20-12 |
[Food Archive 16+] [Food Latest 16+] [Top] |
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20-01 |
Effects of physical activity calorie equivalent food labelling to reduce food selection and consumption
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19-11 |
Associations between eating behaviors, diet quality and body mass index among adolescents
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19-11 |
An incentive-based health program using MyPlate: a pilot study analyzing college students’ dietary intake behavior
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19-09 |
Sugar reduction: progress between 2015 and 2018
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19-04 |
How should sugar-sweetened beverage health warnings be designed?
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19-04 |
The effect of introducing a free breakfast club on eating habits among students at vocational schools
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19-03 |
Energy Drinks Induce Acute Cardiovascular and Metabolic Changes Pointing to Potential Risks for Young Adults
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19-01 |
You're worth what you eat: Adolescent beliefs about healthy eating, morality and socioeconomic status
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19-01 |
Adolescents who binge eat and drink: The role of emotion regulation
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19-01 |
Smart food policy for healthy food labeling: Leading with taste, not healthiness, to shift consumption and enjoyment of healthy foods
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18-11 |
Acceptability and consumption of tofu as a meat alternative among secondary school boarders in Enugu State, Nigeria: Implications for nutritional counseling and education.
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18-11 |
Positive impact of a cooking skills intervention among Brazilian university students: Six months follow-up of a randomized controlled trial
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18-11 |
The effect of a mindfulness-based decentering strategy on chocolate craving
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18-11 |
Two observational studies examining the effect of a social norm and a health message on the purchase of vegetables in student canteen settings
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18-11 |
Impact of proximity of healthier versus less healthy foods on intake: A lab-based experiment
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18-10 |
Choice architecture modifies fruit and vegetable purchasing in a university campus grocery store
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18-07 |
Improving breakfast patterns of portuguese children—an evaluation of ready-to-eat cereals according to the European nutrient profile model
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18-06 |
5-a-day fruit and vegetable food product labels: reduced fruit and vegetable consumption following an exaggerated compared to a modest label
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18-05 |
The Association among Emotions and Food Choices in First-Year College Students Using mobile-Ecological Momentary Assessments
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18-01 |
Habits and beliefs related to food supplements: Results of a survey among Italian students of different education fields and levels
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17-11 |
Iron Deficiency Anemia, Not Iron Deficiency, Is Associated with Reduced Attention in Healthy Young Women
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17-10 |
Intergenerational transmission of family meal patterns from adolescence to parenthood: longitudinal associations with parents’ dietary intake, weight-related behaviours and psychosocial well-being
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17-10 |
The effect of television watching and portion size on intake during a meal
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17-10 |
The prevalence of food addiction in a large sample of adolescents and its association with addictive substances
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17-10 |
Chewing gum decreases energy intake at lunch following a controlled breakfast
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17-08 |
Factors affecting vegetable preference in adolescents: stages of change and social cognitive theory
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17-08 |
Milk Vending Does Not Improve College Students’ Milk and Calcium Intakes
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17-08 |
Is Living near Healthier Food Stores Associated with Better Food Intake in Regional Australia?
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17-07 |
Comparison of nutrient intake in adolescents and adults with and without food allergies
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17-06 |
Social approval bias in self-reported fruit and vegetable intake after presentation of a normative message in college students
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17-06 |
Menu-engineering in restaurants - adapting portion sizes on plates to enhance vegetable consumption: a real-life experiment
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17-06 |
Milk-cereal and whole-grain dietary patterns protect against low bone mineral density among male adolescents and young adults
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17-05 |
Energy drinks available in Ireland: a description of caffeine and sugar content
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17-03 |
Exploring perceptions and beliefs about the cost of fruit and vegetables and whether they are barriers to higher consumption
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17-03 |
Higher BMI is associated with stronger effects of social cues on everyday snacking behaviour
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17-02 |
Traffic-light labels could reduce population intakes of calories, total fat, saturated fat, and sodium
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17-02 |
Let them eat fruit! The effect of fruit and vegetable consumption on psychological well-being in young adults
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16-12 |
Motivators and Barriers to Engaging in Healthy Eating and Physical Activity
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16-11 |
The effects of restaurant nutrition menu labelling on college students’ healthy eating behaviours
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16-11 |
Normalising Convenience Food? The Expectable and Acceptable Places of Convenient Food in Everyday Life among Young Danes
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16-10 |
What is the status of food literacy in Australian high schools? Perceptions of home economics teachers.
