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- 18-10 Use of green spaces, self-satisfaction and social contacts in adolescents: A population-based CASPIAN-V study
- 18-06 Prevalence of excessive screen time and TV viewing among Brazilian adolescents
- 18-06 Can organized leisure-time activities buffer the negative outcomes of unstructured activities for adolescents’ health?
- 18-05 Cross-sectional and longitudinal associations of screen time and physical activity with school performance at different types of secondary school
- 18-04 The Priming Effect of Violent Game Play on Aggression Among Adolescents
- 18-04 Face-to-face Contacts, Facebook Connections and Academic Support
- 18-03 Not Just Social Sensitivity: Adolescent neural suppression of social feedback during risk taking
- 18-03 Adolescents’ Perspectives on a Mobile App for Relationships: Cross-Sectional Survey
- 18-03 A latent growth curve model to estimate electronic screen use patterns amongst adolescents aged 10 to 17 years
- 18-02 Sex differences in the neural underpinnings of social and monetary incentive processing during adolescence
- 18-02 Smartphone use and smartphone addiction in middle school students in Korea: Prevalence, social networking service, and game use
- 18-01 Identifying beliefs behind boys’ use of mobile phones to monitor girlfriends and girls’ acceptance: a reasoned-action approach
- 18-01 Gaming addiction is to be listed as a mental health condition for the first time
- 17-11 For Video Games, Bad News Is Good News: News Reporting of Violent Video Game Studies
- 17-11 Physical Fighting and Associated Factors among Adolescents Aged 13-15 Years in Six Western Pacific Countries.
- 17-11 Episodic future thinking reduces temporal discounting in healthy adolescents
- 17-11 Tween Television and Peers: Reinforcing Social Agents in Early Adolescents' Body Surveillance and Self-Objectification.
- 17-09 The intergenerational transmission of at-risk/problem gambling: The moderating role of parenting practices
- 17-08 Proneness to Boredom and Risk Behaviors During Adolescents’ Free Time
- 17-08 It’s Much More Than Money! Relations Between Adolescents’ Financial Entitlement and Behavioral Outcomes
- 17-08 Communication in single- and two-parent families and their influence on Portuguese and Spanish adolescents’ life satisfaction
- 17-08 Understanding Students' Transition to High School: Demographic Variation and the Role of Supportive Relationships.
- 17-07 Monitoring screen use: a qualitative exploration of family strategies in Swiss homes.
- 17-07 Diet quality, overweight and daily monetary allowance of Greek adolescents
- 17-07 Real and virtual worlds alike: Adolescents' psychopathology is reflected in their videogame virtual behaviors
- 17-07 Associations between Screen-Based Activity, Spiritual Well-Being, and Life Satisfaction among Adolescents
- 17-06 Early Adolescents' Peer Experiences with Ethnic Diversity in Middle School: Implications for Academic Outcomes
- 17-06 Clustering and correlates of screen-time and eating behaviours among young adolescents
- 17-05 Adolescent cybervictimization – Who they turn to and their perceived school climate
- 17-05 Keeping secrets from friends: Exploring the effects of friendship quality, loneliness and self-esteem on secrecy
- 17-05 Child and Adolescent Use of Mobile Phones: An Unparalleled Complex Developmental Phenomenon
- 17-05 A Six-Year Longitudinal Study of Texting Trajectories During Adolescence
- 17-05 Children’s and Adolescents’ Expectations about Challenging Unfair Group Norms
- 17-03 Daily School Context of Adolescents' Single Best Friendship and Adjustment
- 17-02 Power of the image report : the role and influence of images and videos in young people's digital lives
- 17-01 Gaming is related to enhanced working memory performance and task-related cortical activity
- 17-01 Grit as a Predictor of Adolescents’ Mobile Phone Addiction
- 16-11 450,000 children gamble every week
- 16-10 Potential impact of internet addiction and protective psychosocial factors onto depression among Hong Kong Chinese adolescents - direct, mediation and moderation effects.
- 16-08 Quality of life among working and non-working adolescents
- 16-08 Do Your School Mates Influence How Long You Game? Evidence from the U.S.
- 16-07 Girls less confident as they grow older
- 16-07 ‘Girls Don’t Become Craftsmen’: Determinants and Experiences of Child Labour in Gemstone Polishing in Jaipur
- 16-07 Prevalence of Adolescent Problem Gambling: A Systematic Review of Recent Research
- 16-06 Attitudes toward selfie taking in school-going adolescents
- 16-05 What motives are important for participation in leisure-time activities at Swedish youth centres?
- 16-05 The Effect of Home-based Daily Journal Writing in Korean Adolescents with Smartphone Addiction
- 16-04 Adolescents and social support situations
- 16-03 Do video games make children violent? Nobody knows – and this is why
- 16-03 Can students last a week on a digital detox?