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- 17-11 Health and wellbeing of Indigenous adolescents in Australia
- 17-11 The association between paternal and adolescent depressive symptoms: evidence from two population-based cohorts
- 17-11 The Physical Activity Environment and Academic Achievement in Massachusetts Schoolchildren
- 17-11 Digital Screen Media and Cognitive Development
- 17-11 Self-reported mental health in children ages 6–12 years across eight European countries
- 17-11 Behavioral Associations with Overweight in Low-Income Children
- 17-10 Changes in Dietary Patterns from Childhood to Adolescence and Associated Body Adiposity Status
- 17-10 Assessing parents’ receptiveness to a vegetable-focussed in-school nutrition intervention
- 17-10 Food marketing with movie character toys: Effects on young children's preferences for unhealthy and healthier fast food meals
- 17-10 Children's purchase behavior in the snack market: Can branding or lower prices motivate healthier choices?
- 17-10 Promoting healthier children's meals at quick-service and full-service restaurants
- 17-10 The rural school meal in Ecuador as a site for learning about food
- 17-10 What determines the fruit and vegetables intake of primary school children? - An analysis of personal and social determinants
- 17-10 Visual exposure and categorization performance positively influence 3- to 6-year-old children's willingness to taste unfamiliar vegetables
- 17-10 Salad bar selection patterns of elementary school children
- 17-10 Feasibility and reliability of digital imaging for estimating food selection and consumption from students’ packed lunches
- 17-10 Optimal timing of exercise for influencing energy intake in children during school lunch
- 17-10 88% of children take part in sport
- 17-10 Patterns and trends in child obesity
- 17-09 Contrasting Approaches to Food Education and School Meals
- 17-09 Cycling to School and Body Composition, Physical Fitness, and Metabolic Syndrome in Children and Adolescents
- 17-09 Are Early Physical Activity and Sedentary Behaviors Related to Working Memory at 7 and 14 Years of Age?
- 17-09 Mothers’ self-reported grocery shopping behaviours with their 2- to 7-year-old children: relationship between feeding practices and mothers’ willingness to purchase child-requested nutrient-poor, marketed foods, and fruits and vegetables
- 17-09 Social anxiety in pre-adolescent children: What do we know about maintenance?
- 17-09 Tracking Dietary Patterns over 20 Years from Childhood through Adolescence into Young Adulthood
- 17-08 Providing Antismoking Socialization to Children After Quitting Smoking: Does It Help Parents Stay Quit?
- 17-08 Online opportunities and risks for children and adolescents: The role of digital skills, age, gender and parental mediation in Brazil
- 17-08 Do You Know What Your Kids Are Drinking? Evaluation of a Media Campaign to Reduce Consumption of Sugar-Sweetened Beverages
- 17-08 A Review of the Benefits of Nature Experiences: More Than Meets the Eye
- 17-08 Modeling the Effect of Physical Activity on Obesity in China: Evidence from the Longitudinal China Health and Nutrition Study 1989–2011
- 17-08 Placing snacks in children's movies: cognitive, evaluative, and conative effects of product placements with character product interaction
- 17-08 Educators’ understanding of young children’s typical and problematic sexual behaviour and their training in this area
- 17-08 Smokers who have children with asthma: Perceptions about child secondhand smoke exposure and tobacco use initiation and parental willingness to participate in child-focused tobacco interventions
- 17-08 Parents’ views on childhood obesity: qualitative analysis of discussion board postings
- 17-07 Child and parent perspectives on healthier side dishes and beverages in restaurant kids’ meals
- 17-07 Regional survey supports national initiative for ‘water-only’ schools in New Zealand
- 17-07 Monkey bars, noodles and hay bales: a comparative analysis of social interaction in two school ground contexts
- 17-07 Spying on children during a school playground intervention using a novel method for direct observation of activities during outdoor play
- 17-07 Primary-school-based art therapy: a review of controlled studies
- 17-07 Maternal Problem Drinking and Child Mental Health
- 17-07 Kent Families Head for a Healthier Future with Change4Life
- 17-07 Restaurant placemats can help promote healthy eating among children
- 17-07 Feeding styles, parenting styles and snacking behaviour in children attending primary schools in multiethnic neighbourhoods
- 17-07 Effectiveness of government anti-smoking policy on non-smoking youth in Korea
- 17-07 Associations Between Pedometer-Determined Physical Activity and Adiposity in Children and Adolescent: Systematic Review
- 17-07 A History of Cow’s Milk Allergy Is Associated with Lower Vitamin D Status in Schoolchildren
- 17-07 Examining How Neighborhood Socioeconomic Status, Geographic Accessibility, and Informational Accessibility Influence the Uptake of a Free Population-Level Physical Activity Intervention for Children
- 17-07 Three-Year Study of Students’ Attitudes Toward Physical Education: Grades 4–8
- 17-07 Reclaiming streets for outdoor play: A process and impact evaluation of "Juega en tu Barrio" (Play in your Neighborhood), an intervention to increase physical activity and opportunities for play.
- 17-07 Vitamin D and asthma in children