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- 10-03 Exposure to smoking in movies
- 10-03 Predicting the life-time benefit of school-based smoking prevention programmes
- 10-02 Adverse childhood experiences are associated with the risk of lung cancer
- 10-02 A report about mephedrone ( 'Meow meow')
- 10-02 'Third-hand smoke' that lingers on things such as clothes and furnishings can be dangerous
- 10-02 Being 'DrugAware' in Nottingham
- 10-01 Primary School resources from Australia
- 10-01 'Our mother's drinking was wrecking us'
- 10-01 Smoking and ageing
- 09-12 Changes in child exposure to secondhand smoke after implementation of smoke-free legislation in Wales.
- 09-12 Does physical abuse in early childhood predict substance use in adolescence and early adulthood?
- 09-11 Teachers have been given new powers to search pupils for drugs, alcohol and stolen goods in a bid to tackle bad behaviour in the classroom
- 09-11 Untold damage: children's accounts of living with harmful parental drinking'
- 09-11 ...between 3.4-3.5 million children live with at least one binge-drinking parent'
- 09-10 A U.S. guide for drug-free parties for 10 - 11 years old
- 09-10 Award winning drugs education in Australian schools
- 09-10 Practical ideas for teaching drug and alcohol education in the primary school - Birmingham Health Education Service Courses
- 09-10 Women finding solutions to binge drinking - YWCA conference report
- 09-10 D.A.R.E. officers use a drug dealers car as a teaching tool
- 09-09 Young people : attitudes to legal and illicit drugs
- 09-09 Blueprint Drugs Education: The response of pupils and parents to the programme
- 09-09 Blueprint - not robust
- 09-09 Under the influence: The damaging effect of alcohol marketing on young people
- 09-08 Children's alcohol initiation: An analytic overview
- 09-08 The effect of maternal smoking during pregnancy on intellectual disabilities among 8-year-old children
- 09-07 The number of under 12 year-olds receiving drug rehabilitation treatment (2007/08)
- 09-07 The number of children being admitted to hospital as a result of drug poisoning
- 09-07 Approximately 30% of children under-16 years (3.4 - 3.5 million) in the UK lived with at least one binge-drinking parent
- 09-06 Can smoking ever be made safe?
- 09-06 Mothers, smoking during pregnancy and through their childs early childhood, could cause their children to smoke as adults
- 09-05 The criteria used to assess binge drinking behaviors in children should be based on pediatric rather than adult physiology
- 09-05 Childhood binge drinking in Germany
- 09-04 Rock Challenge UK is a series of performing arts events which promotes healthy life choices
- 09-04 Electronic cigarettes: A safe substitute?
- 09-04 Alcohol in pregnancy may give children a taste for drink
- 09-04 the 2009 Drugs and Alcohol Today exhibition.......
- 09-04 Drugscope events.......
- 09-04 Drug Awareness events.....in Herefordshire.....
- 09-02 Young people and their parents will have clear medical guidance on alcohol consumption
- 09-02 Drugs and young people in Northern Ireland
- 09-02 Girls, growing up with a heroin-addicted parent, are four times more resilient than boys in overcoming adverse events.
- 09-02 Smokefree Northwest
- 09-01 Addressing the needs of children of substance using parents: an evaluation of Families First's Intensive Intervention
- 09-01 Children are uniquely susceptible to thirdhand smoke exposure
- 08-12 Early exposure to drugs, including alcohol, creates a lifetime of health risk
- 08-12 Smoke Rings (from Tacade) is an interesting, interactive and fun way for children (aged 9+) to learn about smoking issues.'
- 08-12 In the U.S. - Children and adults living with adult smokers appear less likely to have daily access to enough healthy food
- 08-12 Use of alcohol among children and young people
- 31-11 [Drugs Archive 11-16] [Drugs Latest 11-16] [Top]
- 31-11 Drugs | latest links about 11-16 yr. olds in date order