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- 16-02 Interventions for preventing unintended pregnancies among adolescents
- 16-01 Lessons in building capacity in sexuality education using the Health Promoting School framework: from planning to implementation
- 16-01 Reorienting adolescent sexual and reproductive health research: reflections from an international conference
- 16-01 What are the characteristics of ‘sexually ready’ adolescents? Exploring the sexual readiness of youth in urban poor Accra
- 16-01 ¿Confías en mí? The Impact of Latino Parent Characteristics on Discussions With Their Adolescent About Sexual Health and Pregnancy Prevention
- 15-12 Sex and secrecy: How HIV-status disclosure affects safe sex among HIV-positive adolescents
- 15-11 The influence of perceived behaviour control, attitude and empowerment on reported condom use and intention to use condoms among adolescents in rural Tanzania
- 15-11 Comparing School-Based Teen Pregnancy Prevention Programming: Mixed Outcomes in an At-Risk State
- 15-10 "Sex in class" what Rutgers said
- 15-10 New opportunities in teen pregnancy prevention: Identifying individual and environmental differences between youth who abstain, use contraception and use no contraception
- 15-10 Smoking Cessation Failure Among Korean Adolescents
- 15-09 Correlates of gay-related name-calling in schools
- 15-09 A Rights-Based Sexuality Education Curriculum for Adolescents
- 15-09 “Beamed Directly to the Children”: School Broadcasting and Sex Education in Britain in the 1960s and 1970s
- 15-09 School experiences of transgender and gender diverse students in Australia
- 15-09 Implementation and evaluation of a curriculum to teach reproductive health to adolescents in northern Madagascar
- 15-09 What Does Not Work in Adolescent Sexual and Reproductive Health: (Global Health Science and Practice) A Review of Evidence on Interventions Commonly Accepted as Best Practices
- 15-09 Human Papillomavirus (HPV) Vaccination and Adolescent Girls' Knowledge and Sexuality in Western Uganda
- 15-09 Mediation Analysis of an Effective Sexual Health Promotion Intervention for Spanish Adolescents
- 15-09 "Condom Use Self-Efficacy Among Younger Rural Adolescents The Influence of Parent-Teen Communication, and Knowledge of and Attitudes Toward Condoms"
- 15-09 Adolescents' understandings of infidelity
- 15-09 Withdrawal as Pregnancy Prevention and Associated Risk Factors Among US High School Students
- 15-09 ‘Sexual competence’ at first heterosexual intercourse: examining the prevalence and correlates of a context-based measure of first intercourse in a population-based sample of british 16–24 year olds
- 15-09 An Interactive Website to Reduce Sexual Risk Behavior: Process Evaluation of TeensTalkHealth
- 15-09 Patterns of relationship and sexual behaviors in Mexican adolescents and associations with well-being
- 15-09 Menstrual patterns and disorders among secondary school adolescents in Egypt
- 15-08 Teenage pregnancies fell 43% within 5 years in England & Wales
- 15-08 School-based education programmes for the prevention of child sexual abuse
- 15-08 Mediation Analysis of an Effective Sexual Health Promotion Intervention for Spanish Adolescents
- 15-08 Sex in Class: Liekens is right to teach teenagers about sexual pleasure
- 15-08 Adolescents and web porn: a new era of sexuality
- 15-07 US teenage use of over-the-counter morning-after pill doubles in a decade
- 15-07 Sexual Activity and Condom Use among Israeli Adolescents
- 15-07 Teenage pregnancy rates in Scotland continue to fall
- 15-07 ‘A lot more to learn than where babies come from’: controversy, language and agenda setting in the framing of school-based sexuality education curricula in Australia
- 15-07 Longer secondary schooling in Botswana substantially reduces the risk of contracting HIV, particularly for girls
- 15-07 Reaching the hard to reach: longitudinal investigation of adolescents’ attendance at an after-school sexual and reproductive health programme in Western Cape, South Africa
- 15-06 A Survey of Teenagers’ Attitudes Toward Moving Oral Contraceptives Over the Counter
- 15-06 Primary prevention of child sexual abuse: Child focused interventions
- 15-06 Swedish sex education has time for games and mature debate
- 15-06 Teenage Childbearing and Educational Attainment in South Africa
- 15-06 ‘It's all scientific to me’: focus group insights into why young people do not apply safe-sex knowledge
- 15-05 Text Messages Can Help Boost Teen Birth Control Compliance
- 15-05 Sex Ed Works Better When It Addresses Power In Relationships
- 15-05 Sex education for teenagers should include fertility
- 15-05 US Judge Rules Against Abstinence-Only Sex Ed Program
- 15-05 Suicidal risk and sexual orientation in adolescence: A population-based study in Iceland
- 15-05 5 Places Around The World Where Sex Education Is Improving, Because Comprehensive And Progressive Programs Do Exist
- 15-05 Parts or Pleasure in Sex Ed: Analysing How Sexual Pleasure and Desire is Included in TDSB Grade 9 Health and Physical Education Classes
- 15-04 Sexual Risk Reduction Intervention More Effective for Adolescent Boys Than Girls