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- 11-02 Which sources of child health advice do U.S. parents follow?
- 11-02 The influence of individual, behavioural and environmental factors on BMI at 6, 8, 10 and 14 years
- 11-02 Is Johnny wheezing? Parent-child agreement in the Childhood Asthma in America survey (pdf)
- 11-02 The impact of school-day variation in weight and height on National Child Measurement Programme body mass index-determined weight category in Year 6 children
- 11-01 Relationship between obesity and asthma symptoms among children in Ahvaz, Iran (pdf)
- 11-01 Body image, body dissatisfaction and weight status in UK South Asian children (pdf)
- 11-01 Peer victimization as predictors of mental health across U.S. Elementary school
- 11-01 Associations between menarcheal timing and behavioral developmental
- 11-01 Associations between severity of obesity in childhood and adolescence, obesity onset and parental BMI
- 11-01 Comparison of children's body fatness between two contrasting income groups: contribution of height difference
- 11-01 Does early school entry prevent obesity among adolescent girls?
- 10-12 Paracetamol and asthma link
- 10-12 The associations between body mass index, waist circumference, and fat mass in childhood and cardiovascular risk factors measured at age 9-12 and at age 15-16 (pdf)
- 10-12 Does dirt make us happier?
- 10-12 Performance stress and the very young musician
- 10-12 Children and young people’s views of health professionals in England
- 10-12 Health professionals’ preparation for supporting Canadian children and parents affected by asthma and allergies
- 10-11 October 2010 - California schools to provide free water in their cafeterias
- 10-11 The meaning of health in Canadian rural children
- 10-11 Asthma in 10- to 13-year-olds: Challenges at a time of transition
- 10-11 Waist circumference as screening instrument for cardiovascular disease risk factors in schoolchildren
- 10-11 Comparing asthma in U.S. native and foreign-born children
- 10-10 Effective hand washing and electric hand dryers
- 10-10 School health initiatives for childhood obesity in the US: BMI screening and reporting
- 10-10 Effects of anxiety on memory storage and updating in young children
- 10-08 The impact of a drama-program intervention on the social competence of 4th and 5th grade students [English summary]
- 10-07 Understanding anxiety among urban children coping with asthma-related and life stress
- 10-07 Book: Little Angel Creative
- 10-07 Can we reduce the spread of influenza in schools with face masks?
- 10-07 Should public health interventions aimed at reducing childhood overweight and obesity be gender-focused?
- 10-06 Differences in parental perceptions of the socio-emotional development of underweight, overweight, and typically weighted children in a low-income sample
- 10-05 Weight status as a predictor of being bullied in third through sixth grade
- 10-05 Maternal well-being and its association to risk of developmental problems in children at school entry
- 10-05 Anxiety is more common in children with asthma
- 10-05 Book - Go Facts: Healthy Bodies
- 10-05 Health services utilisation disparities between English speaking and non-English speaking background Australian infants
- 10-05 Evaluation of the childhood obesity prevention program, in Victoria Australia, Kids - 'Go for your life'
- 10-03 Depression and social anxiety in children: differential links with coping strategies
- 10-03 How low-income mothers with overweight preschool children make sense of obesity
- 10-03 The sun sense study: An intervention to improve sun protection in children
- 10-03 How changes in child personality and overreactive parenting predict adolescent adjustment problems
- 10-02 Children are reliable reporters of common symptoms: results from a self-reported symptom diary for primary school children
- 10-02 Asthma knowledge and asthma management behavior in urban elementary school teachers
- 10-02 Bowel habit, diet and body weight in preadolescent children
- 10-02 How do parents of 4- to 5-year-old children perceive the weight of their children?
- 10-02 Prevalence and risk factors of habitual snoring in Chinese primary school children
- 10-01 Headache: What do children and mothers expect from pediatricians in Italy?
- 10-01 Immunizing school-age children and adolescents: Experience from low- and middle-income countries
- 10-01 Children's weight 2008/09 - National Child Measurement Programme: England
- 10-01 Prevalence of autism spectrum disorders in the U.S.