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16-10 |
Water and Beverage Consumption: Analysis of the Australian 2011–2012 National Nutrition and Physical Activity Survey
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16-10 |
A Comparison of College Students’ Reported Fruit and Vegetable Liking and Intake from Childhood to Adulthood
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16-10 |
What is the status of food literacy in Australian high schools? Perceptions of home economics teachers
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16-10 |
Providing choice and/or variety during a meal: Impact on vegetable liking and intake
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16-10 |
Fast food outlets by local authority
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16-10 |
A mindful eating intervention: A theory-guided randomized anti-obesity feasibility study with adolescent Latino females.
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16-10 |
Interventions to Improve Adolescent Nutrition: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
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16-08 |
Mediterranean diet associated with lower risk of death
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16-08 |
The Eatwell Guide is a policy tool used to define government recommendations on eating healthily and achieving a balanced diet.
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16-08 |
The Effect of Energy Labelling on Menus and a Social Marketing Campaign on Food-Purchasing Behaviours of University Students
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16-08 |
Use of food labels by adolescents to make healthier choices on snacks: a cross-sectional study from Sri Lanka
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16-07 |
Butter consumption and major health conditions
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16-07 |
Pasta-rich diets and …
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16-07 |
How to make pastas healthier?
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16-07 |
Overweight adolescents’ brain response to sweetened beverages mirrors addiction pathways
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16-07 |
College Students' Intentions to Use Calorie Information on a Restaurant Menu: Application of the Theory of Planned Behavior
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16-07 |
The impact of chocolate consumption on acne vulgaris in college students
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16-06 |
Negative stereotypes of the Scottish diet: A qualitative analysis of deep-fried Mars bar references in bestselling newspapers in Scotland, 2011–14
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16-06 |
Consumption of caffeinated beverages and the awareness of their caffeine content among Dutch students
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16-06 |
The importance of taste on dietary choice, behaviour and intake in a group of young adults
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16-05 |
Binge eating behavior in college students: What is a binge?
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16-04 |
"Designing Incentives to Change Behaviors
Examining College Student Intent Toward Healthy Diets"
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16-03 |
Eating chocolate and performance in brain tests
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16-02 |
Association between Knowledge about Comprehensive Food Education and Increase in Dental Caries in Japanese University Students
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16-02 |
Young women, high-fibre diet and breast cancer
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16-01 |
Recollections of pressure to eat during childhood, but not picky eating, predict young adult eating behavior
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16-01 |
Comprehension and Use of Nutrition Facts Tables among Adolescents and Young Adults in Canada
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16-01 |
Assessing Intentions to Eat a Healthy Diet Among Division II Collegiate Athletes
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16-01 |
Sugary drinks, fat levels and vital organs
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16-01 |
Visual exposure to large and small portion sizes and perceptions of portion size normality
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16-01 |
Is breakfast a waste of time?
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15-12 |
Children’s Food and Beverage Promotion on Television to Parents
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15-12 |
Effects of Recording Food Intake Using Cell Phone Camera Pictures on Energy Intake and Food Choice
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15-12 |
Capitalizing on mobile technology to support healthy eating in ethnic minority college students
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15-12 |
Downsizing: policy options to reduce portion sizes to help tackle obesity
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15-11 |
College Students Must Overcome Barriers to Use Calorie Labels in Fast-Food Restaurants
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15-11 |
Effects of food diameter on bite size per mouthful and chewing behavior
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15-11 |
Food as Risk: How Eating Habits and Food Knowledge Affect Reactivity to Pictures of Junk and Healthy Foods
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15-11 |
I mean green so I eat organic: Testing the effect of peer pressure on the purchase and consumption of organic food
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15-11 |
I mean green so I eat organic: Testing the effect of peer pressure on the purchase and consumption of organic food
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15-10 |
16 to 24-year-olds spend more on food than any other age group
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15-10 |
Why eating more fruit and veg doesn’t always help you lose weight
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15-09 |
Culinary efficacy: an exploratory study of skills, confidence, and healthy cooking competencies among university students
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15-08 |
Does school health and home economics education influence adults' food knowledge?
