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- 13-07 Access to Sexual and Reproductive Health Care Services: Young Men's Perspectives
- 13-07 Youth Sexual Exploitation (UK): Managing Health Needs, Alongside Criminal Justice Interventions (pdf)
- 13-07 Casual sex, depression and anxiety
- 13-07 Predictors of condom use in first sexual intercourse: a consideration of individual, situational, relational, and cohort effects
- 13-07 Does Viewing Explain Doing? Assessing the Association Between Sexually Explicit Materials Use and Sexual Behaviors in a Large Sample of Dutch Adolescents and Young Adults
- 13-07 Pornography and Sexist Attitudes Among Heterosexuals
- 13-07 HIV knowledge and condom intention among sexually abstinent Chinese students
- 13-07 The Influence of Older Classmates on Adolescent Sexual Behavior in Cape Town, South Africa
- 13-07 High School Religious Context and Reports of Same-Sex Attraction and Sexual Identity in Young Adulthood
- 13-07 Discussing sexual and relationship health with young people in a children's hospital: evaluation of a computer-based resource
- 13-07 Factors Influencing the Relationship Between Sexual Trauma and Risky Sexual Behavior in College Students
- 13-07 Gender differences in beliefs about condom use among young, heterosexual Australian adults
- 13-05 Raising UK school leaving age likely to reduce teenage pregnancies
- 13-05 Stayovers in emerging adulthood: Who stays over and why? (pdf)
- 13-05 Adolescent response to having an HIV-infected mother (pdf)
- 13-05 Effectiveness of a Brief Curriculum to Promote Condom and Health Care Use Among Out-of-School Young Adult Black Males
- 13-05 The Role of Religion and Stress in Sexual Identity and Mental Health Among Lesbian, Gay, and Bisexual Youth
- 13-05 Monogamy Lite: Cheating, College, and Women
- 13-05 The Role of Sexual Orientation in School-Based Victimization
- 13-05 Behind Closed Doors: School Nurses and Sexual Education
- 13-05 Adolescent and Young Adult Understanding of the Differences Between Chlamydia, HIV, and AIDS
- 13-05 The Role of Parents and Families in Teen Pregnancy Prevention: An Analysis of Programs and Policies
- 13-05 An evaluation of the condom distribution scheme (C-Card) with young people in northeast England (2011 report)
- 13-05 Barriers to Providing the Sexuality Education That Teachers Believe Students Need
- 13-05 Influence of Professional Preparation and Class Structure on Sexuality Topics Taught in Middle and High Schools
- 13-05 Summit on Medical School Education in Sexual Health: Report of an Expert Consultation
- 13-05 Policy scripts and students' realities regarding sexuality education in secondary schools in Kenya
- 13-05 HIV and Chlamydia/Gonorrhea Testing Among Heterosexual College Students: Who Is Getting Tested and Why Do Some Not?
- 13-05 “That's So Gay!” Exploring College Students' Attitudes Toward the LGBT Population
- 13-05 Educating for Character in the Sexual Domain
- 13-05 ‘Virginity is a Virtue: Prevent Early Sex’ – Teacher perceptions of sex education in a Ugandan secondary school
- 13-05 Establishing and Adhering to Sexual Consent: The Association between Reading Magazines and College Students’ Sexual Consent Negotiation
- 13-05 First-Year College Women's Motivations for Hooking Up: A Mixed Methods Examination of Normative Peer Perceptions and Personal Hookup Participation
- 13-05 Psychosocial adjustment during the transition from adolescence to young adulthood: Developmental evidence from sexual minority and heterosexual youth
- 13-05 The Cedar Project: Understanding barriers to consistent condom use over time in a cohort of young Indigenous people who use drugs
- 13-05 The under 18 conception rate for 2011 is the lowest since 1969
- 13-02 Contributions of Divergent Peer and Parent Sexual Messages to Asian American College Students' Sexual Behaviors
- 13-02 Sexual and reproductive health among young people in Egypt: the role and contribution of youth-friendly services
- 13-02 Determinants of risky sexual behaviours among secondary school students in Delta State Nigeria (pdf)
- 13-02 Young Adults' Attitudes Toward Polygamous Marriage as a Function of Gender, Attitudes Toward Same-Sex Marriage, and Other Sociopersonality Constructs (pdf)
- 13-02 Sexual concurrency among young African American women (pdf)
- 13-02 Beliefs underlying chlamydia risk appraisals: the relationship with young adults’ intentions to use condoms
- 13-02 Influence of Peers on Young Adolescent Females' Romantic Decisions
- 13-02 Associations between Sexual Abstinence Ideals, Religiosity, and Alcohol Abstinence: A Longitudinal Study of Finnish Twins (pdf)
- 13-02 Becoming Teen Fathers: Stories of Teen Pregnancy, Responsibility, and Masculinity (pdf)
- 13-02 Contributions of Divergent Peer and Parent Sexual Messages to Asian American College Students' Sexual Behaviors (pdf)
- 13-02 Identifying Relationships Between High-Risk Sexual Behaviors and Screening Positive for Chlamydia and Gonorrhea in School-Wide Screening Events
- 13-02 Excessive alcohol use and its association with risky sexual behaviour: a cross-sectional analysis of data from Victorian secondary school students (pdf)
- 13-02 The role of Facebook in romantic relationship development: An exploration of Knapp’s relational stage model (pdf)
- 13-02 From Facebook to cell calls: Layers of electronic intimacy in college students’ interpersonal relationships