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- 13-02 Jealousy and Relationship Closeness: Exploring the Good (Reactive) and Bad (Suspicious) Sides of Romantic Jealousy (pdf)
- 13-02 Coming of Age in Times of Change The Transition to Adulthood in China
- 13-02 The Transition to Adulthood among Japanese Youths: Understanding Courtship in Japan
- 13-02 Relationship Churning in Emerging Adulthood : On/Off Relationships and Sex With an Ex (pdf)
- 13-02 Factors Associated With the Sexual Assault of Students
- 13-02 “That’s so Gay” Heterosexual Male Undergraduates and the Perpetuation of Sexual Orientation Microagressions on Campus
- 13-02 Influence of Oral Sex and Oral Cancer Information on Young Adults' Oral Sexual-Risk Cognitions and Likelihood of HPV Vaccination
- 13-02 Rise in counterfeit condoms
- 13-02 Condom Accessibility: The Moderating Effects of Alcohol Use and Erotophobia in the Information–Motivation–Behavioral Skills Model
- 13-02 Stages of change and decisional balance for condom use with a romantic partner
- 13-02 Are we nearly there yet, Dad? Supporting young dads’ journeys through fatherhood (pdf)
- 12-11 What Young People Want From a Sexual Health Website: Design and Development of Sexunzipped (pdf)
- 12-11 Consequences of Sex Education on Teen and Young Adult Sexual Behaviors and Outcomes
- 12-11 Messed up? Sexual Lifestyles of 16-year olds in Northern Ireland (pdf)
- 12-11 Trends in sexual behavior, testing, and knowledge in young people; 2006-2011.
- 12-11 Avatars using computer/smartphone mediated communication and social networking in prevention of sexually transmitted diseases among North-Norwegian youngsters (pdf)
- 12-11 Predicting having condoms available among adolescents: the role of personal norm and enjoyment
- 12-11 Prevalence and correlates of sexual behaviors among university students: a study in Hefei, China (pdf)
- 12-11 HIV prevention for adolescents: Where do we go from here?
- 12-11 Let's talk about sex: reflections on conversations about love and sexuality in Kumasi and Endwa, Ghana
- 12-11 Beliefs about chlamydia testing amongst young people living in relatively deprived areas
- 12-09 Effectiveness of peer education interventions for HIV prevention, adolescent pregnancy prevention and sexual health promotion for young people
- 12-09 Computer-based Sex Education for US High School Students (pdf)
- 12-09 Sexual health and contraception
- 12-09 HIV-related knowledge, attitudes and behaviours among college students in China
- 12-09 Condom Use Errors and Problems in a National Sample of Young Croatian Adults
- 12-09 Oral contraceptive use in girls and alcohol consumption in boys are associated with increased blood pressure in late adolescence
- 12-09 Finnish university students' knowledge of and attitudes towards HIV and AIDS, homosexuality and sexual risk behaviour
- 12-09 A Study of Effectiveness of Sex Education Programme on the Attitude of College Students towards Sex Education (pdf)
- 12-09 Long-acting reversible contraception for adolescents
- 12-09 What college students do not know: where are the gaps in sexual health knowledge?
- 12-09 The Attitude Of Youths Towards Sex Education (pdf)
- 12-09 Condom Use Among Sexually Active Rural High School Adolescents Personal, Environmental, and Behavioral Predictors
- 12-09 Sexual practice associated with knowledge in Danish adolescents in ninth grade (pdf)
- 12-09 True Love Waits? A Sibling-Comparison Study of Age at First Sexual Intercourse and Romantic Relationships in Young Adulthood
- 12-09 The Mere Anticipation of an Interaction with a Woman Can Impair Men’s Cognitive Performance
- 12-09 Gender Differences in Associations of Sexual and Romantic Stimuli: Do Young Men Really Prefer Sex over Romance?
- 12-09 Coming of age: how young women in the Northwest Territories understand the barriers and facilitators to positive, empowered, and safer sexual health (pdf)
- 12-09 Sexual Attraction, Sexual Identity, and Psychosocial Wellbeing in a National Sample of Young Women During Emerging Adulthood.
- 12-07 Sex Education - SHEU Literature Search Resource (284 items currently)
- 12-07 Teen Sexting and Its Association With Sexual Behaviors (pdf)
- 12-07 Sexting by High School Students: An Exploratory and Descriptive Study
- 12-07 "All my friends are doing it:" The Impact of the Perception of Peer Sexuality on Adolescents' Intent to have Sex.
- 12-07 University students' knowledge and attitudes towards HIV and AIDS, homosexuality and sexual risk behaviour.
- 12-07 Evolution, stress, and sensitive periods: The influence of unpredictability in early versus late childhood on sex and risky behavior.
- 12-07 The Student Sex Survey
- 12-07 Changes over time in sexual behaviour among young people with different levels of educational attainment in Tanzania.
- 12-07 The role of character strengths in adolescent romantic relationships: An initial study on partner selection and mates' life satisfaction
- 12-07 Teen pregnancy prevention on a LARC: an update on long-acting reversible contraception for the primary care provider.
- 12-07 Preferences for condom placement in stores among young Dutch men and women: relationships with embarrassment and motives for having sex