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- 14-11 1 in 10 adults have used abusive language towards a disabled person and children have adopted use of bullying language
- 14-09 To tell or not to tell: What influences children’s decisions to report bullying to their teachers?
- 14-09 Breakfast skipping is associated with cyberbullying and school bullying victimization. A school-based cross-sectional study
- 14-06 What makes Simon Says so difficult for young children?
- 14-06 School run safety - ‘near misses’ while walking or cycling to or from school
- 14-06 Is bullying bad for your health? The consequences of bullying perpetration and victimization in childhood on health behaviors in adulthood
- 14-06 Mental Health and Bullying in the United States Among Children Aged 6 to 17 Years
- 14-06 The development of sympathy from 5 to 7 years: increase, decline, or stability?
- 14-03 Developing children's language creativity through telling stories – An experimental study
- 14-03 The Impact of Workplace Bullying on Primary School Teachers and Principals
- 14-03 Enacting children’s citizenship: Developing understandings of how children enact themselves as citizens through actions and Acts of citizenship
- 14-03 Songs From the Car Seat: Exploring the Early Childhood Music-Making Place of the Family Vehicle
- 14-02 NZ school bans playground rules and sees less bullying and vandalism ... and ... UK report
- 14-01 Which robot behavior can motivate children to tidy up their toys?
- 13-10 Creative primary schools: developing and maintaining pedagogy for creativity
- 13-10 Evaluation of Bully-Proofing Your School as an Elementary School Antibullying Intervention
- 13-10 Encountering migration: English primary school teachers’ responses to Polish children
- 13-10 The social and emotional skills of bullies, victims, and bully–victims of Egyptian primary school children
- 13-10 Do Children Who Bully Their Peers Also Play Violent Video Games?
- 13-10 The Critical Role of School Climate in Effective Bullying Prevention
- 13-10 The Role of Attitudes About Vaccine Safety, Efficacy, and Value in Explaining Parents’ Reported Vaccination Behavior
- 13-10 A meta-analysis of the effect of school-based anti-bullying programs
- 13-10 Lessons From a Concurrent Evaluation of Eight Antibullying Programs Used in Sweden (pdf)
- 13-05 10 years of bullying data: what does it tell us?
- 13-05 Parent Perceptions of Neighborhood Safety and Children's Physical Activity, Sedentary Behavior, and Obesity
- 13-05 Chronic bullying victimization across school transitions: The role of genetic and environmental influences
- 13-05 Suck it Up, Walk it Off, Be a Man: A Controversial Look at Bullying in Today's Schools
- 13-05 Towards a richer understanding of school-age children’s experiences of domestic violence: The voices of children and their mothers
- 13-05 Effects of an emotional literacy intervention for students identified with bullying behaviour
- 13-02 Cyberbullying issues in schools: an exploratory, qualitative study from the perspective of teaching professionals (pdf)
- 13-02 Sex or gender identity? Understanding children's reading choices and motivation
- 12-12 Sex or gender identity? Understanding children's reading choices and motivation
- 12-12 Does bullying others at school lead to adult aggression? The roles of drinking and university participation during the transition to adulthood
- 12-12 The Relationships Among Girls’ Prosocial Video Gaming, Perspective-Taking, Sympathy, and Thoughts About Violence
- 12-12 Cyberbullying Among Primary School Students in Turkey: Self-Reported Prevalence and Associations with Home and School Life
- 12-12 Characteristics of effective schools in facing and reducing bullying
- 12-10 Traditional bullying as a potential warning sign of cyberbullying (pdf)
- 12-10 The emergence of cyberbullying: A survey of primary school pupils’ perceptions and experiences
- 12-10 Cyberbullying: An increasing challenge for schools (pdf)
- 12-10 Correlates of teachers’ ways of handling bullying
- 12-08 Body Image Parent Pack aims to help promote positive self-esteem among children
- 12-08 Do parents’ and children's concerns about sports safety and injury risk relate to how much physical activity children do?
- 12-04 Children as young as eight are victims of mental and physical bullying on the school playing field
- 12-04 Differences between humour comprehension and appreciation in healthy children and children with epilepsy
- 12-02 The age of reason: An examination of psychosocial factors involved in delinquent behaviour
- 12-02 E-safety education: Young people, surveillance and responsibility
- 12-02 Rates of cyber victimization and bullying among male Australian primary and high school students
- 12-02 Fairy tales: a compass for children's healthy development – a qualitative study in a Greek island
- 12-01 Exploring the Impact of Educational Television and Parent–Child Discussions on Children's Racial Attitudes
- 12-01 Evaluation of the ‘‘Lose Your Excuse’’ Public Service Advertising Campaign for Tweens to Save Energy