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- 22-02 Risk and protective factors of drug abuse among adolescents: a systematic review
- 22-01 Reaching Intermittent Tobacco Users With Technology: New Evidence
- 22-01 Development and Reach of the Stanford Tobacco Prevention Toolkit: Implementation of a Community-Based Participatory Approach
- 22-01 Adolescent E-cigarette Users at Highest Risk of Cigarette Smoking Intention
- 22-01 Interaction of smoking and being bullied on suicidal behaviors: a school-based cross-sectional survey in China
- 22-01 The Significance of School-based Programs, School-based Activities, and Community-Based Activities Against Marijuana Use Among Adolescents
- 22-01 Which factors are associated with cannabis use among adolescents in Andalusia? An application of the I-Change model
- 22-01 Substance-Related Problems in Adolescents with ADHD-Diagnoses: The Importance of Self-Reported Conduct Problems
- 22-01 The role of health literacy in the association between academic performance and substance use
- 21-12 Pathways Linking School-Based Ethnic Discrimination to Latino/a Adolescents' Marijuana Approval and Use
- 21-12 Longitudinal Assessment of the Effectiveness of a Tobacco Prevention Programme among school-aged adolescents
- 21-11 School-based e-cigarette education in Alabama: Impact on knowledge of e-cigarettes, perceptions and intent to try
- 21-11 Association between school-based tobacco retailer exposures and young adolescent cigarette, cigar and e-cigarette use
- 21-10 The Cigarette Smoking Initiation and Continuation in Adolescents Undergoing a Long-Term Behavioral Intervention
- 21-10 Taking a Skills Focused, Harm Reduction Approach to School Drug Education
- 21-09 Effects of a School-Based Drug Prevention Program on Sexual Risk Behavior Among Adolescents in Brazilian Schools
- 21-09 Dissemination of CATCH My Breath, a middle school E-Cigarette prevention program
- 21-09 The practice of the alcohol industry as health educator: a critique
- 21-08 Addressing substance abuse in adolescents: concerns and challenges in school setting
- 21-08 Effectiveness of a School-Based Tobacco Prevention Program for Middle School Students in Saudi Arabia: A Quasi-Experimental Controlled Trial
- 21-07 Perceived risk of harm from monthly cannabis use among US adolescents: National Survey on drug Use and Health, 2017
- 21-07 Peer education: youth protagonism in a preventive approach to alcohol and other drugs
- 21-07 Could adolescents be the vehicle that transfers a no-smoking rule from school to home?
- 21-07 Association between family dynamics and use of alcohol, tobacco, and other drugs by adolescents
- 21-07 School-based interventions to prevent anxiety, depression and conduct disorder in children and young people: a systematic review and network meta-analysis
- 21-07 Cannabis use and stigma among Canadian high school students: Results from the 2015 and 2017 Cancer Risk Assessment in Youth Survey
- 21-07 School-Based Intervention to Prevent Smoking Initiation among Adolescents in Egypt
- 21-06 Gender differences in attitudes towards a school-based smoking prevention intervention
- 21-06 Improving e-cigarette and vaping use screening among adolescents
- 21-06 Light drinking was associated with depressive symptoms in Hong Kong secondary school students
- 21-06 Effective school-based preventive interventions for alcohol use in Africa: a systematic review
- 21-06 Adolescent Attitudes Toward Substance Use Screening in School Settings
- 21-06 The Association of Protective Factors With Vaping in a Locally Representative Sample of High School Adolescents
- 21-06 Teachers Perception on Students Substance Use and School-Based Prevention Programmes in Tanzania
- 21-06 Marijuana use and repeated attempted suicide among senior high school students in Ghana: Evidence from the WHO Global School-Based Student Health Survey, 2012
- 21-06 A cluster randomized controlled trial evaluating the effectiveness of the school-based drug prevention programme, #Tamojunto2.0
- 21-06 Identification and Management of Adolescent Alcohol Use: Screening and Motivational Interviewing
- 21-06 Narrative Engagement and Interpersonal Communication about Substance Use on Adolescent Substance Use Behaviors: A Case Study of Keepin it REAL
- 21-06 Associations Between Attitudes, Social Norms, and E - Cigarette Use Intentions Among Middle and High School Students
- 21-06 Using local terminology to measure substance use behaviors among youth in post-conflict Liberia: a mixed methods study
- 21-06 Examining the influence school factors have on stimulant misuse among a national sample of adolescents
- 21-06 School-based substance use disorder prevention in India: A brief appraisal
- 21-06 Combatting Teen Vaping in School Settings
- 21-06 Evaluating Evidence to Underscore Health Promotion Activities to Prevent Teenage Vaping
- 21-06 Diseases of Despair and Social Capital: Findings from a Population-Based Survey on Opioid Misuse among Adolescents
- 21-06 PMTOH arts culture activities can reduce trends of drug used by high school students in Banda Aceh
- 21-06 Assessment of a five-session school-based curriculum on student perceptions and intent to try e-cigarettes
- 21-06 Association of prosocial behavior with ever smoking and alcohol drinking among school-going adolescents
- 21-05 Piloting of the Just Say Know prevention program: a psychoeducational approach to translating the neuroscience of addiction to youth
- 21-04 Declining health risk exposure among Chicago public high school students: Trends from the Youth Risk Behavior Survey 1997-2017