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20-12 [Food Archive 16+] [Food Latest 16+] [Top]
20-01 Effects of physical activity calorie equivalent food labelling to reduce food selection and consumption
19-11 Associations between eating behaviors, diet quality and body mass index among adolescents
19-11 An incentive-based health program using MyPlate: a pilot study analyzing college students’ dietary intake behavior
19-09 Sugar reduction: progress between 2015 and 2018
19-04 How should sugar-sweetened beverage health warnings be designed?
19-04 The effect of introducing a free breakfast club on eating habits among students at vocational schools
19-03 Energy Drinks Induce Acute Cardiovascular and Metabolic Changes Pointing to Potential Risks for Young Adults
19-01 You're worth what you eat: Adolescent beliefs about healthy eating, morality and socioeconomic status
19-01 Adolescents who binge eat and drink: The role of emotion regulation
19-01 Smart food policy for healthy food labeling: Leading with taste, not healthiness, to shift consumption and enjoyment of healthy foods
18-11 Acceptability and consumption of tofu as a meat alternative among secondary school boarders in Enugu State, Nigeria: Implications for nutritional counseling and education.
18-11 Positive impact of a cooking skills intervention among Brazilian university students: Six months follow-up of a randomized controlled trial
18-11 The effect of a mindfulness-based decentering strategy on chocolate craving
18-11 Two observational studies examining the effect of a social norm and a health message on the purchase of vegetables in student canteen settings
18-11 Impact of proximity of healthier versus less healthy foods on intake: A lab-based experiment
18-10 Choice architecture modifies fruit and vegetable purchasing in a university campus grocery store
18-07 Improving breakfast patterns of portuguese children—an evaluation of ready-to-eat cereals according to the European nutrient profile model
18-06 5-a-day fruit and vegetable food product labels: reduced fruit and vegetable consumption following an exaggerated compared to a modest label
18-05 The Association among Emotions and Food Choices in First-Year College Students Using mobile-Ecological Momentary Assessments

Habits and beliefs related to food supplements: Results of a survey among Italian students of different education fields and levels


Iron Deficiency Anemia, Not Iron Deficiency, Is Associated with Reduced Attention in Healthy Young Women


Intergenerational transmission of family meal patterns from adolescence to parenthood: longitudinal associations with parents’ dietary intake, weight-related behaviours and psychosocial well-being


The effect of television watching and portion size on intake during a meal


The prevalence of food addiction in a large sample of adolescents and its association with addictive substances


Chewing gum decreases energy intake at lunch following a controlled breakfast


Factors affecting vegetable preference in adolescents: stages of change and social cognitive theory


Milk Vending Does Not Improve College Students’ Milk and Calcium Intakes


Is Living near Healthier Food Stores Associated with Better Food Intake in Regional Australia?


Comparison of nutrient intake in adolescents and adults with and without food allergies


Social approval bias in self-reported fruit and vegetable intake after presentation of a normative message in college students


Menu-engineering in restaurants - adapting portion sizes on plates to enhance vegetable consumption: a real-life experiment


Milk-cereal and whole-grain dietary patterns protect against low bone mineral density among male adolescents and young adults


Energy drinks available in Ireland: a description of caffeine and sugar content


Exploring perceptions and beliefs about the cost of fruit and vegetables and whether they are barriers to higher consumption


Higher BMI is associated with stronger effects of social cues on everyday snacking behaviour


Traffic-light labels could reduce population intakes of calories, total fat, saturated fat, and sodium


Let them eat fruit! The effect of fruit and vegetable consumption on psychological well-being in young adults


Motivators and Barriers to Engaging in Healthy Eating and Physical Activity


The effects of restaurant nutrition menu labelling on college students’ healthy eating behaviours


Normalising Convenience Food? The Expectable and Acceptable Places of Convenient Food in Everyday Life among Young Danes


What is the status of food literacy in Australian high schools? Perceptions of home economics teachers.


Water and Beverage Consumption: Analysis of the Australian 2011–2012 National Nutrition and Physical Activity Survey


A Comparison of College Students’ Reported Fruit and Vegetable Liking and Intake from Childhood to Adulthood


What is the status of food literacy in Australian high schools? Perceptions of home economics teachers


Providing choice and/or variety during a meal: Impact on vegetable liking and intake


Fast food outlets by local authority


A mindful eating intervention: A theory-guided randomized anti-obesity feasibility study with adolescent Latino females.


