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Sun safety education in schools
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on Thu, 01/01/1970 - 00:33
Syson-Nibbs,L 1996. Sun safety education in schools.
Education and Health
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Health Education
Skin Cancer
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Cross-sectional associations of schoolchildren’s fruit and vegetable consumption, and meal choices, with their mental well-being: a cross-sectional study
Physical behaviors of 12-15 year-old adolescents in 54 low- and middle-income countries: Results from the Global School-based Student Health Survey
Driving behaviors and related factors on emerging adults: a narrative review
Association between Health-Related Quality of Life, Mental Health and Academic Performance among Adolescent Students
Outcomes of a Comprehensive Sexual Health Education Intervention among Sexual and Gender Minority Youth Living in a Socially Conservative U.S. State
Social Media in the Time of a Pandemic
Strategies of youth engagement in health promotion: listening sessions, task force participation, surveys and other strategies
Delivering substance use prevention interventions for adolescents in educational settings: A scoping review
Online Review Analysis Perception of Source Reliability on E-Cigarettes from the Perspective of Health Education among College Students in Chengdu, Sichuan
An application of a series of theory-based educational intervention based on the health belief model on skin cancer prevention behaviors in female high school students
Capturing the whole-school food environment in primary schools
Understanding health inequalities for young people who are care experienced
Exploring economic and health interventions to support adolescents resilience and coping in mining communities: A scoping review
Sexual Health Education Experiences and Recommendations from the Perspective of LGBTQ+ Youth
Physical education and its influence on student mental health
Beyond growth mindset: Exploring John Henryism and academic task engagement in higher education
Sleep and Self-Regulation: A Longitudinal Analysis Across Adolescence
The development and cross-national validation of the short health literacy for school-aged children (HLSAC-5) instrument
Strategies for Encouraging Children to Be Physically Active to Improve Health for Life
Comprehensive Sexuality Education in Ireland: A Childrens Rights Perspective
¿Y tu novio? Wheres Your Boyfriend?: A Cultural-Ecological Analysis of Latinas Narratives of Teen Dating Experiences
The development and cross-national validation of the short health literacy for school-aged children (HLSAC-5) instrument
The effect of structured health promotion education given to adolescents on health literacy and health-promoting behaviors
Identity Matters for Well-Being: The Longitudinal Associations Between Identity Processes and Well-Being in Adolescents with Different Cultural Backgrounds
Adolescents' Cannabis Knowledge and Risk Perception: A Systematic Review
Social media influencers and adolescents health: A scoping review of the research field
Developing Quality PSHE in Secondary Schools and Colleges
The Era of Energy Drinks: Consumption Pattern, Awareness, Perception, and Their Adverse Impact on Adolescent Health in Egypt
Lockdown! Learning public health of infectious diseases through gameplay
Establishing the measurement precision of the patient health questionnaire in an adolescent sample
Risky sexual behavior and associated factors among in-school adolescents: a school-based, cross-sectional study
Two-Spirit Identity and Adolescent Survey Measures: Considerations of Appropriation, Transparency, and Inclusion
Depressed, disconnected, and distraught: School-based mental health intervention for rural youth.
Impact of health education on sexual safety among Hungarian adolescents
Facilitating parent-child sexual health communication: Recommendations from the New Brunswick "Ask Me Anything survey
Addressing inequality: a school-based intervention to improve pupils well-being and social inclusion
Challenges and Benefits of Social Media Influencers for Adolescent Health A Scoping Review
Conditions for implementation of whole school health promotion in the Netherlands
A latent class analysis of change and continuity in adolescent health and wellbeing in England during the decline in youth alcohol consumption: A repeat cross-sectional study
School-based physical activity interventions: a discourse analysis
Measuring the development of social-emotional competence using behavioral rating scales in the context of school-based social and emotional learning
Development and validation of a multi-domain survey assessing student experiences with school-based restorative practices implementation: community based participatory research at work for school equity
A latent class analysis of change and continuity in adolescent health and wellbeing in England during the decline in youth alcohol consumption: A repeat cross-sectional study
Sexual violence affects adolescents health and prosocial behaviour beyond other violence exposure
Risk and Resiliency Factors Associated with School Bullying and Cyberbullying Among Adolescents in Mediterranean Countries
"What's Something You've Heard About Sex, But Are Unsure If It's True?: Assessing Middle and High School Students' Sex Education Questions
Parental attitudes to school- and home-based relationships, sex and health education: evidence from a cross-sectional study in England and Wales
School-based relationship and sexuality education intervention engaging adolescent boys for the reductions of teenage pregnancy: the JACK cluster RCT
Sexual and reproductive health interventions geared toward adolescent males: A scoping review
Prevalence and correlates of substance use among school-going adolescents (11-18years) in eight Sub-Saharan Africa countries
Effectiveness of Health Education for Teenagers in the Digital Era: A Review
Self-awareness of health students as peer educators of adolescent reproductive health (NB DOI NBG)
TikToks Lead to Higher Knowledge and Perceived Severity of Sexual Violence among Adolescent Men
Assessment of Physical Activity among Adolescent Girls in the West of Iran: Status, Limitations and Solution
Sexual and Reproductive Health Education: Are We Concerned Enough?
Interests and Curiosities about Sexuality of Children and Adolescents from Northern Portugal
Contextual effects of community capacity as a predictor for adolescent alcohol, tobacco, and illicit drug use: A multi-level analysis
Social and democratic values in school-based health promotion: A critical policy analysis
The Impact of Digital Lifestyles on Young People's Health: Social Media Abuse, Physical Inactivity and Psychological Impacts
Associations between social media, adolescent mental health, and diet: A systematic review
Do no harm: can school mental health interventions cause iatrogenic harm?
Bullying Involvement at the Intersection of Gender Identity/Modality, Sexual Identity, Race, Ethnicity, and Disability: Prevalence Disparities and the Role of School-Related Developmental Assets
The conceptualization and development of critical health literacy in children: a scoping review
How to Help Students in Their Transition to Middle School? Effectiveness of a School-based Group Mentoring Program Promoting Students Engagement, Self-regulation, and Goal Setting
The Educational Game Guess the Picture of Balanced Nutrition in Groups of Elementary School Children: Health Education
Promoting sexual health in schools: a systematic review of the European evidence
Randomized evaluation of a school-based, trauma-informed group intervention for young women in Chicago
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