Teacher quotes about SHEU surveys

Online survey: clear, friendly, responsive

Responses from questionnaires are stored in our databanks

Pupils and students can still complete on paper, if you prefer

Questionnaires are fetched by secure courier and logged in the SHEU offices

Questions are composed collaboratively with clients and designed with the pupils and students in mind

Why would you recommend the SHEU survey to another school?

It gives vital information about pupil voice • Useful to collect data and use in whole school planning • It highlighted areas of strength and weakness • Certainly - it has given my PSHE team a clear view of what we are doing right as well as the gaps that we need to plug. An excellent,user-friendly resource we will certainly use again. • Think the survey is very worthwhile in informing us about our pupils attitudes and awareness of social pressures around them. • Allowed an overview of the health of our students and able to focus curriculum and extra curricular activities on areas they need help and support. Gives a really clear understanding of how students perceive "the world". • I thought this was an excellent resource and I would love for (school) to be involved again. • Data that can be shared with staff to show the impact of teaching and the views of our children.
It is very useful to read the survey to find out exactly what your pupils feel/think. It highlights areas that need developing in your school that you may be unaware of. • For KS2 colleagues I would recommend it. • Results showed some interesting trends and pinpointed issues to address • Helps identify issues and needs of the school which need to be addressed. Helps provide action plan within PSHE for school priorities. Good evidence for SEF of what is going well in school and issues which have improved for the children. • Because it gives such a wide overview. • Quick, simple and a clear and accurate piece of data about your school. • It shows some excellent results. Good for Ofsted and to show how you have informed planning. • Excellent survey, very informative results. • The information given prior to the survey was clear and easy to understand. It was easy to follow the instructions. The information gained from the survey was useful.
It enables staff to deal with training and understanding the issues in related areas from a child's point of view • It is another way of finding out the viewpoint of our children. • It gives you proof that you are doing a good job and brings to your attention areas where you need to do a better job • It gives an overall idea of students' attitudes and perceptions to the issues that we cover in different areas of the curriculum. • Really helpful and useful evidence for school self evaluation. • (The survey) gives our school specific data on areas which are not easy to assess and comparisons with other schools. This is really useful in action planning. • It is a beneficial exercise and can help the school better their resources and knowledge of children's needs.
Useful to show OFSTED and make positive changes in school. • Feedback helps to improve the service • Very useful data • Provides good information for self-evaluation • Useful data for OFSTED which you cannot gather another way.  • When we had OFSTED a year ago we used the data effectively. • Good way of collecting additional data; easy to fill in for pupils; reports clear and self explanatory • Easy to partake in, good results and can be used effectively for students. • Because a school can use the information to deal with issues. • Gave us further information to support the children in need. Straight forward and simple to administer. It is beneficial to see where the children perceive problems that teaching staff are unaware of and to get an overall picture of children's health and well-being. • This survey gives a comprehensive and varied range of questions to collect pupil views. the quality of the report is excellent!
The survey helps to provide a taylored educational plan that meets the childrens needs at that time. • These surveys used over time provide invaluable data • It raises discussion and promotes knowledge of pupil views • Gives statistical information for impact of health and well being strategies. • Useful information which can be used to support pupils and their learning as well as teaching. Excellent presentation. Lots of support. • Feel that the work is valuable and informative. • Very useful information to use for school improvement and SEF, which would be hard to acquire ourselves. • The survey is easy to complete and the information is very enlightening and supports pupils future development.
Found it beneficial • Useful for highlighting areas of concern or areas for informing discussion or future teaching • Useful for identifying areas of concern / informing future discussions or planning • For highlighting concerns; for informing discussions with children and for informing planning • It is a very useful way of looking at opinions and behaviours in the school • Encourages reflection on many of issues covered in questions. • Data has been helpful in PSHCE planning • A useful survey providing measurable data. • The LA support was also extremely crucial in order to interpret the data. • It is a good way to identify areas of concern with regards to the wellbeing of every child. • This is useful feedback to tailor PSHE Lessons • Interesting results to compare vs other schools - some surprising responses to particular questions e.g. health.
The process is straight forward and the data recieved is useful. • The amount of information returned is trackable over time. You can see if school strategies are working.  • Very efficient. • Yes, great service. • It is very useful to collect data for children in Year 5 and Year 6. • Good information to inform planning and provision • Valuable insight into needs of class / school • Beneficial for the school to move forward in aspects that are relevant to their children, allowing the creation of a personlaised curriculum. • Gives a really clear understanding on how students perceive the world. • A great way to get a snapshot of pupils feelings in school. • A really quick and easy way to generate useful data that can be used to create a PSHE curriculum bespoke to your school.• Great information to encourage strengths and develop weaknesses.