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- 16-07 The effects of maternal alcohol use disorders on childhood relationships and mental health
- 16-07 Sustainability of Community-Based Youth Smoking Cessation Programs
- 16-06 Understanding trends in Australian alcohol consumption—an age–period–cohort model
- 16-06 Mediating factors of a school-based multi-component smoking prevention intervention
- 16-05 Substance Abuse in an Adolescent Boy: Waking the Object
- 16-05 The Enduring Impact of Parents’ Monitoring, Warmth, Expectancies, and Alcohol Use on Their Children’s Future Binge Drinking and Arrests
- 16-05 Marijuana use from adolescence to adulthood: developmental trajectories and their outcomes
- 16-05 A Longitudinal Study of Adolescents' Optimistic Bias about Risks and Benefits of Cigarette Smoking
- 16-05 E-Cigarette Marketing Exposure Is Associated With E-Cigarette Use Among US Youth
- 16-05 Parent and Adolescent Interest in Receiving Adolescent Health Communication Information From Primary Care Clinicians
- 16-05 Impact of Tobacco Control Policies on Adolescent Smoking
- 16-04 Link between perceived body weight and smoking behavior among adolescents
- 16-04 Racial Differences and the Role of Neighborhood in the Sequencing of Marijuana and Tobacco Initiation Among Urban Youth
- 16-04 Relationship between e-cigarette point of sale recall and e-cigarette use in secondary school children
- 16-04 Medicinal Use of Marijuana : What School Nurses Need to Know
- 16-04 Schools as smoke-free zones? Barriers and facilitators to the adoption of outdoor school ground smoking bans at secondary schools
- 16-03 Alcohol drinking cultures of European adolescents
- 16-03 Alcohol and Drug Use and the Developing Brain
- 16-03 What influences 11-year-olds to drink? Findings from the Millennium Cohort Study
- 16-03 Not Just Cigarettes: A More Comprehensive Look at Marijuana and Tobacco Use Among African American and White Youth and Young Adults
- 16-03 Homeschool and Underage Drinking: Is It More Protective than Public and Private Schools?
- 16-03 Prevalence and Correlates of E-Cigarette Perceptions and Trial Among Early Adolescents in Mexico
- 16-02 Smoking bans have helped cut Scottish childhood smoking uptake by a fifth
- 16-02 Peer-led interventions to prevent tobacco, alcohol and/or drug use among young people aged 11–21 years
- 16-02 Prevalence, correlates and patterns of waterpipe smoking among secondary school students in southeast London
- 16-02 Experience with Gambling in Late Childhood and Early Adolescence: Implications for Substance Experimentation Behavior
- 16-01 Adolescent girls and young adult women's perceptions of superslims cigarette packaging
- 16-01 Impact of advertisements promoting candy-like flavoured e-cigarettes on appeal of tobacco smoking among children
- 16-01 Does promoting parents’ negative attitudes to underage drinking reduce adolescents’ drinking?
- 16-01 Social isolation, drunkenness, and cigarette use among adolescents
- 16-01 Being well-liked predicts increased use of alcohol but not tobacco in early adolescence
- 16-01 The Impact of Tobacco-Free School Policies on Youth Smoking Rates in Florida Public School Districts
- 16-01 Secondhand smoke exposure common among students
- 16-01 Are IQ and educational outcomes in teenagers related to their cannabis use?
- 16-01 A systematic literature review of alcohol education programmes in middle and high school settings (2000-2014)
- 16-01 Interventions for prevention and treatment of tobacco smoking in school-aged children and adolescents
- 16-01 A qualitative study on Canadian youth’s perspectives of peers who smoke: an opportunity for health promotion
- 16-01 Perceptions of Alcohol Use by Friends Compared to Peers: Associations with Middle Adolescents' Own Use
- 16-01 Characteristics of Child Maltreatment and Adolescent Marijuana Use
- 16-01 Cigarette smoking susceptibility among youth alternate tobacco product users: implications of flavoured tobacco from a national cross-sectional Canadian sample
- 15-12 Smoking and drinking are increasingly seen as socially unacceptable among younger teenagers
- 15-12 Drug use trends remain stable or decline among US teens and more believe marijuana isn't harmful
- 15-12 Relationship Between Current Substance Use and Unhealthy Weight Loss Practices Among Adolescents
- 15-12 Relationship Between Current Substance Use and Unhealthy Weight Loss Practices Among Adolescents
- 15-12 Adolescents’ responses to the promotion and flavouring of e-cigarettes
- 15-12 Witnessing substance use increases same-day antisocial behavior among at-risk adolescents
- 15-12 Prioritizing Alcohol Prevention: Establishing Alcohol as the Gateway Drug and Linking Age of First Drink With Illicit Drug Use
- 15-12 Relations Among Internalizing and Externalizing Symptoms and Drinking Frequency During Adolescence
- 15-12 Tobacco retail outlet density and risk of youth smoking in New Zealand.
- 15-11 Alcohol Marketing on Twitter and Instagram: Evidence of Directly Advertising to Youth/Adolescents