Interventions to Improve Adolescent Nutrition: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis


Mediterranean diet associated with lower risk of death


The Eatwell Guide is a policy tool used to define government recommendations on eating healthily and achieving a balanced diet.


The Effect of Energy Labelling on Menus and a Social Marketing Campaign on Food-Purchasing Behaviours of University Students


Use of food labels by adolescents to make healthier choices on snacks: a cross-sectional study from Sri Lanka


Butter consumption and major health conditions


Pasta-rich diets and …


How to make pastas healthier?


Overweight adolescents’ brain response to sweetened beverages mirrors addiction pathways


College Students' Intentions to Use Calorie Information on a Restaurant Menu: Application of the Theory of Planned Behavior


The impact of chocolate consumption on acne vulgaris in college students


Negative stereotypes of the Scottish diet: A qualitative analysis of deep-fried Mars bar references in bestselling newspapers in Scotland, 2011–14


Consumption of caffeinated beverages and the awareness of their caffeine content among Dutch students


The importance of taste on dietary choice, behaviour and intake in a group of young adults


Binge eating behavior in college students: What is a binge?


"Designing Incentives to Change Behaviors
Examining College Student Intent Toward Healthy Diets


Eating chocolate and performance in brain tests


Association between Knowledge about Comprehensive Food Education and Increase in Dental Caries in Japanese University Students


Young women, high-fibre diet and breast cancer

16-01 Recollections of pressure to eat during childhood, but not picky eating, predict young adult eating behavior
16-01 Comprehension and Use of Nutrition Facts Tables among Adolescents and Young Adults in Canada
16-01 Assessing Intentions to Eat a Healthy Diet Among Division II Collegiate Athletes

