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- 10-07 Sexual and reproductive health issues facing Southeast Asian beer promoters
- 10-07 Let's stay together: relationship dissolution and sexually transmitted diseases among parenting and non-parenting adolescents
- 10-07 Advice when children come out: The cultural 'Tool Kits' of parents
- 10-06 A new, ambitious cross-government programme of work to tackle prejudice against lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people
- 10-06 Using the theory of planned behavior to predict mothers' intentions to vaccinate their daughters against HPV
- 10-06 Does distance matter? Access to Family Planning clinics and adolescent sexual behaviors
- 10-06 Contraceptive services for socially disadvantaged young people: NICE draft guidance consultation
- 10-06 Youth assets and sexual risk behavior: Differences between male and female adolescents
- 10-05 How valuable is the 'Theory of Reasoned Action' in the prediction of the sexual health education behaviour of school nurses
- 10-05 Emergency contraception education for health and human service professionals: An evaluation of knowledge and attitudes
- 10-05 Persistence and desistance of the perpetration of physical aggression across relationships
- 10-04 Sexuality education in Greek schools: Student experience and recommendations
- 10-04 Disclosure and service use on a college campus after an unwanted sexual experience
- 10-04 Sexual assault and rape perpetration by college men
- 10-04 Youth assets and delayed coitarche across developmental age groups
- 10-04 Social environment and problem behavior
- 10-04 Gay—Straight alliances and school experiences of sexual minority youth
- 10-04 The Role of Communication With Friends in Sexual Initiation
- 10-04 Personal and perceived peer attitudes supporting sexual aggression as predictors of male college students' willingness to intervene against sexual aggression
- 10-03 Healthy Sexual Development: A Multidisciplinary Framework for Research
- 10-03 That's what he said': What guys think about sex, love, contraception and relationships
- 10-03 Point-of-care testing for sexually transmitted infections increases awareness and short-term abstinence in adolescent women
- 10-03 HIV prevention for South African youth: which interventions work? A systematic review of current evidence
- 10-03 A review of positive youth development programs that promote adolescent sexual and reproductive health.
- 10-03 Scarleteen - sex education blog
- 10-03 Adolescent girls' responses to warning signs of abuse in romantic relationships
- 10-03 Confidence as a predictor of sexual and reproductive health outcomes for youth
- 10-03 Are Nepali students at risk of HIV? A cross-sectional study of condom use at first sexual intercourse among college students in Kathmandu
- 10-03 Personal and perceived peer attitudes supporting sexual aggression as predictors of male college students' willingness to intervene against sexual aggression
- 10-03 Understanding adolescent peer sexual harassment and abuse: Using the theory of planned behavior
- 10-02 Book - Teenage Parenthood: what's the problem?
- 10-02 Is use of the human papillomavirus vaccine among female college students related to human papillomavirus knowledge and risk perception?
- 10-02 Does it fit okay? Problems with condom use as a function of self-reported poor fit
- 10-02 Antecedents of teenage pregnancy from a 14-year follow-up study
- 10-02 'I'll look it up on the web first': Barriers and overcoming barriers to consult for sexual dysfunction among young men
- 10-01 Shifting the mindset of teachers regarding cultural perspectives on HIV & AIDS
- 10-01 Youth assets and sexual risk behavior: Differences between male and female adolescents
- 10-01 Gender, alcohol consumption patterns, and engagement in sexually intimate behaviors among adolescents and young adults in Nha Trang, Viet Nam
- 10-01 Sexual and reproductive health knowledge among female college students in China
- 09-12 Pilot study of Australian school-based sexual health education: parents' views
- 09-12 Early pubertal onset and its relationship with sexual risk taking, substance use and anti-social behaviour
- 09-12 Relationships among sexual knowledge, sexual attitudes, and safe sex behaviour among Taiwanese adolescents
- 09-12 Have fun be careful
- 09-12 Sex knowledge,attitude and sexual behaviors in Shanghai college students
- 09-12 Gender differences in HIV-related sexual behavior among college students from Spain and Portugal
- 09-12 Economic evaluation of a comprehensive U.S. teenage pregnancy prevention program
- 09-12 Low school engagement and sexual behaviors among African American youth: Examining the influences of gender, peer norms, and gang involvement
- 09-12 Early fatherhood: a mapping of the evidence base relating to pregnancy prevention and parenting support
- 09-12 The preparation of child health nurses in sexual health education
- 09-12 Implementation intention formation reduces consultations for emergency contraception and pregnancy testing among teenage women