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aged 11-16
Pupils aged 11-16
Parents could need permits to drive their children to school under a proposal to curb obesity.
Parents could need permits to drive their children to school under a proposal to curb obesity.
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about Parents could need permits to drive their children to school under a proposal to curb obesity.
US teenagers ignore the 'don't have sex' campaign - abstinence-only education cost $1bn
US teenagers ignore the 'don't have sex' campaign - abstinence-only education cost $1bn
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about US teenagers ignore the 'don't have sex' campaign - abstinence-only education cost $1bn
Dance and Health: The first scientific evidence proving creative dance improves children's physical and psychological fitness.
Dance and Health: The first scientific evidence proving creative dance improves children's physical and psychological fitness.
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about Dance and Health: The first scientific evidence proving creative dance improves children's physical and psychological fitness.
Australian schoolchildren who drink fruit juices and fruit drinks are more likely to be overweight or obese than those who don't.
Australian schoolchildren who drink fruit juices and fruit drinks are more likely to be overweight or obese than those who don't.
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about Australian schoolchildren who drink fruit juices and fruit drinks are more likely to be overweight or obese than those who don't.
Getting US children to eat more fruit may be as simple as getting cafeteria workers to use a simple verbal prompt in the lunch queue -
Getting US children to eat more fruit may be as simple as getting cafeteria workers to use a simple verbal prompt in the lunch queue -
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about Getting US children to eat more fruit may be as simple as getting cafeteria workers to use a simple verbal prompt in the lunch queue -
Guidance for parents on preparing healthy packed lunches and legislation to make all schools health promoting - building on existing work to make school meals healthier.
Guidance for parents on preparing healthy packed lunches and legislation to make all schools health promoting - building on existing work to make school meals healthier.
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about Guidance for parents on preparing healthy packed lunches and legislation to make all schools health promoting - building on existing work to make school meals healthier.
Scottish schools to reject sugary snacks: Sugary fizzy drinks, high fat crisps and chocolate will be replaced in school tuck shops and vending machines with fruit juice and healthy snacks as part of new nutritional regulations.
Scottish schools to reject sugary snacks: Sugary fizzy drinks, high fat crisps and chocolate will be replaced in school tuck shops and vending machines with fruit juice and healthy snacks as part of new nutritional regulations.
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about Scottish schools to reject sugary snacks: Sugary fizzy drinks, high fat crisps and chocolate will be replaced in school tuck shops and vending machines with fruit juice and healthy snacks as part of new nutritional regulations.
Tackling Obesity - The 'Healthy Living' Social Marketing Initiative: This report underpins the UK Govt. approach to tackling obesity and is integral to answering key questions
Tackling Obesity - The 'Healthy Living' Social Marketing Initiative: This report underpins the UK Govt. approach to tackling obesity and is integral to answering key questions
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about Tackling Obesity - The 'Healthy Living' Social Marketing Initiative: This report underpins the UK Govt. approach to tackling obesity and is integral to answering key questions
Crown green bowling for Bolton pupils to help increase their grades.
Crown green bowling for Bolton pupils to help increase their grades.
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about Crown green bowling for Bolton pupils to help increase their grades.
Australian research links overweight girls with adult-onset asthma
Australian research links overweight girls with adult-onset asthma
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about Australian research links overweight girls with adult-onset asthma
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