Sugary drinks, fat levels and vital organs

16-01 Visual exposure to large and small portion sizes and perceptions of portion size normality
16-01 Is breakfast a waste of time?
15-12 Children’s Food and Beverage Promotion on Television to Parents
15-12 Effects of Recording Food Intake Using Cell Phone Camera Pictures on Energy Intake and Food Choice
15-12 Capitalizing on mobile technology to support healthy eating in ethnic minority college students
15-12 Downsizing: policy options to reduce portion sizes to help tackle obesity
15-11 College Students Must Overcome Barriers to Use Calorie Labels in Fast-Food Restaurants
15-11 Effects of food diameter on bite size per mouthful and chewing behavior
15-11 Food as Risk: How Eating Habits and Food Knowledge Affect Reactivity to Pictures of Junk and Healthy Foods
15-11 I mean green so I eat organic: Testing the effect of peer pressure on the purchase and consumption of organic food
15-11 I mean green so I eat organic: Testing the effect of peer pressure on the purchase and consumption of organic food
15-10 16 to 24-year-olds spend more on food than any other age group
15-10 Why eating more fruit and veg doesn’t always help you lose weight
15-09 Culinary efficacy: an exploratory study of skills, confidence, and healthy cooking competencies among university students
15-08 Does school health and home economics education influence adults' food knowledge?
15-08 The Consumption of Energy Drinks Among a Sample of College Students and College Student Athletes
15-08 Postpartum Teens’ Perception of the Food Environments at Home and School
15-08 Stressful situations make us more likely to eat unhealthy food... and ... research
15-07 Heavy cutlery 'enhances the enjoyment of food' ... and ... research
15-07 Perceptions of university students regarding calories, food healthiness, and the importance of calorie information in menu labelling
15-07 Food Allergy Knowledge and Attitudes among School Nurses in an Urban Public School District
15-07 Simply adding the word “fruit” makes sugar healthier: The misleading effect of symbolic information on the perceived healthiness of food
15-07 A pilot study examining the effects of consuming a high-protein vs normal-protein breakfast on free-living glycemic control in overweight/obese ‘breakfast skipping’ adolescents
15-06 “Fitness” Foods May Cause Consumers to Eat More and Exercise Less
15-06 Higher intake of chocolate may be associated with lower cardiovascular disease and mortality ... and ... research
15-06 Do' is better than 'don't' when it comes to eating better
15-05 A nudge in a healthy direction. The effect of nutrition labels on food purchasing behaviors in university dining facilities
15-04 Those who ate an apple sample before shopping bought 25% more fruits and vegetables
15-04 Reducing Sugary Drink Consumption: New York City's Approach
15-04 Do diet soft drinks actually make you gain weight?
15-04 Usual breakfast eating habits affect response to breakfast skipping in overweight women
15-04 Is what you spend on lunch a sign of financial health?
15-03 Eating with our ears: assessing the importance of the sounds of consumption on our perception and enjoyment of multisensory flavour experiences
15-03 Reward sensitivity predicts ice cream-related attentional bias assessed by inattentional blindness
15-03 Food, risk and place: agency and negotiations of young people with food allergy
15-02 Sugar: spinning a web of influence
15-02 Energy drink consumption is associated with unhealthy dietary behaviours among college youth
14-12 Associations between breakfast eating habits and health-promoting lifestyle, suboptimal health status in Southern China
14-11 Motives for eating tasty foods associated with binge-eating. Results from a student and a weight-loss seeking population
14-11 Consumption of whole grains in French children, adolescents and adults
14-11 Systematic review and meta-analysis of the effect of increased vegetable and fruit consumption on body weight and energy intake
14-11 Determinants of Diet for Urban Aboriginal Youth Implications for Health Promotion
14-11 Improving Rural Newspaper Coverage of Nutrition Stories: An Educational Assessment of Editors’ Attitudes and Learning Needs
14-11 Sugar-sweetened and artificially-sweetened beverages in relation to obesity risk
14-11 Patterns of Compensatory Behaviors and Disordered Eating in College Students
14-11 “Drunkorexia”: Exploring the Who and Why of a Disturbing Trend in College Students’ Eating and Drinking Behaviors
14-11 Prediction of fruit and vegetable intake: The importance of contextualizing motivation
14-11 Factors Related to the Number of Fast Food Meals Obtained by College Meal Plan Students
14-11 An Evaluation of Fruit and Vegetable Consumption and Cigarette Smoking Among Youth
14-11 Food Culture in the Home Environment: Family Meal Practices and Values Can Support Healthy Eating and Self-Regulation in Young People in Four European Countries
14-09 Watch What You Eat: Action-Related Television Content Increases Food Intake
14-09 Is breakfast overrated?
14-09 Laying up a better diet to prepare basketball players
14-08 Adolescents in southern regions of Italy adhere to the Mediterranean diet more than those in the northern regions
14-08 Perceptions of healthy snacking among Irish adolescents
14-08 Factors Related to the Number of Fast Food Meals Obtained by College Meal Plan Students
14-08 Obese women 'show signs of food learning impairment'
14-08 Rats shown to feel regret over bad decisions
14-08 A qualitative study of independent fast food vendors near secondary schools in disadvantaged Scottish neighbourhoods
14-08 Food, income and education: who eats more of what?
14-07 Energy drink consumption and impact on caffeine risk
14-07 Nutritional differences between organic and non-organic food
14-06 Skipping Breakfast is Correlated with Obesity
14-05 Olive oil and salad combined 'explain' Med diet success in mice
