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- 14-02 Female Sexual Victimization Among College Students: Assault Severity, Health Risk Behaviors, and Sexual Functioning
- 14-02 The Non-Medical Use of Prescription Drugs and Lifetime Experiences of Sexual Victimization Among College Men
- 14-02 An Exploration of Sexual Victimization and Academic Performance Among College Women
- 14-02 Sexuality Education in Malaysia: Perceived Issues and Barriers by Professionals
- 14-02 Factors Influencing Dating Experiences Among African American Emerging Adults
- 14-02 Human Papillomavirus Vaccine Increases High-Risk Sexual Behaviors: A Myth or Valid Concern?
- 14-02 Emergency Contraception Counseling in a Retail Pharmacy Setting
- 14-02 College students’ perceptions of the importance of sexual assault prevention education: Suggestions for targeting recruitment for peer-based education
- 14-02 Education For Choice: Abortion education in the UK - failing our young people? (pdf)
- 14-02 “You’re Not Good Enough” Teaching Undergraduate Students about the Sexualization of Girls and Women
- 14-02 Consequences of childhood sexual abuse for health and well-being: Gender similarities and differences
- 14-02 Associations Among School and Friendship Identity in Adolescence and Romantic Relationships and Work in Emerging Adulthood
- 14-02 Tobacco and alcohol use in the context of adolescent pregnancy and postpartum: a scoping review of the literature (pdf)
- 14-02 Prevention of sexually transmitted infections among girls and young women in relation to their HPV vaccination status
- 14-02 The use of alcohol mixed with energy drinks and experiences of sexual victimization among male and female college students
- 14-02 Patterns of drug and alcohol use associated with lifetime sexual revictimization and current posttraumatic stress disorder among three national samples of adolescent, college, and household-residing
- 13-12 Twelve-month follow-up of advance provision of emergency contraception among teenage girls in Sweden (pdf)
- 13-11 The prevalence of unplanned pregnancy and associated factors in Britain: findings from the third National Survey of Sexual Attitudes and Lifestyles
- 13-11 Teacher perspectives on abstinence and safe sex education inSouth Africa (pdf)
- 13-11 Non-consensual sex within pre-marital relationships: experiences of young women in India
- 13-11 HIV prevalence patterns by age and sex: Exploring differences among 19 countries (pdf)
- 13-11 A Social Marketing Perspective of Young People’s Sexual Health (pdf)
- 13-11 National Survey of Sexual Attitudes and Lifestyles NATSAL3 and school sex education (pdf)
- 13-11 Non-participation in chlamydia screening in the Netherlands: determinants associated with young people's intention to participate in chlamydia screening (pdf)
- 13-11 Gender Differences in Perception of Romance in Chinese College Students (pdf)
- 13-11 Spermicides out, pills in: 8 contraception trends you probably didn't know
- 13-11 Students teach sex education: introducing alternative conceptions of sexuality
- 13-11 Using Technology to Connect in Romantic Relationships: Effects on Attachment, Relationship Satisfaction, and Stability in Emerging Adults
- 13-11 Do Alcohol and Marijuana Use Decrease the Probability of Condom Use for College Women?
- 13-11 Testing for sexually transmitted infections among students: a discrete choice experiment of service preferences (pdf)
- 13-11 Predictors of Treatment Completion in a Sample of Youth Who Have Experienced Physical or Sexual Trauma
- 13-11 Is It Love or Sexual Abuse? Young Adults' Perceptions of Statutory Rape
- 13-11 Knowing a Sexual Assault Victim or Perpetrator: A Stratified Random Sample of Undergraduates at One University
- 13-11 Mental Health and Substance Use Disparities Among Urban Adolescent Lesbian and Bisexual Girls
- 13-11 Reducing the Risk of HIV/AIDS in African American College Students: An Exploratory Investigation of the Efficacy of a Peer Educator Approach
- 13-11 Dual Use of Condoms With Other Contraceptive Methods Among Adolescents and Young Women in the United States
- 13-11 Emerging Adult Sexual Attitudes and Behaviors: Does Shyness Matter?
- 13-11 In defense of danger: Sex, schools and the politics of discourse
- 13-11 Beliefs about chlamydia testing amongst young people living in relatively deprived areas
- 13-07 Risky Business: Is There an Association between Casual Sex and Mental Health among Emerging Adults? (pdf)
- 13-07 High School Religious Context and Reports of Same-Sex Attraction and Sexual Identity in Young Adulthood
- 13-07 Expecting Motherhood? Stratifying Reproduction in 21st-century Scottish Abortion Practice (pdf)
- 13-07 Towards a More Complete Understanding of Reactions to Hooking Up Among College Women
- 13-07 Beliefs about chlamydia testing amongst young people living in relatively deprived areas
- 13-07 The power of love: Young South Africans re-conceptualising love and sexual relationships
- 13-07 Process evaluation of school-based peer education for HIV prevention among Yemeni adolescents
- 13-07 Pornography consumption and non-marital sexual behaviour in a sample of young Indonesian university students
- 13-07 How sex education research methodologies frame GLBTIQ students
- 13-07 Comparison of Adolescents' Reports of Sexual Behavior on a Survey and Sexual Health History Calendar
- 13-07 Heterosexual Students' Experiences in Sexual Orientation Intergroup Dialogue Courses