"I have never looked at myself in this way before." Pupil
Trends - Food Choices
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Attitudes to healthy eating and weight control 1983-2007 |
The following is a summary of a report available from SHEU (£10 incl. p&p).
Using new data, from over 548,000 young people, we are updating the Trends reports that have data from 1983. |
The main items of interest in Table 1 are the similarity (around 25%) of those reporting nothing for breakfast and having a packed lunch at school and, in 2007, the rise to 40%, from 25% in 1994, of those having no breakfast or schoolday lunch. In Table 2, the similarities in the data from 1994 and 2007 are noteworthy. Around 19% of 14-15 year old females, who responded in 1994 and 2007 to having ‘nothing for breakfast’, also expressed a desire to lose weight. |
Table 3 shows connections between questions about worrying about how I look and attitude to weight. The highest percentages (around 67%) relate to those 14-15 year old females that worry a lot about their looks and would like to lose weight - however, there is little differnece between 1994 and 2007. The report, "Trends:Young People and Food Choices" covers 13 topics: Nothing at all to eat for breakfast, cooked breakfast, cereal for breakfast, just a drink for breakfast, had no schoolday lunch, ate school lunch, ate a packed lunch, went home for lunch, ate fresh fruit on most days, ate chips or roast potatoes on most days, ate crisps on most days, consider health when choosing food, want to lose weight. For further information about the trends data please email: david.mcgeorge@sheu.org.uk |