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- 21-03 Health Literacy Does Not Protect Against Underage Alcohol Use During the COVID-19 Pandemic
- 21-03 Characteristics of school-based drug prevention programs in Brazil
- 21-03 What explains the decline in adolescent binge-drinking in New Zealand?
- 21-02 Essays on the unintended effects of tobacco control policies on adolescent health behaviors
- 21-02 Determining correlates of the average number of cigarette smoking among college students using count regression models
- 21-01 Substance use profiles among gang-involved youth: Social ecology implications for service approaches
- 20-05 The effect of Transtheoretical Model based motivational interviewing on smokeless tobacco cessation in high school students
- 20-05 Prevalence and determinants of current cigarette smoking and secondhand smoking among Greek adolescents: the Global Youth Tobacco Survey (GYTS) 2013 study
- 20-05 Adolescent Addiction: Epidemiology, Assessment, and Treatment
- 20-05 Development of a Scale for Alcohol Drinking Prevention Behavior in Early Elementary School Based on Ajzen's Theory of Planned Behavior
- 20-05 Formative Research and Cultural Tailoring of a Substance Abuse Prevention Program for American Indian Youth: Findings From the Intertribal Talking Circle Intervention
- 20-05 Parents Are Unaware of Their Youths' Tobacco Use: Results from the Population Assessment of Tobacco and Health Study
- 20-04 Middle childhood vulnerability to drugs and alcohol
- 20-04 School Climate as a Universal Intervention to Prevent Substance Use Initiation in Early Adolescence: A Longitudinal Study
- 20-04 It’s my life : staying in control. Developing a school-based intervention to facilitate adolescent behaviour change with respect to alcohol consumption
- 20-04 Children’s learning from a Smokefree Sports programme: Implications for health education
- 20-03 Health smoking cessation intervention among high school students: 3-month primary outcome findings from a randomized controlled trial
- 20-03 Effectiveness school-based educational interventions in preventing smoking in Iranian adolescents: A Systematic Review
- 20-03 Prevalence and correlates of youth poly-substance use in the COMPASS study
- 20-03 Cigarette smoking as an oral health risk behavior in adolescents: a cross-sectional study among Polish youths
- 20-03 Secondhand Smoking and Obesity Among Nonsmoking Adolescents Aged 12–15 Years From 38 Low- and Middle-Income Countries
- 20-02 Psychosocial Factors Associated with Smoking Cessation Attempts in Korean High School Students Who Engage in Intermittent and Light Smoking
- 20-02 Technology-Based Substance Use Interventions: Opportunities for Gender-Transformative Health Promotion
- 20-02 The impact of the point of sale tobacco display ban on young people in Scotland
- 20-02 Factors related to an increase of cannabis use among adolescents in Chile
- 20-02 Adolescent Smoking in Secondary Schools that Have Implemented Smoke-Free Policies
- 20-02 A Middle School Program to Prevent E-Cigarette Use: A Pilot Study of “CATCH My Breath”
- 20-01 Adverse School Outcomes and Sexual Risk Behaviors Among High School Students with E-Cigarette and Marijuana Use
- 20-01 Students’ Perspectives on Best Practices for Implementing Substance Use Screening in Schools
- 20-01 Public and private religious involvement and initiation of alcohol, cigarette, and marijuana use in Black and White adolescent girls
- 19-11 Cannabis legalization, tobacco prevention policies, and Cannabis use in E-cigarettes among youth
- 19-11 Smoking susceptibility among non-smoking school-going adolescents in Malaysia
- 19-11 School Based Risk Factors Promoting Drug Abuse among Student in Public Secondary Schools in Kenya
- 19-11 Impact of School Based Anti-Tobacco Education for Knowledge Enhancement Among High School Children
- 19-11 The decline in youth drinking in England – is everyone drinking less?
- 19-11 Rethinking adolescent risk-taking: Perception of social risk impacts expected involvement in health-risk behaviour during adolescence
- 19-11 Parents’ knowledge, attitudes and behaviours related to children’s beverage consumption in youth soccer
- 19-11 AlcoLOLs, re-thinking drinking: Developing a shared leadership approach for alcohol education
- 19-11 Does prevention have any impact on substance use among teenagers?
- 19-09 Cannabis and amphetamine use and its psychosocial correlates among school-going adolescents in Ghana
- 19-09 Alcohol Expectancies Moderate the Association Between School Connectedness and Alcohol Consumption
- 19-09 Implementation of a School‐Based Alcohol Screening and Brief Intervention for Youth in the Cherokee Nation
- 19-09 Knowledge, attitudes and behaviours on tobacco, alcohol and other drugs among Nigerian secondary school students
- 19-09 Effectiveness of School-Based Smoking Prevention Education Program (SPEP) Among Nonsmoking Adolescents
- 19-09 Adolescents’ awareness of the nicotine strength and e-cigarette status of JUUL e-cigarettes
- 19-08 Long-term impact of plain packaging of cigarettes with larger graphic health warnings: findings from cross-sectional surveys of Australian adolescents between 2011 and 2017
- 19-08 Differential associations of health literacy with Austrian adolescents’ tobacco and alcohol use
- 19-08 Adolescent cannabis use and risk of depression and suicide ... original article
- 19-08 Effect of Participatory Health Promotion Initiative on Tobacco Use among Adolescents: A School-Based Quasi-Experimental Pilot Study from Central India
- 19-07 Trends in Substance Use Prevention Program Participation Among Adolescents in the U.S.