Emotional Health and Well-Being

World mental health day: an annual cycle in pupils’ self-esteem? #WorldMentalHealthDay

For World Mental Health Day 2019, SHEU offer this preview of a finding from their forthcoming report, Emotional Wellbeing in Young People into 2019, to be released later this year.

East End girls

This is something of an accidental blog post.  We were asked recently for some information about young people, which I misinterpreted as asking about differences between local authorities.

Monitoring wellbeing with SHEU

SHEU surveys are featured in the Public Health England toolkit for schools and colleges, put together by the Anna Freud Centre


The toolkit encourages schools and colleges to monitor their pupils' and students' mental wellbeing, and offer SHEU among other approaches to doing this.  Of course, a SHEU survey includes other aspects of health and wellbeing than mental and emotional.

Trends - Emotional Health and Well-being (including Bullying)

Emotional Health & Well-being (including Bullying) 1983-2003

This report is to be updated and is currently not available for sale.

The following is a summary of the report written in 2004 by SHEU covering the period 1983-2003

When looking over the figures from twenty years, we find that young people in recent years are...

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