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- 10-01 Authoritarian parenting and Asian adolescent school performance
- 09-12 Chemicals used in plastics and children's masculine or feminine play habits
- 09-12 Accident injury behavior among Chinese junior high school students in peasant worker's children school and urban public school
- 09-12 Injuries and injury prevention among indigenous children and young people in America
- 09-12 Parents who influence their children to become scientists
- 09-12 Risk factors of traffic injury among students in middle and primary schools in China
- 09-12 Contact between grandchildren and their grandparents in early adulthood
- 09-11 Girls' Attitudes survey -- Girlguiding UK's comprehensive study of the views and opinions of girls aged 7-21 across the UK
- 09-11 Using mobile phones and the long-term risks
- 09-10 ...there is little evidence that having a working mother during infancy harms a child's mental development or adversely affects its behaviour.'
- 09-10 Television viewing, computer use, and BMI among U.S. children and adolescents
- 09-10 Childhood overweight may be more common in the children of employed mothers and there are indications of an increase with increased hours per week of maternal employment.'
- 09-10 Do parental co-viewing and discussions mitigate TV-induced fears in young children?
- 09-10 Young children's video/computer game use: Relations with school performance and behavior
- 09-10 Childnet's Know IT All for Primary Schools
- 09-09 Access, attitudes and the digital divide: children's attitudes towards computers in a technology-rich environment
- 09-09 Young people : attitudes to home and family
- 09-09 Designing Mobile Phones for Children -- Is there a Difference?
- 09-08 An evaluation of a theory based childhood overweight prevention curriculum (pdf)
- 09-08 Vigorboards at St Helens ... and ...
- 09-08 Go-Givers
- 09-07 Reaping the benefit of effective family learning
- 09-06 New system of video games classification will help protect children
- 09-06 SuperClubsPLUS is a Safe Social Learning Network where 6-12 year olds can meet friends across the UK and around the world, be creative, have fun and learn ICT, Literacy and Global Citizenship together.
- 09-06 Babymatterz
- 09-04 What is the right way to raise children?
- 09-04 Free learning resources, for 1 week, from the USA.
- 09-04 Baroness Susan Greenfield's Women of the Year 2009 Lecture - 'The impact of current technology on the mind of the 21st Century child'
- 09-04 Latest news about computer viruses
- 09-04 There are now just as many girls as boys joining the Scouts
- 09-03 Children are making hard-headed financial decisions from the age of seven -- three years sooner than their parents did
- 09-03 BBC TV -- children's viewing behaviour similar to adults
- 09-03 Overweight and lifestyle behaviors of low socioeconomic elementary school children in Buenos Aires
- 09-03 Children get first mobile phone at average age of eight
- 09-02 We are keen to re-do the Health-Related Behaviour Questionnaire with our Year 2s and 6s. The results were so useful for our SEF. - Assistant Headteacher. For details of the SHEU SURVEYS and OFSTED SELF-EVALUATION FORM -... Please contact Angela Balding
- 09-02 Children from single-parent families lack a male role model
- 09-01 Primary social and emotional aspects of learning (SEAL) - Evaluation of small group work
- 09-01 Letting infants watch TV can do more harm than good says wide-ranging international review
- 09-01 Web site design affects how children process information
- 08-12 New Govt. funding to provide exciting safe places for all young people to go to and where young people can take part in a wide range of positive activities such as sport, dance and music
- 08-11 Welsh mothers less likely to smack naughty five-year-olds
- 08-11 Smacking and Scottish parents
- 08-11 The Woodcraft Folk has been awarded a grant of
- 08-11 Parenting practices and support for parents in Scotland
- 31-07 [Lifestyle Archive 11-16] [Lifestyle Latest 11-16] [Top]
Lifestyle | latest links about 11-16 yr. olds in date order
- 23-12 Cross-sectional associations of schoolchildren’s fruit and vegetable consumption, and meal choices, with their mental well-being: a cross-sectional study
- 23-09 The Association Between Socioeconomic Status and Use of Time in Australian Children and Adolescents
- 23-09 Healthy Lifestyle among Adolescents Students Through Electronic Platform
- 23-09 Do small high schools affect rates of risky health behaviors and poor mental health among low-income teenagers? Evidence from New York city