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- 12-06 New data show sexually transmitted infection diagnoses on the rise in England
- 12-05 The impact of HIV education on behaviour among youths
- 12-05 Teenage sexual attitudes and behaviour in China: a literature review
- 12-05 Sex, Education and Procrastination: An Epidemiological Study of Procrastinators' Characteristics from a Global Sample
- 12-05 Condom Use Trajectories in Adolescence and the Transition to Adulthood: The Role of Mother and Father Support
- 12-05 Female Condom program highly effective in preventing HIV infections
- 12-05 Effectiveness of a condom use educational program developed on the basis of the Information–Motivation–Behavioral Skills model
- 12-05 Young Adults' Contraceptive Knowledge, Norms and Attitudes: Associations with Risk of Unintended Pregnancy
- 12-05 The sexual behaviour of adolescents in sub-Saharan Africa (pdf)
- 12-05 Tattoos, Piercing, and Sexual Behaviors in Young Adults
- 12-05 Developing and Establishing School-Based Sexual Health Services: Issues for School Nursing Practice
- 12-04 The prescription of oral contraceptives and its relation to the incidence of chlamydia and abortion in Sweden 1997–2005
- 12-04 Are written instructions enough? Efficacy of male condom packaging leaflets among college students
- 12-04 Stages of Change and Decisional Balance for Condom Use with a Romantic Partner
- 12-04 Factors That Affect College Students’ Perceptions of Rape
- 12-04 Autonomy-facilitation or autonomy-promotion? The case of sex education
- 12-04 Adolescents' Pregnancy Intentions, Wantedness, and Regret: Cross-Lagged Relations With Mental Health and Harsh Parenting
- 12-04 The individual and contextual impact of a school-based exhibition for AIDS prevention
- 12-04 Sex and age-related anxiety in a community sample of Norwegian adolescents
- 12-02 Perceived Acceptance of Condom Use by Partners, Close Friends, and Parents of Spanish and Mozambican Heterosexual Adolescents
- 12-02 The prescription of oral contraceptives and its relation to the incidence of chlamydia and abortion in Sweden 1997-2005
- 12-02 Men and oral human papillomavirus (HPV)
- 12-02 Containing the Secret of Child Sexual Abuse
- 12-01 Childhood Sexual Abuse and Later-Life Economic Consequences
- 12-01 Human Papillomavirus awareness, knowledge and vaccine acceptance: A survey among 18-25 year old male and female vocational school students in Germany
- 12-01 Sex education targeting African communities in the UK: is it fit for purpose?
- 12-01 Promoting STI testing among vocational students in Rotterdam (pdf)
- 12-01 Sex under the age of 25
- 11-12 Sex Differences in Responses to Sexual Versus Emotional Infidelity: Men and Women Are More Similar Than Different
- 11-12 Correlates of Attitudes Toward Cohabitation: Looking at the Associations With Demographics, Relational Attitudes, and Dating Behavior
- 11-12 Romantic Relationships, Relationship Styles, Coping Strategies, and Psychological Distress among Chinese and Australian Young Adults
- 11-12 Testosterone Is Positively Correlated with Safer Sex Behaviorally Relevant Attitudes in Young Men
- 11-12 Incomplete knowledge – unclarified roles in sex education: results of a national survey about human papillomavirus infections
- 11-12 Aspects of Homophobia in Italian High Schools: Students' Attitudes and Perceptions of School Climate
- 11-10 Of Course We’re Exclusive: Hispanic College Students’ Ideas About Monogamy
- 11-10 Casual Hookups to Formal Dates: Refining the Boundaries of the Sexual Double Standard
- 11-10 Adolescent Girls’ Assessment and Management of Sexual Risks
- 11-10 How Australian Female Adolescents Prioritize Pregnancy Protection
- 11-10 Does the Effect of Exposure to TV Sex on Adolescent Sexual Behavior Vary by Genre?
- 11-10 A Review of Sexual Health Web Sites for Adolescents
- 11-08 Gender and genital labeling for/with young children
- 11-08 Qualitative Exploration of How African American Families Discuss and Promote Healthy Teen Dating Relationships
- 11-08 Teenage girls were more likely to become pregnant if their older sister had a baby as a teenager (pdf)
- 11-07 Incomplete knowledge – unclarified roles in sex education: results of a national survey about human papillomavirus infections
- 11-07 Teenagers Reflect on Their Sources of Contraceptive Information (pdf)
- 11-06 Risky Adolescent Sexual Behaviors and Reproductive Health in Young Adulthood
- 11-06 Sex and Relationship Education in British families: How do we move forward? (pdf)
- 11-06 Teenage Pregnancy Services: The 'Stoke Model' of early identification and intervention (pdf)
- 11-06 Children, sex and mobile phones
- 11-06 HIV-Positive Mothers’ Communication About Safer Sex and STD Prevention With Their Children (pdf)