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15-08 |
The Consumption of Energy Drinks Among a Sample of College Students and College Student Athletes
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15-08 |
Postpartum Teens’ Perception of the Food Environments at Home and School
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15-08 |
Stressful situations make us more likely to eat unhealthy food... and ... research
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15-07 |
Heavy cutlery 'enhances the enjoyment of food' ... and ... research
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15-07 |
Perceptions of university students regarding calories, food healthiness, and the importance of calorie information in menu labelling
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15-07 |
Food Allergy Knowledge and Attitudes among School Nurses in an Urban Public School District
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15-07 |
Simply adding the word “fruit” makes sugar healthier: The misleading effect of symbolic information on the perceived healthiness of food
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15-07 |
A pilot study examining the effects of consuming a high-protein vs normal-protein breakfast on free-living glycemic control in overweight/obese ‘breakfast skipping’ adolescents
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15-06 |
“Fitness” Foods May Cause Consumers to Eat More and Exercise Less
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15-06 |
Higher intake of chocolate may be associated with lower cardiovascular disease and mortality ... and ... research
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15-06 |
Do' is better than 'don't' when it comes to eating better
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15-05 |
A nudge in a healthy direction. The effect of nutrition labels on food purchasing behaviors in university dining facilities
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15-04 |
Those who ate an apple sample before shopping bought 25% more fruits and vegetables
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15-04 |
Reducing Sugary Drink Consumption: New York City's Approach
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15-04 |
Do diet soft drinks actually make you gain weight?
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15-04 |
Usual breakfast eating habits affect response to breakfast skipping in overweight women
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15-04 |
Is what you spend on lunch a sign of financial health?
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15-03 |
Eating with our ears: assessing the importance of the sounds of consumption on our perception and enjoyment of multisensory flavour experiences
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15-03 |
Reward sensitivity predicts ice cream-related attentional bias assessed by inattentional blindness
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15-03 |
Food, risk and place: agency and negotiations of young people with food allergy
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15-02 |
Sugar: spinning a web of influence
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15-02 |
Energy drink consumption is associated with unhealthy dietary behaviours among college youth
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14-12 |
Associations between breakfast eating habits and health-promoting lifestyle, suboptimal health status in Southern China
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14-11 |
Motives for eating tasty foods associated with binge-eating. Results from a student and a weight-loss seeking population
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14-11 |
Consumption of whole grains in French children, adolescents and adults
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14-11 |
Systematic review and meta-analysis of the effect of increased vegetable and fruit consumption on body weight and energy intake
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14-11 |
Determinants of Diet for Urban Aboriginal Youth Implications for Health Promotion
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14-11 |
Improving Rural Newspaper Coverage of Nutrition Stories: An Educational Assessment of Editors’ Attitudes and Learning Needs
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14-11 |
Sugar-sweetened and artificially-sweetened beverages in relation to obesity risk
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14-11 |
Patterns of Compensatory Behaviors and Disordered Eating in College Students
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14-11 |
“Drunkorexia”: Exploring the Who and Why of a Disturbing Trend in College Students’ Eating and Drinking Behaviors
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14-11 |
Prediction of fruit and vegetable intake: The importance of contextualizing motivation
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14-11 |
Factors Related to the Number of Fast Food Meals Obtained by College Meal Plan Students
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14-11 |
An Evaluation of Fruit and Vegetable Consumption and Cigarette Smoking Among Youth
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14-11 |
Food Culture in the Home Environment: Family Meal Practices and Values Can Support Healthy Eating and Self-Regulation in Young People in Four European Countries
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14-09 |
Watch What You Eat: Action-Related Television Content Increases Food Intake
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14-09 |
Is breakfast overrated?
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14-09 |
Laying up a better diet to prepare basketball players
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14-08 |
Adolescents in southern regions of Italy adhere to the Mediterranean diet more than those in the northern regions
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14-08 |
Perceptions of healthy snacking among Irish adolescents
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14-08 |
Factors Related to the Number of Fast Food Meals Obtained by College Meal Plan Students
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14-08 |
Obese women 'show signs of food learning impairment'
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14-08 |
Rats shown to feel regret over bad decisions
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14-08 |
A qualitative study of independent fast food vendors near secondary schools in disadvantaged Scottish neighbourhoods
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14-08 |
Food, income and education: who eats more of what?
