Further Education

Mental toughness is a predictor of suicidality in university students

Emily Kruger, 2018. Mental toughness is a predictor of suicidality in university students Education and Health 36(2), 42-47. PDF

Exploring first year psychology students’ experiences of their transition from pre-tertiary to university education

Amy Basford, Hannah Fawcett and Jeremy Oldfield, 2017. Exploring first year psychology students’ experiences of their transition from pre-tertiary to university education. Education and Health 35(4),  PDF

Self-reported health and health behaviours of women students in an English and an American University: an explorative study

Heather Gage, Anastasia Snelling and Peter Williams. 2014. Self-reported health and health behaviours of women students in an English and an American University: an explorative study. Education and Health 32(3),103-109. PDF

Readiness to change drinking behaviour among heavy-drinking university students in England

Fran Longstaff, Nick Heather, Mark Jankowski, Susan Allsop, Helen Wareham, Sarah Partington, Elizabeth Partington and Alan St Clair Gibson. 2014. Readiness to change drinking behaviour among heavy-drinking university students in England. Education and Health 32(2),60-65. PDF

National Mapping Survey of On-site Sexual Health Services in Education Settings: Provision in FE and sixth-form colleges

Emmerson,L 2008. National Mapping Survey of On-site Sexual Health Services in Education Settings: Provision in FE and sixth-form colleges. Education and Health 26(4). PDF

'A Practical Guide to Becoming a Healthy College'

Stylianou,H 2010. 'A Practical Guide to Becoming a Healthy College'. Education and Health 28(4),75-76. PDF

Leeds College of Building: promoting health with young men,

Theakston,J 2010. Leeds College of Building: promoting health with young men,. Education and Health 28(2),33-34. PDF

Lincoln College: promoting health with young men,

Plunkett,B 2010. Lincoln College: promoting health with young men,. Education and Health 28(2),32-33. PDF

Collaborative working between colleges and health in Kirklees,

Birch,K 2010. Collaborative working between colleges and health in Kirklees,. Education and Health 28(2),27-29,. PDF

Healthy FE : Barnsley College,

Harrow,P 2010. Healthy FE : Barnsley College,. Education and Health 28(1),18-19. PDF


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