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- 19-07 Neighbourhood context and binge drinking from adolescence into early adulthood in a US national cohort
- 19-07 Cross-sectional study on influence of the family environment on the lifetime non-medical use of prescription drugs among Chinese adolescents
- 19-07 Cost-effectiveness of a combined classroom curriculum and parental intervention: economic evaluation of data from the Steps Towards Alcohol Misuse Prevention Programme
- 19-07 Effectiveness of a School Based Smokeless Tobacco Intervention
- 19-07 A Systematic Review of Observational Studies, Demonstrating Smoking among School Going Adolescents
- 19-05 Physical activity among adolescent tobacco and electronic cigarette users
- 19-05 Trends in socioeconomic differences in daily smoking among 15-year-old Danes
- 19-05 Brief alcohol intervention for risky drinking in young people aged 14 15 years in secondary schools
- 19-05 Current Cigarette Smoking and Its Predictors among School-Going Adolescents in East Africa
- 19-04 Self-Reported Use of Tobacco, E-cigarettes, and Marijuana Versus Urinary Biomarkers
- 19-04 Lions Quest Skills for Adolescence Program as a School Intervention to Prevent Substance Use
- 19-04 Have e-cigarettes renormalised or displaced youth smoking? Results of a segmented regression analysis of repeated cross sectional survey data in England, Scotland and Wales (Tobacco Control)
- 19-04 Sex Differences in Multilevel Factors of Smoking Experimentation and Age of Initiation in Korean Adolescents
- 19-04 The Alcohol Education Trust - ‘talk about alcohol’ programme for 11-18 year olds, parents and teachers
- 19-02 Association of Cannabis Use in Adolescence and Risk of Depression, Anxiety, and Suicidality in Young Adulthood
- 19-02 Parents as interventionists: Addressing adolescent substance use
- 19-01 Associations of Early Age of First Intoxication with Past Year Drinking Contexts and Problems
- 19-01 The Relationship Between Parent Drinking and Adolescent Drinking: Differences for Mothers and Fathers and Boys and Girls
- 19-01 The role of normative beliefs in the mediation of a school-based drug prevention program
- 19-01 Impacts of Medical Marijuana Laws on Young Americans Across the Developmental Spectrum
- 18-12 Age of tobacco use initiation and association with current use and nicotine dependence among US middle and high school students, 2014–2016
- 18-12 Age of first use, current marijuana use and driving after use among Canadian high school students
- 18-11 A qualitative exploration of school-based staff’s experiences of delivering an alcohol screening and brief intervention in the high school setting
- 18-11 Clusters of alcohol and drug use and other health-risk behaviors among Thai secondary school students
- 18-11 Tobacco and Alcohol on Television: A Content Analysis of Male Adolescents’ Favorite Shows
- 18-11 E-cigarette use is associated with other tobacco use among US adolescents
- 18-11 First Time Cannabis Use and Sexual Debut in U.S. High School Adolescents
- 18-11 Effects of the social norms intervention The GOOD Life on norm perceptions, binge drinking and alcohol-related harms
- 18-11 Substance use and internalizing symptoms among high school students and access to health care services
- 18-11 Alcohol, tobacco, and marijuana expectancies as predictors of substance use initiation in adolescence
- 18-11 Impact of nearby smoking on adolescent smoking behavior in Korea
- 18-10 Trends in cannabis use over time among Canadian youth: 2004–2014
- 18-10 Binge drinking and frequent or heavy drinking among adolescents: prevalence and associated factors
- 18-10 Longitudinal association between tobacco use and the onset of depressive symptoms among Swedish adolescents: the Kupol cohort study
- 18-10 Alcohol audio-visual content in formula 1 television broadcasting
- 18-10 The magnitude and impact of tobacco marketing exposure in adolescents' day-to-day lives: An ecological momentary assessment (EMA) study
- 18-09 Adolescents, parents and teachers’ perceptions of risk and protective factors of substance use in Moroccan adolescents
- 18-09 Nicotine dependence among adolescents in the European Union: How many and who are affected?
- 18-09 Alcohol expectancy profile in late childhood with alcohol drinking and purchasing behaviors in adolescence
- 18-09 Elementary and middle school predictors of high school drinking problems and maladaptive coping
- 18-09 Exposure to drinking mediates the association between parental alcohol use and preteen alcohol use
- 18-09 Relative influence of perceived peer and family substance use on adolescent alcohol, cigarette, and marijuana use across middle and high school
- 18-09 The magnitude and impact of tobacco marketing exposure in adolescents' day-to-day lives
- 18-08 Early vascular damage from smoking and alcohol in teenage years: the ALSPAC study
- 18-08 Double hazard of smoking and alcohol on vascular function in adolescents
- 18-08 Attitudes toward Tobacco, Alcohol, and Non-Alcoholic Beverage Advertisement Themes among Adolescent Boys.
- 18-08 Association of BMI Changes Between Adolescence and Young Adulthood With Smoking Cessation
- 18-08 Patterns in first and daily cigarette initiation among youth and young adults from 2002 to 2015
- 18-07 Age of onset of cannabis use and decision making under uncertainty
- 18-07 Orbitofrontal connectivity is associated with depression and anxiety in marijuana-using adolescents