clients log in as user "download" with the current password. 

Login in by using the login form on the right .

Quality statement

At SHEU, we strive to achieve the highest obtainable quality in all our activities and are committed to continuous improvement of our services.
Quality Assurance is overseen by the Directors and senior managers. QA procedures are documented in the QA Manual and communicated to staff through meetings, presentations and messages. A monthly meeting reviews procedures and changes to practices agreed where necessary. The QA Manager then implements and promotes these.

Commissioner Reports


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Accessible summaries and local analysis

"We never make a move without looking at these excellent reports." Public Health Consultant

Study Design

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Advice on sampling and recruitment


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