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- 23-12 Delivering substance use prevention interventions for adolescents in educational settings: A scoping review
- 23-11 Adolescents' Cannabis Knowledge and Risk Perception: A Systematic Review
- 23-11 A latent class analysis of change and continuity in adolescent health and wellbeing in England during the decline in youth alcohol consumption: A repeat cross-sectional study
- 23-11 Prevalence and correlates of substance use among school-going adolescents (11-18years) in eight Sub-Saharan Africa countries
- 23-11 Contextual effects of community capacity as a predictor for adolescent alcohol, tobacco, and illicit drug use: A multi-level analysis
- 23-09 The Impact of the Good Behavior Game on Risk for Drug Use Disorder in an Agent-Based Model of Southern Sweden
- 23-09 The association of adolescents' smoking with the physical activity levels of their friends
- 23-09 Prevention Versus Pseudo-prevention: a Systematic Review of School Drug Prevention and its Indexing in Best Practice Portals
- 23-09 The associations of parental smoking, quitting and habitus with teenager e-cigarette, smoking, alcohol and other drug use in GUI Cohort 98
- 23-09 Alcohol Intake and Academic Performance and Dropout in High School: A Prospective Cohort Study in 65,233 Adolescents
- 23-09 Interventions for Preventing E-Cigarette Use Among Children and Youth: A Systematic Review
- 23-09 The effects of an active breaks intervention on physical and cognitive performance: results from the I-MOVE study
- 23-09 Substance use and adolescent injuries: a multi-country analysis of the association and mediating effect of interpersonal violence among 122,945 in-school paediatric populations in 29 countries
- 23-08 Under pressure: The paradox of autonomy and social norms in drug education
- 23-08 An Urgent Need for School-Based Diversion Programs for Adolescent Substance Use: A Statewide Survey of School Personnel
- 23-08 School and Parental Factors Associated with Adolescent Lifetime E-Cigarette Use
- 23-08 Multi-Level Protective Factors of Adolescent Smoking and Drinking
- 23-07 School climate and substance use in a sample of Chilean adolescents
- 23-07 Tobacco prevention interventions - developing life skills through playful activities among children and preteens: A systematic review
- 23-07 Social, educational, and psychological health correlates of e-cigarette and combustible cigarette use among adolescents in the US from 2015 to 2021
- 23-07 Testing the cannabis gateway hypothesis in a national sample of Spanish adolescents
- 23-07 The Association Between Cannabis Use and Subsequent Nicotine Electronic Cigarette Use Among US Adolescents
- 23-07 Polysubstance use and its correlation with psychosocial and health risk behaviours among more than 95,000 Norwegian adolescents during the COVID-19 pandemic (January to May 2021): a latent profile analysis
- 23-07 School Connectedness and E-cigarette Susceptibility/ Ever Use in Texas 6th-Grade Students
- 23-07 Long-term behavioral effects of a school-based prevention program on illicit drug use among young adults
- 23-07 Longitudinal Association Between Exclusive and Dual Use of Cigarettes and Electronic Nicotine Delivery Systems and Asthma Among U.S. Adolescents
- 23-06 Exploring Patterns of Alcohol Consumption in Adolescence: the Role of Health Complaints and Psychosocial Determinants in an Italian Sample
- 23-05 Knowledge and Attitudes toward Electronic Cigarette Smoking: A Survey of School Male Adolescents in Jordan
- 23-05 Adolescent Cannabis Use During a Period of Rapid Policy Change: Evidence From the PATH Study
- 23-05 Advice on tackling cannabis education
- 23-05 Short-Term Effects of Recreational Cannabis Legalization on Youth Cannabis Initiation
- 23-05 Changes in alcohol beliefs mediate the effects of a school-based prevention program on alcohol use among Brazilian adolescents
- 23-04 Rates, Patterns, and Predictors of Follow-up Care for Adolescents at Risk for Substance Use Disorder in a School-Based Health Center SBIRT Program
- 23-04 Vaping product access and use among 1417-year-olds in New South Wales: a cross-sectional study
- 23-04 A Comparison of Virtual versusIn-person Curriculum on Student Knowledge and Perceptions of E-cigarettes
- 23-04 Does virtual versus in-person e-cigarette education have a differential impact?
- 23-04 Payment and Financing for Substance Use Screening and Brief Intervention for Adolescents and Adults in Health, School, and Community Settings
- 23-04 Longitudinal relationship between social media and e-cigarette use among adolescents: the roles of internalizing problems and academic performance
- 23-04 Internet-Based Flipbook as A Health Education Medium on The Dangers of Smoking for Teenagers
- 23-04 Patterns of cigarette and e-cigarette use among UK adolescents: a latent class analysis of the Millennium Cohort Study
- 23-03 Effectiveness of School-Based Smoking Cessation Programs
- 23-03 Does tobacco use among adolescents come out of style in Czechia and Slovakia? Findings from the Global Youth Tobacco Survey between 2002 and 2016
- 23-03 Substance Use Behaviors Among LGBTQ+ Youth of Color: Identification of the Populations Bearing the Greatest Burden in Three Large Samples
- 23-03 Adverse childhood experiences and adolescent drug use in the UK: The moderating role of socioeconomic position and ethnicity
- 23-03 The relationship between secondhand smoking exposure and mental health among never-smoking adolescents in school: Data from the Global School-based Student Health Survey
- 23-03 Trends in Alcohol, Cigarette, E-Cigarette, and Nonprescribed Pain Reliever Use Among Young Adults in Washington State After Legalization of Nonmedical Cannabis
- 23-03 Meta-Analysis: Effect of School-Based Health Promotion Strategy on Smoking Habits in Adolescents
- 23-03 Adolescent Substance Use Disorders
- 23-03 All opinions are not equal: Toward a consensual approach to the development of drug policy
- 23-03 Global youth vaping and respiratory health: epidemiology, interventions, and policies