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14-07 |
Energy drink consumption and impact on caffeine risk
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14-07 |
Nutritional differences between organic and non-organic food
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14-06 |
Skipping Breakfast is Correlated with Obesity
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14-05 |
Olive oil and salad combined 'explain' Med diet success in mice
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14-05 |
Perceptions of healthy snacking among Irish adolescents
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14-05 |
An exploratory investigation of food choice behavior of teenagers with and without food allergies
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14-05 |
Exposure to Television Food Advertising Primes Food-Related Cognitions and Triggers Motivation to Eat
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14-04 |
Food price promotions and public health (ESRC pdf)
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14-04 |
Campus-Based Snack Food Vending Consumption
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14-04 |
Sweet or sour? Altering how we taste our food
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14-02 |
When bad food happens to good intentions: female students' food dilemmas
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14-02 |
Healthy Active Living: A Residence Community-Based Intervention to Increase Physical Activity and Healthy Eating During the Transition to First-Year University
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14-02 |
Choosing healthier foods in recreational sports settings: a mixed methods investigation of the impact of nudging and an economic incentive (pdf)
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13-12 |
Why are we more scared of raw egg than reheated rice?
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13-11 |
Using a smaller dining plate does not suppress food intake from a buffet lunch meal in overweight, unrestrained women
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13-11 |
Using student opinion and design inputs to develop an informed university foodservice menu
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13-11 |
Family meal traditions. Comparing reported childhood food habits to current food habits among university students
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13-11 |
Salt. UK consumers’ perceptions and consumption patterns
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13-11 |
Surveys of the salt content in UK bread: progress made and further reductions possible (pdf)
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13-11 |
Eating nuts and longer lifespan (pdf)
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13-11 |
Barriers and facilitators to the promotion of healthy eating lifestyles among adolescents at school: the views of school health coordinators
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13-11 |
Many apples a day keep the blues away – Daily experiences of negative and positive affect and food consumption in young adults
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13-10 |
Use of calorie information at fast food and chain restaurants among US youth aged 9–18 years (pdf)
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13-10 |
Risky eating behaviors and beliefs among adolescent girls
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13-10 |
Fruit consumption and risk of type 2 diabetes (pdf)
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13-10 |
The effect of rising food prices on food consumption (pdf)
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13-10 |
The effect of learning climate on snack consumption and ego depletion among undergraduate students
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13-07 |
Increasing fruit and vegetable intake. “Five a day” versus “just one more”
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13-07 |
Adolescent and young adult perceptions of caffeinated energy drinks
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13-07 |
Psychosocial determinants of fruit and vegetable consumption among students in a New Zealand university
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13-07 |
School soft drink availability and consumption among U.S. secondary students.
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13-07 |
Sociodemographic Characteristics and Beverage Intake of Children Who Drink Tap Water
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13-07 |
Self-Recognition of Eating-Disordered Behavior in College Women: Further Evidence of Poor Eating Disorders “Mental Health Literacy”?
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13-07 |
Do smoking and fruit and vegetable intake mediate the association between socio-economic status and plasma carotenoids
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13-07 |
Soft drinks, aggression and suicidal behaviour in US high school students
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13-07 |
Brain scans, high and low glycaemic index (GI) diets and food cravings
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13-07 |
Company and meal choices considered by Nordic adolescents
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13-07 |
Reasons Underlying Low Fish Consumption Where Availability Is Not an Issue. A Case Study in Brazil, One of the World's Largest Fish Producers
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13-05 |
College Students' Perceptions of Fast Food Restaurant Menu Items on Health
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13-05 |
Emotions and Food Consumption (Macronutrient) in a Foodservice College Setting—A Mixed Methods Study
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13-05 |
Development and functionality of a handheld computer program to improve fruit and vegetable intake among low-income youth
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13-05 |
Punishment and Reward Sensitivity: Are Naturally Occurring Clusters in These Traits Related to Eating and Weight Problems in Adolescents?
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13-05 |
Prolonged chewing at lunch decreases later snack intake
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13-05 |
Using stop signals to reduce impulsive choices for palatable unhealthy foods
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13-05 |
Eat fit. Get big? How fitness cues influence food consumption volumes
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13-05 |
Adolescent and young adult perceptions of caffeinated energy drinks.
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13-05 |
Fruit for dessert. How people compose healthier meals
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13-05 |
Watching a food-related television show and caloric intake. A laboratory study
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13-02 |
Diet and Mental Health
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13-02 |
Heart healthy benefits and a vegetarian diet
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13-02 |
Hidden food nasties revealed in new Change4Life campaign
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13-02 |
The nutritional content of meals from the supermarket and from TV chefs
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13-02 |
Menu information about how far to walk to burn off calories
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13-02 |
5-a-day Dr Michael Mosley looks at the history and science behind the '5 a Day' message BBC iPlayer
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13-02 |
Research proves low fat diet is key to a slimmer figure
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