14-05 Perceptions of healthy snacking among Irish adolescents
14-05 An exploratory investigation of food choice behavior of teenagers with and without food allergies
14-05 Exposure to Television Food Advertising Primes Food-Related Cognitions and Triggers Motivation to Eat
14-04 Food price promotions and public health (ESRC pdf)
14-04 Campus-Based Snack Food Vending Consumption
14-04 Sweet or sour? Altering how we taste our food
14-02 When bad food happens to good intentions: female students' food dilemmas
14-02 Healthy Active Living: A Residence Community-Based Intervention to Increase Physical Activity and Healthy Eating During the Transition to First-Year University
14-02 Choosing healthier foods in recreational sports settings: a mixed methods investigation of the impact of nudging and an economic incentive (pdf)
13-12 Why are we more scared of raw egg than reheated rice?
13-11 Using a smaller dining plate does not suppress food intake from a buffet lunch meal in overweight, unrestrained women
13-11 Using student opinion and design inputs to develop an informed university foodservice menu
13-11 Family meal traditions. Comparing reported childhood food habits to current food habits among university students
13-11 Salt. UK consumers’ perceptions and consumption patterns
13-11 Surveys of the salt content in UK bread: progress made and further reductions possible (pdf)
13-11 Eating nuts and longer lifespan (pdf)
13-11 Barriers and facilitators to the promotion of healthy eating lifestyles among adolescents at school: the views of school health coordinators
13-11 Many apples a day keep the blues away – Daily experiences of negative and positive affect and food consumption in young adults
13-10 Use of calorie information at fast food and chain restaurants among US youth aged 9–18 years (pdf)
13-10 Risky eating behaviors and beliefs among adolescent girls
13-10 Fruit consumption and risk of type 2 diabetes (pdf)
13-10 The effect of rising food prices on food consumption (pdf)
13-10 The effect of learning climate on snack consumption and ego depletion among undergraduate students
13-07 Increasing fruit and vegetable intake. “Five a day” versus “just one more”
13-07 Adolescent and young adult perceptions of caffeinated energy drinks
13-07 Psychosocial determinants of fruit and vegetable consumption among students in a New Zealand university
13-07 School soft drink availability and consumption among U.S. secondary students.
13-07 Sociodemographic Characteristics and Beverage Intake of Children Who Drink Tap Water
13-07 Self-Recognition of Eating-Disordered Behavior in College Women: Further Evidence of Poor Eating Disorders “Mental Health Literacy”?
13-07 Do smoking and fruit and vegetable intake mediate the association between socio-economic status and plasma carotenoids
13-07 Soft drinks, aggression and suicidal behaviour in US high school students
13-07 Brain scans, high and low glycaemic index (GI) diets and food cravings
13-07 Company and meal choices considered by Nordic adolescents
13-07 Reasons Underlying Low Fish Consumption Where Availability Is Not an Issue. A Case Study in Brazil, One of the World's Largest Fish Producers
13-05 College Students' Perceptions of Fast Food Restaurant Menu Items on Health
13-05 Emotions and Food Consumption (Macronutrient) in a Foodservice College Setting—A Mixed Methods Study
13-05 Development and functionality of a handheld computer program to improve fruit and vegetable intake among low-income youth
13-05 Punishment and Reward Sensitivity: Are Naturally Occurring Clusters in These Traits Related to Eating and Weight Problems in Adolescents?
13-05 Prolonged chewing at lunch decreases later snack intake
13-05 Using stop signals to reduce impulsive choices for palatable unhealthy foods
13-05 Eat fit. Get big? How fitness cues influence food consumption volumes
13-05 Adolescent and young adult perceptions of caffeinated energy drinks.
13-05 Fruit for dessert. How people compose healthier meals
13-05 Watching a food-related television show and caloric intake. A laboratory study
13-02 Diet and Mental Health
13-02 Heart healthy benefits and a vegetarian diet
13-02 Hidden food nasties revealed in new Change4Life campaign
13-02 The nutritional content of meals from the supermarket and from TV chefs
13-02 Menu information about how far to walk to burn off calories
13-02 5-a-day Dr Michael Mosley looks at the history and science behind the '5 a Day' message BBC iPlayer
13-02 Research proves low fat diet is key to a slimmer figure
Mental Health 5-16+, Food

Effects of Walnut Consumption on Mood in Young Adults—A Randomized Controlled Trial


Family eating habits, family support and subjective well-being in university students in Chile

15-11 Omega-3 fatty acids for depression in adults
15-10 A case–control study of the health and well-being benefits of allotment gardening
15-09 High-fish consumption may reduce the risk of depression [only in Europe?]
15-08 Associations between fruit and vegetable consumption and depressive symptoms
15-08 Healthy Team Healthy U: a prospective validation of an evidence-based worksite health promotion and wellness platform
15-07 Comfort Eating, Psychological Stress, and Depressive Symptoms in Young Adult Women
14-07 Positive effects of a healthy snack (fruit) versus an unhealthy snack (chocolate/crisps) on subjective reports of mental and physical health
Exercise, Food
15-12 Effect of Breakfast Omission on Energy Intake and Evening Exercise Performance
15-10 Sports drinks: are you better off making your own?
15-09 Beetroot juice improves sprinting and decision-making during exercise
15-04 It is time to bust the myth of physical inactivity and obesity: you cannot outrun a bad diet
Food, Health
14-11 Nutrition label use mediates the positive relationship between nutrition knowledge and attitudes towards healthy eating with dietary quality among university students in the UK
